Chapter 638: Unstoppable!

Su Chen let his men pass the message to Rice for the first time. When Rice got the message, he grinned.
If it is a battle of the same level, the Protoss has not been afraid of anyone.
"Next, it's time for me to perform."
The figure of Rice suddenly appeared over the wing clan ambassador. The opportunity he seized was very ingenious, just when the wings of the wing clan ambassador were cut and lost.
Rice's scythe tears the body of the Wing Tribe's envoy without any hindrance, but still cuts directly from the waist. This serious injury will take some time even if the Wing Clan wants to heal itself.
Not to mention that Rice only attacked people who would leave once?
Scythe appeared numerous phantoms in the air, countless times on the body of the wing clan ambassador, he actually wanted to completely wipe out the wing clan ambassador.
"Wing clan deity is so dead?" Su Chen couldn't believe it, but this was a powerful enemy that even the system issued such missions. It was so simple that he died.
However, he thought about it, but he used the most powerful hole card, all the temporary super weapons were destroyed, and the weakness of the wing clan obtained from the heart demon clan, even the death Les was sent. This kind of luxury lineup is estimated that most people do not have it.
But soon, Su Chen noticed that the light spot representing the wing clan's envoy did not disappear!
"Rice, be careful!"
As soon as the warning sound reached Rice's ears, he felt his body hit by something, directly embedded in the ground, and there were injuries of varying degrees all over his body.
If it wasn't just that moment, he instinctively protected himself, maybe his body was just finished, leaving only consciousness.
Rice finally raised her head, and suddenly saw an intact Wing God Envoy.
"Impossible! I'm already ..."
As a grim reaper, Rice definitely didn't think he was mistaken. The feeling of killing the Wing God Envoy just now was exactly the same as the feeling of the Wing Race he had killed.
That is how the matter?
Lavis looked indifferently, looking down on Rice: "The Protoss is so stupid, do you think it was my real body that I just killed?"
When Rice's pupils shrank, he thought of a possibility that only a few envoys in the wing tribe could use an ability, Lightwing Doppelgänger!
This ability can instantly create an avatar that is exactly the same as the body. The strength is only a small level lower. Once in battle, it caused great trouble to the Protoss.
If it were not for the wing clan ambassadors with this ability, there were only a few, it is estimated that the clan had been defeated long ago.
Because this ability is very rare, he did not expect it for a while, such a young god, would actually have this ability.
Thinking of this, there was a wry smile in Rice's mouth.
He was seriously injured, and the enemy did not lose any strength except for one wing. The situation was very bad.
Just as Lavis' body slowly fell, ready to completely resolve Rice, a roar sounded: "Fire!"
Countless rays of light illuminate the sky, shining this area brighter than during the day. Fortunately, Rice's field still exists, blocking these rays, otherwise Lavis' strength will be restored instantly.
Endless attacks fell on Lavis. These are the most powerful attacks that have assembled all the red police bases. The scope of the attack is very large. Even the mainland plates have moved a lot.
At this moment, violent shaking appeared on the earth.
A huge mushroom cloud, which is more than ten times larger than a nuclear bomb, appeared in the eyes of many humans.
They can't imagine what kind of explosion can produce such a terrible mushroom cloud. What weapon is this?
"Huh, this attack, even if it is a wing clan envoy ..."
Not waiting for Yunru to say something fortunate, her expression stiffened at once, because she saw it, and the figure of the wing Envoy Lavis appeared in the air. In places, black patches appeared on the wings behind.
However, he is still alive!
"Is he a monster? Even the big galaxy might not be able to bear this kind of attack, Alice even blasted out the main guns and sub-guns of all warships on earth!" A trace appeared on Yun Ru's face. As a result of her misery, her body fell into a state of weakness due to the full release of energy and collapsed to the ground.
It ’s not just her. All the red police soldiers around are the same. Even if their eyes are angry, it wo n’t help.
The enemy's strength is too strong, and the strength of the red police base is still not an opponent.
"Why is this so, according to my calculations, this attack has at least a 30% chance of killing him?" Yun Ru murmured, and suddenly she seemed to think of something, and her face was annoyed: "How can I forget By the way, in a bright environment, his strength will recover. I calculated it according to his strength after 30% drop. At the moment when all the attacks were detonated just now, his strength should be restored, hateful! "
Yun Ru hated for the first time that he was not a combat-oriented super-arms and did not have enough power to protect the commander.
Without them, how could the commander block the attack of the wing clan envoy?
Ever since, the biggest crisis at the Red Police Base has appeared!
"Commander, we are not afraid of death, but you must be alive, and only if you are alive, there is hope. Before leaving the base, we have ordered all the over-the-air units. After we failed, we will send your construction plant to the moon. . "
"Each planet is allowed to have only one set of super weapons. The super weapons on the earth have lost the number of uses, but the super weapons on the moon can still be used. Commander, please use the space-time transmitter to go to Yan Yunxing and destroy the earth ’s moon All bases must never let Wings know your location! "
"Commander, please stay alive and wait to have enough strength to avenge us, please!"
The last sentence is the common voice of all super-arms.
Su Chen gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. For the first time, he felt that he was so weak. Even if there was a red police base, he couldn't help but an enemy!
Is the enemy too strong?
Do not!
He is too weak!
If he had a super weapon capable of destroying a large galaxy-level powerhouse at once, if he had a constellation-level powerhouse, would he still worry about the enemies in front of him?
Even in the past, even at the last moment, Su Chen did not shake anything because he had a hole card.
But now, he lacks the hole card, the wing clan envoy will soon come to the main base, and no weapon can stop him.
Even so, the number of Red Police soldiers in the world is constantly being transferred to this main base, and the number is constantly increasing.
Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million and even hundreds of millions!
So many Red Police soldiers think very simply, even if they die, they will die in front of the commander!
Protecting the commander is the mission of every red police force, engraved in the DNA!
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