Chapter 526: I do not know how?

Su Chen discovered a problem long ago. Among his men, there are too few scientific research talents.
Scientists look good, but as ordinary arms, they are still a little bit, and they have always been able to assist Yun Ru's research. The entire research burden has always been on Yun Ru's body.
Libra is good, but the focus of this girl is still on the technical aspects of the mind, and the other aspects are average.
The other super-arms are similar. Previously, Su Chen asked each of them to enter the combat laboratory to conduct various studies. As a result, nothing was researched, and he still had to rely on Yun Ru.
No matter how powerful Yunru is, she has only one person. Su Chen has been thinking about it. To find a deputy for Yunru, the Taru in front of him suddenly entered Su Chen's sight.
But he knew that after the people of Qiluo civilization disappeared, Talu and his partner have been studying the technology of Qiluo civilization. Finally, he successfully transferred his consciousness to the iron ball to avoid his death because of life. This skill is not for everyone.
A person who can study the technology of Qiluo civilization by himself, even if he is a ghost family, Su Chen immediately included him in Yunru's deputy ranks.
Otherwise, Su Chen would not say this, and only special talents who are valuable to him would be worth the waste of his words.
"I still need to think about it." Taru's words were not clearly rejected.
"Yes, but I hope it won't be too long." Su Chen agreed.
If the system wants to control a person, it must have a prerequisite, that is, the person can be controlled by Su Chen's mind. In this way, the system can ensure that the other party's loyalty value is always at full value.
If Taru didn't give up the soul shield, Su Chen couldn't control him mentally, and let an uncontrollable ghost race in his base, that wouldn't work.
Taru's things need to take place slowly, anyway, he has entered the Red Police base, and there is no possibility to leave here anymore, Su Chen is very relieved.
At this moment, Su Chen received news from Wang Chun.
"Commander, not long ago, Marshal Zhaowei and his men finally found the polar ice of the kingdom's strongest weapon, and they successfully launched a polar ice, destroying a large stronghold of the ghost family, This is the video from there. "
Soon, a video reached Su Chen. He opened it and saw that it was a large base of ghost races. There were a large number of ghost races below.
At first these ghost races were doing nothing, but not long afterwards, a white beam of light from the sky suddenly covered the entire large base of ghost races.
In a flash of time, all ghost races have become ice sculptures, and there has become a world of ice and snow!
Under the power of this weapon, even the eighth and ninth order ghost clan can't escape, they are all frozen in place and turned into ice sculptures.
A powerful large base of ghost clan, so suffocated, it is estimated that the senior leaders of the ghost clan will vomit blood if they know this news.
Su Chen touched his chin: "The polar ice is more powerful than I thought. Can it create an absolute zero degree in an instant? This kind of power is worse than my mind controller."
At present, Su Chen's most powerful super weapon is undoubtedly the mind controller. This thing can stand out, or it is a powerful version relying on mind technology.
With the support of mind technology, the mind shock wave created by the mind controller can instantaneously kill all the strongmen below the small galaxy level. As to whether it can deal with the small galaxy level strongmen, Su Chen has not yet tried it.
With the polar ice, humans also have a super weapon that threatens the ghost race. In this way, the ghost race is estimated to be as arrogant as before.
This is a good thing for Su Chen. The eyes of the ghost race will be attracted by the human alliance, and he only needs to secretly develop his own strength.
Now the base has too few manpower, Su Chen needs to build more than 100 million Red Police soldiers in the shortest time!
There is no way to develop such a large amount on the earth, but Yan Yunxing is not a problem at all. There are many untapped mineral deposits, and there are black energy crystals in the ghost family. Everything has energy points, not to mention red alarm Arms kill enemies and get energy points.
If you do n’t need to pay a lot of energy points every day to build various arms and weapons, Su Chen ’s energy point storage should be many.
Looking at his eight-point energy point, Su Chen sighed: "Energy point is not enough."
It seems to be frightened by the power of the polar ice, the ghost race is very quiet this time, did nothing.
In half a month, the blink of an eye passed.
During this time, the Human Alliance relied on the deterrent power of the polar ice to recover a lot of land in a short time, and let humanity see hope at once, feeling that only the Human Alliance can lead them back to their previous lives.
Many city-level strongmen said they would join the Human Alliance, but the conditions for joining the human alliance are higher than before. The city-level strongmen want to join, as long as there is a condition to personally kill an eighth-order ghost clan. Join the Human Alliance!
The red police base has more and more sub-bases all over the ground of Yan Yunxing. Many of the bases originally belonging to Yan Yunxing's local area have been found, but these bases are either subject to the red police base, or they are crushed Powder, no third result.
Taru had long promised to be Su Chen's men and removed his soul shield, so he was honored to be Su Chen's real men who would never betray, of course he would not realize it himself.
Taru followed behind Yun Ru and learned more knowledge. At the same time, some of the suggestions he occasionally made were adopted by Yun Ru. Even Yun Ru said that this deputy was quite good.
Talu has been studying the technology of Qiluo civilization. Yun Ru simply gave all the Qiluo civilization technologies that Su Chen got to Taru to study by himself. He has no physical restrictions, and he has no physical limitations. No need to rest, the whole person is excited.
It was just this day that he suddenly found Su Chen and asked such a question: "Commander, just now I heard the elder sister say, there seems to be a behind the ghost race, how can I not know?"
Su Chen was stunned, and he looked at Talu with a stranger tone: "Did the devil in the mouth of the ghost family mean you?"
Su Chen has always believed that the gods in the mouth of the ghost family, except for this ancestor of the ghost family, but seeing the look of Taru, he felt that he might be thinking something wrong.
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