Chapter 408: Yan Yunxing's food

The commanders all spoke, and naturally none of the Red Police soldiers dared to object, so their style of painting changed.
"Red police base, three meals a day, full control, will you come?"
"No matter how many people come, our red police base will be set. What, you have more than a thousand people? Brothers, pack and take away!"
"You know there are more than 10,000 people in a place? Don't say anything, and you can bring anyone in the future, regardless of whether he is a human or not!
Of course, those people who are willing to come here are all looking at the strong combat effectiveness of the Red Police. If they don't have the strength, they dare not go.
After all, no one knows how terrible the ghost family is.
If there are more people, there will naturally be other voices.
"Your Red Police Base is really that strong? You will not be in the same class with the Ghost Race, want to lie to us to die in the past?" A voice of dissonance sounded, and the people around were suddenly quiet.
The red police soldier looked over and talked about a wandering man, but his clothes were dirty and looked like a tramp.
"If you have an opinion on our red police base, you can choose not to come, our red police base will never force it." The soldier's expression was serious.
If Su Chen didn't know, the soldier directly let people catch people at the last place, he almost believed!
"Why have you never heard of you as a Red Police base? Why is there no name for your base on the Yan Yunxing Base Top 100 list?" The tramp relented.
You know, on this planet, the establishment of bases is very common, but there are not many powerful bases.
To this end, Yan Yunxing has established a list of top 100 bases. The bases that can be listed are all strong bases.
Many people in this list know that they suddenly looked at these red policemen with puzzled eyes.
"Since you don't believe me, then I can only choose ..." The red police soldier's face was serious: "Serve people with virtue."
Bump Bump!
A group of Red Police soldiers shot, directly threw all these people on the car, and took them away directly. This is the morality of the earth people.
The tramp is so stunned, why don't you follow the routine!
"Wait, I am ..." Just when the tramp wanted to say something, he was punched by the red police soldiers, and the rest was gone.
In just one day, they caught more than 50,000 people, getting closer and closer to the requirement of one million people.
"Commander, the red police soldiers have asked the people in those villages. Their daily food is a kind of food grown by themselves, which is similar to rice, but different." Yun Ru said.
"Oh, what's the difference?" Su Chen came with a trace of interest.
"Look at it." Yun Ru reached out and saw a piece of rice on her hand.
Why use a piece to describe it?
Very simple, such a large piece of rice is a grain of rice on Yan Yunxing.
"Lying trough, such a big rice?" Su Chen was stunned.
What kind of genetic changes did rice make before it became so big?
What kind of rice is enough for several people to eat?
"Yeah, the appearance is similar, but it is much larger, and the nutritional content is higher than the rice on the earth. It may be related to this planet." "The planet is big, so the product is also big?" Su Chen touched his chin.
"There is also meat. This makes me feel incredible. On this planet, meat is very scarce. Only rich people can afford it. Ordinary people can only eat rice."
"There are animals on this planet. It's just that the Yan Yunxing people have almost eaten the animals to extinction for so many years. Now the animals can only survive on breeding, and the fertility rate is very low.
Su Chen's mouth twitched, and compared with Yan Yunxing, the earth's people were simply weak.
What kind of animals on a planet have almost been eaten by you, are you going to heaven?
The first time I heard about this, it was really unbelievable, but thinking about the population of more than 500 billion people, coupled with Yan Yunxing ’s technology, it is not surprising to catch animals.
Three feet of freezing, not one day's cold, is the reason.
The almost extinction of the animals on Yan Yunxing was not caused in a day or two, but Yan Yunxing ’s endless hunting for so many years will only cause the current results.
It's just strange that the number of animals hasn't increased since the animals were raised.
It is important to know that before the end of the world, if the quantity was not specifically controlled, the number of chickens, ducks, geese and so on raised above humans is not a problem.
"Is there anything hidden in it?"
Su Chen didn't think about it. Anyway, if he had rice to eat, the soldiers would have the strength to kill the enemy.
The food source is fixed, so the rest is to continue to find Yan Yunxing natives and the stronghold of ghosts.
Up to now, the Red Police soldiers have not found a stronghold of ghosts. At most, when looking for Yan Yunxing people, they accidentally encountered ghosts and then killed them.
Among them, they captured some ghost captives, and let Yuri copy people to control them spiritually, and got some news.
Ghost races have always lived under Yan Yunxing's underground, but they are different from the moon people. They have no relationship with Yan Yunxing people. It is better to say that ghost races are the native race of Yan Yunxing. Now Yan Yunxing people are just outsiders.
Once a ghost race, a hospitable race, they live carefree on Yan Yunxing.
But one day, a warship discovered Yan Yunxing, and found that there were a lot of unexcavated mineral deposits, and suddenly thought.
Later, the arrival of the human army brought disasters to the ghost races. Under the powerful army of human beings at that time, the ghost races could not withstand a blow, and eventually they could only hide underground.
It seems that he feels that there is no threat from the ghost race, so humans gave up and continued to kill the ghost race, and began to occupy Yan Yunxing.
With the passage of time, fewer and fewer people knew about the existence of ghost races. The people born behind thought that they were Yan Yunxing's native human beings. They did not know that they were only descendants of the invaders.
Of course, this is the case in the universe, with a big fist, and it means truth.
When humans deal with non-human races, they never feel cruel. They all know that non-human races deal with humans.
In the universe, the battles of races are often so cruel.
But this left an aftermath. In Yan Yunxing underground, the surviving ghost races have regained their strength and number to hit the ground after many years of reproduction.
On that day, they rushed out of the ground and started a counterattack against humans.
Yan Yunxing's disaster began.
"So, we have become accomplices?" Su Chen smiled.
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