Chapter 427: The super weapon is blocked!

A hole about 50 kilometers away from the newly built city suddenly popped up.
That's right, it was the kind of cave that collapsed, and then a large number of ghost races appeared from the cave. Initial estimates are that there are at least millions of them!
After Su Chen found these ghosts on the map, his mouth twitched. Is this a good system?
The distance of 50 kilometers is not far away. As long as the ghosts send some soldiers to explore the surroundings, they will soon find the city here, which means that Su Chen needs to protect those ghosts from the hands of these ghosts within seven days. Yan Yunxing.
"Tan Yajuling, let the soldiers carry out the first wave of harassment in batches and at the same time start to build a defense system. I do n’t want to see a person killed by a ghost race, understand?"
"Yes, commander."
After they left, Su Chen stared closely at the big hole, how did this thing appear?
He knew that the ghost races had been living underground, but that was tens of kilometers deep underground. If the ghost races could open the way to the ground so easily, they would not hide underground for so long.
The most frustrating thing about Su Chen is that the place where the ghost race appears is around his base. Isn't this forcing him to do it?
"Would you like to send a super weapon to help you first?" Su Chen's mind popped into his mind, and he suddenly lingered.
As the so-called first move is strong, the ghost race does not know that there is a base on his side, so he will start first, at least to be able to kill more than half of the ghost race, and if he is lucky, he may be able to annihilate the other party.
"Don't let the soldiers go out first, I will give them a big gift first." Su Chen's mouth twitched.
According to Su Chen ’s idea, it ’s the most straightforward to send a nuclear bomb, or a thundercloud storm, but he thought of one thing. There are too few soldiers here. These are the best raw materials. Is n’t it better to directly become a wild orc?
Super weapon genetic mutant, ready to use!
At this moment, the ghost clan strongman who was far away from 50 kilometers suddenly had a feeling of palpitations, as if something dangerous was about to happen.
"Master Ghost Teacher, I have a bad feeling, as if we are about to be in danger." An eighth-order ghost clan said to an elderly ghost clan sitting in a chair.
This elderly ghost clan has a white beard and loose skin like tree bark. It is covered with gullies and has a pair of eyes that are half-open and somewhat listless.
"The eighth-order strong can have a sense of premonition about their danger. If your feelings are correct, we should be targeted." The elder ghost teacher said.
The eighth-order ghost clan's face changed: "Master Ghost Master, do you want them to spread out immediately, so concentrated together, will it be dealt with by human powerful weapons?"
As an eighth-order ghost family, he is very confident in his own strength. Even with large weapons, he can resist it, but his men are not.
It is not easy for them to come to the ground. Of course, they do not want to die as soon as they come out, which is not in line with their purpose.
Just as the eighth-order ghost clan was preparing to say something, a strong crisis emerged, and at the same time he found that a strange voice came from around him, sizzling ...
"Use my five-year life span in exchange for peak strength!"
Hearing this, the eighth-order ghost clan opened his eyes and said: "Master Ghost Master, your body can't bear it anymore and can't continue to consume life!"
"Oh, my old bone can still hold on. I can feel that this kind of power seems to have a certain change on our body and must be stopped." After that, I saw the old ghost teacher who was about to die, and suddenly spurted a bit of blood, and then a film invisible to the naked eye, centering on him, covered all the ghosts around him.
Zizi's voice still exists, and some ghosts cried out in pain, and many bumps appeared on his body, one after another, as if there was something to be drilled out of his body.
With a weird voice, the body of this ghost race has undergone tremendous changes and turned into ... Crazy Orcs!
There are more than one ghost race, and many ghost races are changing towards the wild orc. This is the point where the gene mutant is so powerful, ignoring the opponent's race, and forcibly becoming a wild orc.
The difference is that the wild orcs transformed into the ghost clan's body are more powerful.
In the end, the effect of the gene mutant is over, but not all ghost races have become wild orcs, and less than a quarter of them have truly become wild orcs!
"Huh, can actually block the power of the gene mutant?" Su Chen was a little surprised.
He thought that with such a move, almost all the ghost races there would become wild orcs, and he was miscalculated.
The source is the old ghost teacher. A ghost teacher can use such a powerful force, I can't believe it.
"Can the power of the gene mutant be offset?" Su Chen asked the system.
"As long as it is power, there is naturally a corresponding method, and the power of the gene mutant does not appear out of thin air. If it encounters the same type of power, it can be canceled out as well." The system explained.
Su Chen nodded, but he had several super weapons in his hand, the genetic mutant failed, and he had other, but before that, the wild orcs had to make good use of it, and it would be a waste to just throw it there.
"By the way, the wild orcs seem to be able to explode and can be used as disposable weapons."
These wild orcs were all turned into by genetic mutants. Speaking of their true strength, they were still inferior to the wild orcs produced by the base itself. Su Chen didn't care.
As long as you can minimize the ghost clan soldiers, even the desperation of all wild orcs is worth it.
Under the command of Su Chen, all the wild orcs exploded in a flash, killing many ghost races that had not yet recovered from the surroundings, and the army of ghost races was suddenly in chaos.
"What's the situation, what are those things?" The eighth-order ghost clan appeared and shouted loudly.
"Wang, those guys were made by our companions, but they seem to have lost their memories and shot at us." A Guizuhui reported.
He glanced around and found that there were still a lot of these big guys. Every second in the field, ghost races died.
The eighth-order ghost clan looked somber: "Kill me kill them all!"
As the king of these ghost races, he knew very well that if he didn't try his best to kill, there would be more ghost races dead.
When the orc shot, Su Chen was thinking about which super weapon to use next, but at this time, the system sound suddenly sounded: "Tell the master that the first ring mission can only use the super weapon once. If you use the first The second time, the task will be judged to fail. "
Su Chen: "???
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