Chapter 311: Worm Cake

Less than two months before the end of winter, the frequency of the mutant beasts attacking the four fronts has not changed, but the eighth-order mutant beast has never appeared again.
During this time, a new eighth-order mutant beast appeared on the side of the mutant beast, and a new emperor appeared on the mutant person's side.
Except for Su Chen, no one knows that the new emperor, Mutant, would actually be his No. 3 spy!
The King of Mirror has long been replaced by the No. 1 spy.
Although there are no emperors in mankind, the number of the seventh-order transcendents is more than twenty or more than last month. The number of transcendents below the sixth-tier level is also increasing significantly, and human strength is gradually increasing.
Humans have researched ways to breed mutant beasts. The simplest way is to take out the energy crystals in the mutant beasts after the new mutant beasts make a sound, which will make the mutant beasts lose their strength and become ordinary animals. The problem was solved in such a simple way.
Someone had proposed this idea before, but at that time, people did not dare to go out outside the base city, let alone raise mutant beasts, once known by mutant beasts, it is possible to directly fight humans.
However, human beings today are not afraid of mutant beasts, unless mutant beasts are willing to spend half of their strength to fight against humans.
It was impossible in the past, but now it is even more impossible to have a mutant.
Not only that, humans are preparing to reclaim wasteland outside and prepare to replant crops.
You should know that in this era, vegetables are not affordable for ordinary people. Some vegetables grown in the base city can only be used by extraordinary people with a certain degree of strength.
If you can really grow crops outside, then everyone can afford to eat vegetables in the future, and you do n’t need to eat any worm cake anymore.
Su Chen's brain moved, insect cake?
After knowing that there was an unawakened Zerg in Zhang Yan's mind last time, he asked Yunru and others to find a way out of this Zerg while looking for the source of the Zerg, but after a month, no shadow of the Zerg was found. It seems that only this Zerg exists.
The only people who can find this kind of Zerg are those with powerful spiritual powers. Yuri and Libra are sent out to find them. They stand in front of the base city every day and use their spiritual power to check the pedestrians.
Just when Su Chen thought he was worried, he thought of something, that is, the worm cake that is the staple food of human beings.
When humans cannot grow crops by themselves, and even the meat of mutant beasts is hard to eat, it is precisely relying on insect cakes that humans can sustain until now.
So the question is coming, what is the source of the worm cake?
Insect cake, as the name suggests, is a cake made by insects. When various animals in the world mutate, only the insects have not changed, which makes humans overjoyed.
You know, the nutrients contained in the insects are very rich, and they are completely enough to supplement all the substances that humans need, so insects are the best food for humans.
But just eating the bugs directly, it is difficult to talk about the danger without saying anything. Humans can only crush the bugs and add other things to make the cake.
The taste of worm cakes is well known in the world, but it can't be refused because of the nutrition.
Su Chen thought a little, since the Zerg appeared on the earth, will the worms be controlled by the Zerg?
There may be some Zergs hiding in the place where the insects are.
Every base city has a place where bugs are kept. No one dared to come close. After all, bugs are everywhere, and it makes you sick when you think about it.
Su Chen came directly to the city of Wangchang. This is the first base city he came in contact with. He knows this base city best. Nowadays, the controller of Wangchang City is a red police soldier. As the nearest base city to the main base, it must be completely controlled by Su Chen.
"Commander, the bug farm is in front."
The soldiers brought Su Chen to a corner of the base city, where it looked rather dark and was very suitable for the growth of insects.
Accompanied by those in control, no one dared to stop here.
Su Chen saw that the entire farm was surrounded by dense layers of electrified barbed wire. On the one hand, this barbed wire could prevent someone from sneaking in, and on the other hand, it was to prevent the bugs inside from sneaking out.
When Su Chen walked into the farm, he discovered that there are actually many layers. Among them, there are some non-aggressive, nutritious insects on the top, and some poisonous insects on the bottom.
Even now, poisonous insects are widely used. The venom produced can effectively kill mutant beasts, or they can be treated as poisonous medicinal herbs.
Su Chen glanced at the insects around him, and his spiritual power covered the whole audience.
After observing for a while, he did not find a Zerg. The way to find the Zerg is simple. As long as he finds a worm with strength, there is no doubt that it will definitely be a Zerg.
The bugs on earth have no strength.
"Next level."
After spending a lot of time, Su Chen suddenly raised his mouth, and he discovered the existence of a Zerg. This is a scorpion. It seems to have not realized that it was discovered, and still wanders around.
In the next moment, Su Chen's psychic power broke out, directly controlling the scorpion, and then the scorpion came to Su Chen's feet all the way.
"How many Zergs do you still have?"
Su Chen's eyes changed slightly, just one hundred, what does that mean?
"What is your purpose?"
"According to the order of the mother nest, we will wait for a critical time when a toxin erupts. This toxin cannot be broken down. Anyone who eats the insect body transformed by the Zerg will carry this toxin."
Su Chen was surprised, so to speak, as long as people who have eaten insect cakes, carry this toxin in their bodies?
Once the toxins are detonated by the Zerg, more than ninety-nine people will die.
Su Chen really did not expect that the Zerg mother nest is dead, and it has caused such great troubles to human beings. This kind of thing is definitely not made in a short time. It must have been premeditated.
"There are Zerg in the human brain, what's the situation?" Su Chen thought of Zhang Yan.
"That should be something that a Zerg does itself. The eggs it produces enter the human body and sleep in it. As long as the Zerg commands a command, the Zerg hatched by the egg will control the human in an instant."
Su Chen suddenly thought of a thing, Huzhuang City was once destroyed, so where did the Zerg staying in Huzhuang City go?
This problem is a bit serious. Once that Zerg escapes from human territory and enters the place where the mutant beast is located, will a new Zerg power rise?
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