Chapter 471: Reverse

Seeing so many strong human beings appear, this time it was the turn of the ghost race to start acting.
I saw that the eighth-order ghost clan changed their faces one by one, just like the dead father and mother, grieved and miserable.
As the leader, the three Ninth-order ghost clan seemed calm, but there was confusion in their eyes, which were all seen by the marshal.
I have to say that as long as it is a wise life, it is a natural actor.
The acting of human beings deceived the ghost race, and the acting of the ghost race also deceived human beings, so a big show!
Su Chen, as a bystander, made his own comment: "Well, the ghosts are still not doing enough. If they can show off their acting skills more deeply, the picture effect should be better. Look at the expression of the eighth-order ghosts. Was shocked, he pinched himself. "
Along with the place where Su Chen pointed, the three girls looked at it. Sure enough, the eighth-order ghost clan placed one hand on their buttocks and pinched hard, and the look became very grim, looking a little shocked.
"Poof! This is also acting? Is the ghost family trying to laugh at me, so that I can inherit my research materials?" Yun Ru laughed, and the expression of that ghost family was so funny.
Ju Ling and Tan Ya also showed a smile on their faces. The ghost family was really funny. The spy satellite specially enlarged the picture. After giving a close-up, the degree of teasing rose linearly.
Had it not been for the eyes of the strong human beings on the three ninth-order ghost races, it is estimated that the behavior of this ghost race had already been exposed.
After the Grand Marshal shouted, there was a brief silence at the scene. As a ninth-rank peak powerhouse, his power suddenly suppressed all ghost races.
The three tier nine ghosts were shocked in their hearts. They were the first tier nine powerhouses facing human beings for the first time. They didn't expect to be so powerful. Just a loud roar made them lose at least 10% of their fighting power.
It doesn't seem to be much, but this is based on the combat strength of the ninth rank. It is estimated that 10% of the combat strength can deal with the early powers of the eighth rank.
"Which of you is the leader?" The Marshal said, his voice with a touch of magnetism.
A ninth-order ghost clan stood up, with a trace of anger and confusion in his eyes. It seemed that he did not expect that humans would actually surround them in reverse. I have to say that this ninth-order ghost clan's acting skills are very good. Xiaojinren is not far away.
"I am the first-class ghost king McCaw, they are all brought by me."
"So, did you raise this trap this time? Why don't you have a ghost teacher?" Marshal can't believe that just such a ghost family that looks like five big and three thick guys can come up with such a strategy. Without the participation of the ghost master, he absolutely doesn't believe it. .
After fighting with Guizu for such a long time, humans also have a lot of understanding about Guizu.
They all know that the ghost king is not necessarily the best brain, but it is definitely the most powerful, and the ghost division is different. Each ghost division's brain is very good, and it is a proper military division in humans. .
Such a strategy, how can it be said that without the participation of the ghost teacher.
"This plan was developed by me and the ghost masters in my tribe. I originally wanted to get rid of some of your strong men. I didn't expect you to have an insight into our plan. This time it was McCaw!" The eyes are full of unwillingness.
In this scene, he seems to think that there is no hope of victory. The Field Marshal estimates that he will choose to break through next, with the unique seed of the ghost race.
I saw the marshal waved his hand, and a layer of translucent film appeared in the air, covering the area. Seeing this scene of a strong human heart, Master Marshal actually took out his realm, which is very rare.
Yan Yunxing's fighting method is different from that of the earth. They don't seem to be accustomed to releasing the field and use it, but directly use the power of the field to attach to themselves, relying on other ways to fight.
Once the field is released, it means that this is a battle of life and death!
Su Chen also learned from other sources that the field looks very solid, but once it is broken, it will cause great damage to the people who release the field. Generally, no one will release the field at the beginning of the battle.
The emperor on earth simply does not understand, what is the use, but this also makes the earth emperor's use of the field is quite high, and the degree of integration is also more than Yan Yunxing's eighth-order strong, which can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.
Seeing that the marshal released the field, one of the three ninth-order ghost races was awkward. The other party actually wanted to kill them, hoping that Master Ghost Master could catch up.
In order not to let the strong human beings discover, Master Ghost Master takes more ghost clan strongmen, the distance is a little farther, and it takes one minute to come here!
It seems that one minute is very short, but in this case, it is very rare to hold on for one second. After all, they have a powerful enemy in front of them, a top-level strongman of the ninth order!
The strengths of the three ninth-order ghost races are two mid-terms and one late period.
After the eighth level, each level of division represents a horizontal ditch, even more so for the ninth level, the peak of the ninth level completely explodes them.
They have no confidence and can sustain the opponent's offensive for too long. The only thing they hope is that Master Ghost Master can hurry up.
"Master Marshal, this is the star core."
This is when Zheng Ye stood up and handed over the star core he got to the Marshal. The Marshal took a deep breath and took over the star core. For the first time, his ever-changing poker face showed a smile for the first time: "This It ’s a real star core, great, you ’ll follow me in the future. "
Zheng Ye was overjoyed, he knew what this sentence meant was that the Marshal would cover him in the future!
How does it feel to be a gangster at the top of the ninth order?
Zheng Ye felt that his whole person was floating, which made a profit.
Although it is regrettable that the star core is not available, how many people dream of being able to have a big guy with his own outfit to force himself to fly?
Others were envious, but they didn't get the star core, and the big brother had no reason to cover himself.
"Kill them."
With the command of the marshal, everyone tried their best, and none of them kept their hands. As long as they kill these strong ghosts, the overall strength of the ghosts will drop by at least 30%. This is not a joke.
With 30% less strength, humans have more ways to cope with the attack of the ghost race. When the Marshal Master breaks through to the small galaxy-level strongman, what is the ghost race!
Just as the strong human being pressed the ghost strong, suddenly a sound of glass shattered, and along with the spitting blood of the Marshal, a sharp voice reached all the ears of the strong human being: "Think Have you ever asked me if you want to kill me?
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