Chapter 6: Bald Strong

Su Chen found that no matter where he went, he was the most conspicuous person.
There is no way. People in the entire base city have relatively dirty clothes. Only ten of them are wearing clean clothes, even if they are not conspicuous.
Su Chen simply asked someone directly, "Where is the most powerful person here?"
The person stopped by him seems to be a gangster. There are many people like him in the gathering place. They are more ruthless to the old, weaker women and children, but when they meet someone stronger than them, they are grandchildren.
"Uncle, you are asking the right person. There are three big brothers in our gathering place. They are the three managers here. I don't know which one you want to find. Uncle." The nobility nodded, looking very humble.
Su Chen was about to speak, and heard an excited shout not far away: "Boss, we have robbed some money this time, these old things are really disobedient, and you can't fight them."
I saw the three punks who walked proudly towards this side, and not far behind them, Su Chen saw two old men falling in the pool of blood.
The head of the who was stopped by Su Chen didn't care, and also shouted: "The three of you hurried over to me to see this uncle."
The three little only noticed Su Chen and others. They had the most informed information. They knew what had just happened at the gate of the gathering place and immediately came obediently.
"Have seen the uncle," the three little shouted.
Su Chen didn't speak, and it was a little embarrassing to let the three little spend a while, but they didn't dare to say a word. Compared with them, Su Chen was a big man. Where did they dare to complain?
After a while, Su Chen only spoke quietly: "Do you usually do these things?"
Hippie's hippie said with a smile: "Uncle, this is our job, there is no way to support the family, and the old guys don't know when they will die and leave us with useful money. This is not a waste."
"Well, it makes sense."
The head of the gangster was happy, and when he was about to say something, Su Chen suddenly grabbed his neck and lifted it upright.
Su Chen's strength is linked to the strongest combat power he has, that is to say, he has Su Yi, a second-order peak strength, then Su Chen's strength is the second-order peak!
This is the power as a commander!
Su Chen's eyes were cold. Just now a soldier checked the situation and found that the two old men were dead, and a strong anger broke out in his heart.
He never thinks that human life is like grass and mustard, he thinks life is priceless, but for these few people in front of them, their lives are not as good as grass and mustard!
"Let ... let go ..." The head of the was struggling ceaselessly, and the three little were suddenly at a loss, not knowing what to do.
Su Chen didn't give them the opportunity to choose, Su immediately started, and saw a flash of silver light, three little clutching their throats, fell to the ground, and blood blasted from their throats, forming A fountain.
The head of the looked at Su Chen with why eyes, Su Chen said lightly: "In my eyes, the lives of the four of you are not as good as those of the two old men."
After he finished speaking, he cut off the neck of the directly, and he never looked back.
This was Su Chen's first murder by hand, but the killing was a fool of Kusaka's life. His heart was very calm, and he didn't feel much.
The people around saw the four bullies who had been bullying them so dead, and they were very happy. An uncle said to Su Chen: "Young people, they are under the bald head of one of the three managers in the gathering place. If you kill them, the bald head will definitely not let you go. "
Su Chen's eyes twitched, his bald head strong? Is Xiong Da Xiong Er also here?
"It's okay, thank you uncle, where does bald head live, I am going to find him."
The uncle was stunned. For the first time, he saw someone like Su Chen. The average person didn't know the name of bald head. Did he slip away quickly? Why did this person take the initiative to find the door?
In the end, the uncle still told Su Chen the address of the bald head, and repeatedly told him to be careful.
The gathering place is so big, what happened here quickly spread to the ears of the bald head.
"Boss, this can't be the case. Xiao Bao followed me for so long, and didn't expect to die in our gathering place. This is simply provoking the boss's majesty!" A man in his thirties, Shouted with a sad expression.
In front of this man, a bald man sitting on the boss's chair didn't speak, he was bald and strong.
Bald strong, whose real name is Chen Qiang, because a bald plus his own identity as a second-order extraordinary, is known as bald strong, he likes this title.
The bald head took out a cigarette and smoked it beautifully. In this gathering place, there were not many people who smoked. After all, thirty years have passed since the end of the world. Most of the tobacco produced is sufficient for the people in the base city, and very few have been circulated.
The brother next to him looked at this scene with envious eyes, and kept sucking the smell of smoke in the air with his nose. They could only taste the smoke in this way.
If this was seen by Su Chen, he would definitely look at them with a pair of eyes looking at sand sculptures. Are they still so happy to smoke second-hand smoke?
After a while, the bald head spoke up, his voice was a little sharp, and it sounded very uncomfortable: "Xiaobao is my person, the person who killed me in my face, if I do n’t speak, others still I thought my bald head was bullying. "
As soon as these words came out, the young man who spoke just now rejoiced: "Boss, what should I do?"
"Wait for you, take A Biao, ambush them on their way, and give me the least cost to kill those people. I want people to know that it will cause me to go bald!"
The young man's eyes were fierce. He knew that A Biao was the boss's number one hitter. He was a first-order pinnacle. It is said that it would not take long to become a second-order transcendent. This time he definitely won.
They certainly knew that Su Chen's men had a second-order pinnacle, but the second-order pinnacle was not invincible. As long as they had good weapons, they could kill the second-order pinnacle's extraordinary people, not to mention they were still in ambush.
To this end, Baldhead took out a secret weapon and gave it to the youth.
Su Chen's big fanfare went to the place where the bald head was strong, and they immediately attracted the attention of the whole gathering place. They were very concerned that the bald head and the head snake could suppress Su Chen and Jianglong!
Upon hearing this news, Leng Yuwei's complexion changed greatly, and no one knew better than her how shameful her bald head was. He would lay an ambush on the road. Su Chen was in danger!
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