Chapter 618: Fight aliens!

Rice remembers very clearly that before Su Chen left Earth, the strongest strength under his hand was only the eighth-rank peak. Even if it now becomes the ninth rank, in the face of a small galaxy's ninth-ranked strongman, it is simply a lot of money.
In this way, it is only a matter of time before the wing clan controls the earth.
Su Chen glanced at Rice. He did not say what he did in Yan Yunxing. If he knew that he had control of the two planets in just a few months, he would not believe it.
Small galaxy ninth order, he hasn't fought yet. You are not a small galaxy ninth order, nor has he been defeated by his super weapons.
Of course it was on other planets, Su Chen could not care, but if so many super weapons are used on the earth, the continental plates might move.
Today's super weapons are not as weak as they were at the beginning. Each attacking super weapon can kill a small galaxy-level strongman. If it blasts on the ground, it is definitely not a problem to open a big hole for the mainland.
In this way, Su Chen will discard super weapons, and this time Su Chen can only use the red police soldiers and weapons under his control.
"By the way, this is not a fight by myself. Since it is fighting aliens, of course everyone has to go together."
Thinking of this, Su Chen's mouth twitched, and Ju Ling directly issued an announcement in his name.
"Alien invasion, heroes, pick up your weapons and start protecting the earth!"
Cough, that's not the case, but it probably means the same.
When this announcement came out, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and then they were all crazy.
"Lying trough, aliens again? Why have aliens been running towards Earth these years?"
"Hey, this time I must find an alien to be my wife!"
"Where are the brothers, so powerful, the women of the earth can no longer satisfy you?"
"I know this stuff, but he is a famous lover of foreigners in the circle, and his home is full of non-human books. What, what do you say about the book, come and let us borrow a step."
A large number of posts appeared on the forum, all of which were discussing this matter. Not only that, the official website of the Empire also listed some information about the enemy, as well as the rewards for killing the enemy.
"Look, this time, the alien is called Wing Clan. It looks like an angel ... what, angel? Don't say it, I'll sign up to join the army!"
Seeing the word angel, countless people moved with the wind. After all, angels are quite famous words before the end of the world. Men are beautiful and women are beautiful. The white wings behind them are perfect and flawless. They are the dreams of many men.
They did not expect that the aliens appearing this time were actually angels, and suddenly many single men were crazy.
"Commander, less than a minute after the announcement was issued, 200,000 people have signed up and the number is still increasing rapidly." Tan Ya is reporting to Su Chen.
Su Chen nodded, he had long known that this would happen, after all, the appearance of the wing clan was so similar to the angels imagined by the earth.
He was looking at the picture in front of him, and a large number of Wings were coming out of the beam of light, communicating with Du Jing.
"How far is the vanguard from there?" Su Chen asked casually.
"The vanguard troops are mainly air forces. They are the fastest and less than fifty kilometers away. They are expected to arrive in five minutes. The ground troops are more than two hundred kilometers away, and it will take half an hour to arrive."
"Then look at the strength of these wing tribes first."
At this time, a large number of wing tribes appeared in the column of light. A wing tribe headed came directly to Du Jing's eyes and looked down at her: "Soldier, quote your number."
"I lost a part of my memory and forgot my number." Du Jing looked calmly at the wing tribe in front of him.
The wing clan didn't seem to think that this would happen. She said in amazement: "This time you make a contribution, the clan owner will give you a reward, and you can return to the mother star."
As long as you return to your home planet, any problem can be solved, and what you lose is nothing.
To the surprise of the wing chief, the soldier actually said: "I ask to stay on earth temporarily to witness the adult kill all humans and control it."
"It turns out that this is a planet owned by mankind, very good, I can promise this request."
After speaking, the wing chiefs flew in the air, waiting for more men to reach the planet.
However, it didn't take long for her to hear a lot of howling sounds in the distance, and a fighter jet flew from a distance, and it was fierce.
"Oh, human science and technology weapons." The wing clan leader sneered and waved a thousand wing clan to fly past, quickly resolved these small things.
Wing leader once fought humans, whether on the surface of the planet or in the cosmic sky, some of these weapons impressed him, but this weapon that can only fly on the surface of the planet, she still does not pay attention to it.
Because her strength is the ninth order of the small galaxy!
The vanguard was made up of fighter jets. Nowadays, the technology of the Red Police Base has been greatly developed, and the types of fighter jets have expanded to more than a dozen. It is no longer necessary to have single digits like before.
To test the attack, Su Chen did not directly take out his strongest aerial weapon, Tianren Mecha.
The two sides started fighting directly. The speed of the fighters was very fast, and the speed of the wing tribes was also not slow.
The battle lasted for ten minutes, the wing chief frowned, and the little things had not been dealt with. The recent soldiers were really getting worse.
"Go down!"
Suddenly, the leader of the wing clan shouted, the wings behind him waved, and the invisible storm swept away.
Wings seem to be naturally able to move freely in storms, but fighters are not. They originally used airflow to fly in the air. Once the airflow is unstable, it is difficult to maintain flight.
The fighters that lost their mobility became targets, and they were easily detonated, but do n’t worry, there are no Red Police soldiers inside, all controlled by Alice.
"Uncle, the enemy's data is partly obtained. The weakest of the winged forces that are dispatched are all in the fifth order of the planet. The most powerful are the eighth order of the planet. I haven't seen the appearance of the ninth order of the planet."
"What about the wing clan that looks like the boss?" Su Chen pointed to the wing clan talking to Du Jing.
"There is no data to analyze."
"It's needless to say, it must be the ninth order of the small galaxy, I bet fifty cents!" Rice cried.
Rice's words are getting more and more grounded. Su Chen glanced at Su. What did you show him?
Su Yi blinked, very innocent.
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