Chapter 477: Cruel city

It has been almost a month since Yan Yunxing landed. During this time, the ghost race seems to have slowed down the pace of attacking human beings, giving many urban people a chance to breathe.
Almost hundreds of Su Chen ’s red police bases have been established. Due to the large size of Yan Yunxing, the distance between the established bases is relatively long. If there is no transmission function, this distance alone will hurt people.
At this time, Su Chen was standing in a base on his edge, looking far away.
Not long ago, the soldiers at this base reported upward that they found a city or a large city, which is good news for Su Chen.
So far, he has nine cities under his control. Only one can make the second-line main task. In order to find the tenth city, he spent a lot of time.
I don't know if it's the relationship that the ghost race is too fierce. It is really difficult to find a city on Yan Yunxing at this time.
"The commander is just a city, there is no need to let the commander personally command." Ju Ling persuaded.
This time Su Chen didn't know the reason. Suddenly he was interested in a siege battle, but still justified the siege without reason, which made Ju Ling and Tan Ya unable to figure it out.
Su Chen did not tell them the situation in this city.
With the spiritual power, he felt the desperate atmosphere everywhere in the city for the first time, and the whole city was a huge cage!
The most likely guess is that this city collapsed from top to bottom under the enormous pressure of the ghost race.
It sounds incredible, but in the end times, everything is possible.
Even on the earth, there have been similar examples.
It was the second year of the end of the earth and belonged to the darkest era of mankind. In a relatively backward country, they were careful to mutate people and mutant beasts all day long, and lived this life day after day. Under the guidance of a caring person, people in a city have become lunatics.
They do nothing evil in the city, almost human beings can imagine the cruelest things, they all did it!
When the human emperor finally got a foothold, when he came to that city, he saw what he could not describe in words ... hell!
Because this incident was too shocking and vulgar, the human emperor ordered it to be sealed and not to be circulated to the outside world. Once someone dared to speak out, it would be dealt with as a betrayal of humanity!
That is, after Su Chen became the emperor of the Red Police Empire, he had the right to view all the data of humanity for so many years.
He knows some of the past sealed up clearly.
In the materials that Su Chen saw, there were some pictures and videos. When I remembered it, Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.
"Commander, what's wrong?" Tan Ya asked strangely.
"Nothing, this siege, I'm in charge, you just need to stand by and shout 666." Su Chen waved his hand, quite commanding.
The Red Police forces are under pressure. The city in front seems to have no response at all, and no person is visible on the city wall. The whole city looks unusually silent.
Since the situation of the city was not visible on the map, Su Chen simply let his men prepare to bombard the city gate.
A large number of tanks roared and flew out shells. The target was the city gate. The huge gate was trembling under the fire of the tank, and it was about to fall, but ...
After a while, the gate did not fall apart, except for some damage!
"What's the situation?" Su Chen was a little strange. A city gate blocked the volley of the tank, which was incredible.
His tank is no longer a normal tank, it is powerful, even if it blows up the city wall is not surprising.
Ju Ling's eyes were very clear. Those shells did indeed fall on the city gate, but on the surface of the city gate, a layer of energy hood appeared, which offset most of the damage.
"Commander, this city seems not easy." Ju Ling reminded.
They have attacked multiple cities, and none of them will install this thing on the city gate. After all, this is a device that consumes spars very much. Just to resist the fire of the tank just now, it is estimated that the spars consumed are all distressing.
Su Chen nodded and continued to let the red police soldiers press up.
The orc and the red police soldiers formed a square formation, and rushed straight up. Facing the tall city wall, the orc were not afraid. They grasped the surface of the wall tightly with both hands, and climbed up slowly, and the red police soldiers It was hung on the wild orc and made a ride.
The fighters are flying back and forth in the sky. This time they are not the main force of the battle. They are mainly responsible for seeing the branches in the city.
But when they came to the city, the picture they saw changed their faces.
Starting from behind the city gate, there were dried blood stains all over the way, and there were bones scattered everywhere, filled with terror.
"The commander, the pilot reported that there was no one in sight at the moment, but only the dead bones and the residual limbs." Ju Ling said indifferently.
Su Chen nodded, as he thought, in his telepathic power, although there are many living people in the city, there is no difference between their inner heart and death.
This is called the man is alive, and the heart is dead.
Soon, the wild orc came to the wall, and like inside, there were many residual limbs and blood stains, which looked very scary.
But this scene is not worth mentioning to the orcs and the red police soldiers.
Their division of labor is clear. The wild orcs are responsible for occupying the upper surface of the city wall, the red police soldiers are responsible for patrolling the surroundings, and the sniper is occupying the commanding heights, ready to shoot.
The city gate was opened, and Su Chen directly bombed a row of tanks, no matter how powerful the city gate could not resist.
At the moment when the city gate was destroyed, someone opened his eyes somewhere in the city.
"An outsider came in."
As soon as the words fell, countless pairs of and brutal eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness, and they made a beast-like roar: "Eat, I want to eat!"
The city is very big, it is difficult to search all of them here in a short time.
At this time Su Chen thought of something, that is, scanning analog imaging technology, but this is the reward he got from the world of Red Alert 5.
However, when using this technology, there is a prerequisite. If you have a field of vision, you can use it directly. Without a field of vision, there must be a large number of blue light points within the map range, that is, the soldiers under Su Chen.
The conditions are a bit troublesome, but the effect is quite good.
"Alice, ready to use scanning simulation imaging technology."
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