Chapter 690: I still need milk when playing a group!

The rich, almost visible murderousness directly hit everyone.
Even a body as strong as a bald head is torn apart by these murderous defenses, leaving a series of wounds on his body, and others are even more embarrassed.
The gap in strength is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. As a fourth-order powerhouse of a large galaxy, the old man's murderous power can almost kill ordinary small galaxy-level powerhouses, even the super arms are somewhat difficult to support.
This time the enemy is the strongest one they have encountered, even the last evil is a little bit worse!
Ju Ling frowned. Her ability was to hide her sense of existence, but it was not in a state where she could not be attacked. Her body was also wounded by these murderous wounds.
Just when Ju Ling thought about whether to attack now, a green barrier shrouded all of them. A green light spot appeared from the void, covering the place where they were injured, and there was a warmth from there. It came, and then Ju Ling was surprised to find that he was murdered
The wound made is actually recovering quickly!
Originally, due to their self-healing ability, this small wound should heal quickly, but the old man's murderous power does not know what power it brings, so that their self-healing power is almost invalid.
Ju Ling looked over and saw that the green around Phin brothers and sisters was the most dense, and these green light spots were what they made.
"This is a field of treatment type?" Ju Ling guessed.
There was a trace of surprise in Rice's eyes: "Even in the Protoss, the field of treatment types is very rare, no matter what power this kind of talent is, it is a treasure."
Rice has more insight than anyone else. He knows that once this ability is developed to the end, it is almost the same if it is not revived.
As long as the person has a breath, the healing ability can completely restore him, which is the horror of the healing ability!
In contrast, the combat effectiveness of this type of person is relatively low, which is also something that cannot be done.
Rice certainly didn't know that the fighting power of the brothers and sisters of Fein, even at the same level, had few rivals.
As super soldiers at the Red Police Base, they are not as weak as they seem.
Others are lamenting that this time, thanks to the treatment field of the brothers and sisters of Fein, otherwise they face the murderousness of the old man, there is really no way to deal with it, they can only resist.
The old man's eyes were fixed on the siblings of Fein. He didn't expect that there would actually be a person in the field of treatment. This kind of person is very rare, even if he has only met once or twice.
"Kill them and my students will die without regret."
The old man stared at the brother and sister Feyn all of a sudden. The value of the others was far worse than that of the brothers and sisters.
The murderousness condensed into a spear beside him, and the tip of the gun locked the brother and sister Fein. In a blink of an eye, the spear disappeared.
"not good!"
The bald head was so shocked that he wanted to protect the siblings of Fein, but his ability had just been broken and he could not continue to use it for a short time.
As for other people, they do not have the defensive ability to be so convenient with a bald head.
Seeing the spear appear, pointing directly at the chest of Fein's brother and sister, they actually wanted to penetrate them!
At this moment, a silver-white film covered the brother and sister's body, and the spear was about to hit him, hitting the silver-white film heavily.
The blood-red rifle stopped in front of Fein. The tip of the gun and the silver-white film on his body kept rubbing, and he still couldn't break through this thin film.
The old man glared: "Why did the murderous condensed spear not kill him, what was that thing on him?"
He has never seen a substance that can resist his murderous spear, this is the first time!
Fein glanced at it and knew that it was a super weapon of the base, absolutely defensive!
After many upgrades, the current absolute defense can not only affect the surroundings of the base, it can be used on any red police unit when necessary.
It was with absolute defense that the murderous spear did not penetrate Finn's body.
At this time, Ju Ling was finally ready for her big move.
A bullet seemed to penetrate the space, fleeting, and appeared in the old man's eyebrows.
When the old man's eyes changed, he didn't notice how the bullet appeared. In his eyes, Ju Ling was not a person.
The old man used his defensive ability again, but this time he was miscalculated. The bullet only took less than half a second to penetrate the cover around him and continue to fly towards his eyebrows.
The bullet directly hit his eyebrow, but what Ju Ling did not expect was that the bullet was blocked, and the old man's skin had a layer of defense!
"Fortunately, the old man always likes to hide his hands, otherwise it is really dangerous." The old man sneered, and he spit out a few words: "Kill, die, destroy!"
Three big characters hang in the air, turning this area into an infernal at once!
The sky suddenly darkened, and endless horror energy was brewing around. The space in this area seemed to be locked, and they could not escape.
Around the killing characters, the murderous turbulence turned the area into a scarlet world.
Near the dead word, the dark breath surged and was similar to Rice's breath.
There is no energy beside the word extinction, it seems to become a vacuum zone, but as long as people with eyesight can see clearly, word extinction is the most terrifying one.
"Is this the strength of the big galaxy-level powerhouse?" Natasha murmured.
"Regardless of the big galaxy level, as long as it is an enemy, all blow up and call the MiG fighter!" Boris and the replica directly raised their right hands, the MiG fighter appeared, and directly bombed the old man.
The old man didn't even look at the MiG fighter. The three big characters in the air shook, and the invisible fluctuations covered the past, actually destroying the MiG fighter!
The MiG fighter was destroyed, Boris and the replica were repulsed, and they spit out blood.
Soon, green light spots entered their bodies to help them recover.
"Huh, I really want to have a milk in the group, and now I have no worries!"
Les sneered, his figure suddenly disappeared into the darkness, almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the old man, the sickle in his hand mercilessly cut to the old man's neck.
The old man was shocked, he didn't notice anything, Rice's attack was too concealed, so concealed that he didn't find it.
If it wasn't for the defense on his skin's surface to appear automatically, it would be impossible for him to be aware that he was dead.
This was Rice's full offensive. The old man's skin defense was still a little bit. On the spot, Rice cut a large piece of meat, and the whole person was almost finished.
"Huh, I ran away, but my breath of death will always follow you, your soul, I'm going to make up!" Les made a weird laugh.
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