Chapter 575: Blaster

When the tripartite alliance deliberately revealed the matter of reconciliation, all human beings boiled.
"There is absolutely no peace. We clearly have an advantage. Why do we need peace? Damn ghost family, let them die ten thousand times is not enough!"
"My parents, as well as my children, all died in the hands of ghost races, and I and them never died!"
"Prince Hewlett-Packard, we are all your supporters. It is absolutely impossible to agree on such things. Ghost races and human beings are dead enemies. Once they are let go, they will be a disaster."
Few people agreed to reconcile. When they were at a disadvantage in the past, they might be willing. Now that the situation is completely reversed, who is still silly to negotiate.
The fierce opposition was completely beyond the expectations of the Marshals and others. They thought that at most only some people would oppose it. Unexpectedly, most people were against it.
"If you go on like this, reconciliation is impossible. If you forcibly reconcile, then we will become human traitors." The Marshal was expressionless. These two days about the reconciliation really made him have a headache.
"Marshal, reconciliation is an important step in whether we can completely eliminate the ghost race. If the marshal can bear the weight and wait until the truth is revealed, the marshal will leave a strong stroke in Yan Yunxing's history." .
The Field Marshal is very clear that of the three people present, only he is the most suitable to do this.
Hewlett-Packard Prince, who is about to become a king, certainly cannot bear the infamy. This is very detrimental to his superior. As long as he has not become a king, accidents in the middle are possible.
The representative of the Red Police Empire is also not good. Apart from this identity, he has not been known to any human beings. That is to say, even if he stands up, no one will believe his words.
The only person with this prestige is the Marshal himself!
"Are you sure you can wipe out the ghost race completely by deliberation and time?" Marshal still did not believe it.
The representative of the Red Police Empire smiled slightly and said with a voice: "Does the Marshal forget the polar ice?"
The Marshal's eyes narrowed, and he thought of something. Behind the Red Police Empire, it seemed that it was the Red Police Base, and the chief of guards who robbed him of the polar ice was also the person at the Red Police Base!
If it was n’t for the wrong occasion, the Marshal really wanted to shoot this Red Police empire representative. The things that robbed me are still in front of me. Are you a person?
"Even if it is polar ice, there is no way to kill all ghost races." The Marshal is very sure of this.
"So dozens or even hundreds of polar ice lights?"
"Impossible, you have already eaten the polar ice technology?" The Marshal stared.
It took only a long time since the head of the bodyguard took away the polar ice light. It was actually the technology of the polar ice light that had been fully absorbed. It was a technology that could not be resolved by all the scientists of the former kingdom.
The representative of the Red Police Empire laughed and said nothing, but it was exactly this, in the view of the Marshal, he guessed.
At this time, the Marshal seriously thought about the operability of this matter. He first took the pressure and advocated peace. After they completely wiped out the ghost race, people will find that he was bearing humiliation at that time. In this way, his glory The image is almost universally known.
No matter who becomes the king, his achievements can not be erased. In the future, he will become one person and ten thousand people! Thinking about it carefully, the biggest question of this plan is whether the Red Police Empire can really create a lot of polar ice, if it does, as long as a barrage wash the floor, then Many ghost races are going to die.
The Marshal did not directly agree, but said the sentence: "I want to see the second polar ice light you built, or I will not agree to this plan."
The representative did not have any accidents. The Marshal is obviously a master who does not see the rabbit and does not spread the eagle. It is difficult to rely on some words to convince him.
"Then you can see the marshal, we built our own weapons based on the polar ice, but I can guarantee that the power of the weapon will never be worse than the polar ice." The representative waved his hand, a translucent The interface appeared above the three of them, and I saw a large stronghold of a ghost race shown above.
The marshal's eyes changed. Since the appearance of the ghost clan, the communication of the entire Yan Yunxing has been almost paralyzed. They simply cannot sit here and see the ghost clan situation thousands of miles away. Does the Red Police Empire have such a powerful communication technology?
Or is it that the Red Alert Empire has found a way to counter the suppression of communications?
The Marshal did not ask, but looked at the representative's next performance.
"About a few seconds later, the Marshal and the Prince will see a brand new weapon, our empire is named ... Proton Impact Gun."
As soon as the voice fell, the two saw a thick beam of light falling from the sky, and fell heavily in the large stronghold of the ghost race. Even if they could not hear the sound, they could feel that the ghost race would definitely be finished.
The super weapon from Red Police 3 debuted in front of Yan Yunxing's eyes for the first time and destroyed a large ghost clan stronghold on the spot. None of the ghost clan inside escaped.
"Well ... what a terrible weapon!" Prince Hewlett looked at the picture blankly.
"The power is indeed similar to that of the polar ice. Does your empire actually have such a talent?" The marshal had a complicated look.
"I wonder if the marshal can agree now?"
"Okay, I agreed."
The marshal in excitement did not notice the ridicule that flashed in the eyes of the representative.
Sure enough, after the news that the Marshal stated that he advocated reconciliation spread, the entire human race almost exploded, and countless gossip was concentrated on the Marshal, even his men could not understand, Marshal is crazy?
The Marshal has no explanation. He knows that the more humiliation he is suffering now, the deeper the guilt of the people will be, and this will be a good thing for him.
"According to the original plan, it may take half a month to a month to produce a large number of weapons similar to polar ice, and I need to bear it for a while."
But the Marshal did not know that during this time he was hiding at home, the Prince Hewlett-Packard and the Red Police Empire did not sit still. They secretly sent some people to fan the flames and set the incident to a new height.
This time, not only human beings know this, but the ghost races also know this, and even they have heard that the weapons of a large stronghold of their ghost races were extinguished a few days ago, it was the Marshal!
Yan Yunxing's biggest back-boiler was born!
In the case that the Marshal did not know anything, all the bite-by-bit pots were thrown on his head. If the pots could become entities, it was estimated that the Field Marshal could be crushed by these pots.
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