Chapter 493: Ghost King Information

If this is replaced by me, I will definitely kick the marshal down and be my boss!
This is the voice of some strong human beings!
It is a pity that they can only think about it. The peak of the ninth order is estimated to be difficult to achieve in their lifetime. The threshold for the ninth order is too high.
Wang Chun pondered for a while, and said, "Marshal, this massive attack by the ghost race may not be as simple as it seems."
"Oh, how to say?" Marshal asked with interest.
Wang Chun waved his hand, and a virtual image of Yan Yunxing appeared in front of their eyes. He waved his hand again, and he saw the division of the territories between humans and ghost races. The human race is white, and the ghost race is black.
Among them, black occupies the majority, and many of them are still surrounded by black. The situation is very bad.
"Marshal, look, now we only have so much land left by human beings. With the strength of the ghost race, we can completely defeat us in one fell swoop, but why the ghost race did not do so during this time." Wang Chun said.
The Marshal frowned. He did think about this problem. To be honest, humans have been difficult to support. If the ghosts are ruthless, all the fighting power is directly pressed. Humans are only dead, and it is impossible to support it now.
"The staff team made some guesses, it may be the internal disagreement of the ghost family, or the ghost family has any special hidden circumstances, which caused them not to take this step."
Wang Chun chuckled softly: "Marshal Marshal's staff is very powerful. The ghost family is indeed not an iron plate, but in the face of human problems, they are all consistent with the outside world. In fact, the ghost family has not done so for only one reason. ... "
"What is it?" Someone asked.
"Ghost Emperor!"
Hearing these two words, the strong humans took a breath of air. You have to know that the ghost emperor has always said that it is a small galaxy-level strongman. Once such a strongman appears, humanity is really over.
Only the ghost emperor never appeared, which gave them a glimmer of hope.
"Does the Chief Guard know any news?" Only the Marshal heard what Wang Chun said.
After all, the news about the ghost emperor, they all came from some rumored news, the specific authenticity needs to be verified.
The other strong humans are all bright, and no one cares when facing the news of the ghost emperor.
"I know a little, but these news are not free." Wang Chun said lightly.
When this remark came out, some people were unhappy: "Chief of the Guards, you are now the second in command of the Human Alliance, and you have to provide some intelligence to get paid, do you think it is appropriate?"
The Field Marshal suddenly lost his face. He remembered what the Chief of Security had told him before. He was already a man named Red Police Base, not a lonely man. This time he was willing to join the Human Alliance, mainly on his face.
Of course, these are all Wang Chun's remarks. Marshal did not believe it at first, but now, he reacted and Wang Chun didn't seem to lie to him.
Wang Chun didn't speak, but just gave him a light glance, and just one glance made him sweat, as if he was going to die.
If Wang Chun had not closed his eyes, it was estimated that this person might be scared at the spot.
The ninth-order strongman is so horrible!
"This is important information about the ghost emperor. With your current intelligence system, even if you spend too much time not getting it, for the sake of being a human alliance, I just charge some costs. Is it too much? ? Or, who of you would like to publish all your information for free? "
Wang Chun's words blocked everyone's mouth.
As high-ranking human beings, of course, they all have their own intelligence systems, and every intelligence provided can receive some rewards. There is no such thing as free compensation.
Seeing that no one was speaking, the Marshal coughed a little: "Senior Guard, we will judge the level based on your information, and finally give you a certain reward according to the system of the Human Alliance, how about this?"
Wang Chun nodded. He was originally prepared to share the information, but only what he should have, he was not a philanthropist.
"This attack, I guess it is probably for the ghost emperor. His ghost pattern is damaged and requires a lot of human blood to recover. War is the best way to obtain human blood."
Hearing this, the strong man blinked.
"Ghost lines are injured and need human blood to recover? Why have I never heard of this?" A strong human questioned.
"Yeah, I have never heard of this kind of information, and the ghost lines of ghost races can still be injured?" Another human strongman is also puzzled.
The Field Marshal did not directly deny that he seemed to have thought of something, saying: "I once fought with a ghost clan strongman, and it took me a long time to recover. When I saw him for the second time, I found that his strength was indeed Has it dropped a lot, is this a ghost pattern damaged? "
"It seems that the Marshal has already encountered it, and yes, once the ghost lines of the ghost family are damaged, it is difficult to recover. Only human blood can restore the ghost pattern, but the process is very slow. Generally speaking, the ordinary ghost family does not Opportunity ghost lines are damaged, and those who can be damaged are often powerful ghost families. "
"What's the matter with the ghost emperor, we have never heard of the ghost emperor being injured?"
"Is this second information?" Wang Chun looked at the marshal.
After the Marshal nodded, he continued to say: "Only a handful of ghosts are aware of the ghost emperor's injury. I was also surprised to learn that he once had a war with a ghost family because of different ideas. The final result was Almost all of them died. After that battle, the Emperor Ghost also found that his ghost pattern was damaged. During this time, he has been using human blood to recover. "
These words are of course false, and the Emperor Ghost is injured, but he is not hurt by ghost lines, but his body!
Wang Chun is very confident in his original strength. He almost died himself. How can the ghost emperor be better?
If he didn't inadvertently get a quick recovery method, it is estimated that the current situation is similar to the ghost emperor.
Regarding the information of the Ghost Emperor, they deeply shocked the high level of humankind. They were very fortunate. Fortunately, there were discords within the Ghost Race, otherwise humans might not be able to support it now.
"The two intelligences of the bodyguard are very important. We finally knew the purpose of the Ghost Race's massive attack. Since this is ..." The Marshal's body was shocked, and a powerful momentum exploded. His voice was like Lei Zhen: "This time we Just accompany a ghost family to a big one! "
"Master Marshal, what do you mean?"
"You seem to have forgotten, we Yan Yunxing also has a weapon to destroy the city." The Marshal showed a bright smile.
Hearing the marshal's words, the strong human body shook again and again. After a long battle, they almost made them forget that they still have a strong hole card.
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