Chapter 727: Despicable humans!

Spy Report No. 1 ended, and it was the turn of Spy No. 2.
"Commander, after entering the human peacekeeping operation group, I gradually showed some abilities and talents, and got the attention of an intermediate mentor. Now I have become a member of the human peacekeeping operation group. Not long ago, I locked another intermediate level. Mentor, prepare to find a time to kill him and replace him. The senior mentor is at least a big galaxy-level strongman. I am not an opponent yet. "
"Strike firmly, don't be reckless."
"In my current capacity, most of the information I get is irrelevant, but a few days ago, I accidentally heard a conversation between an intermediate tutor and another senior tutor. They seemed to mention ... the Milky Way."
Su Chen's eyes lit up, to be honest he was very interested in the Milky Way, after all, this is the source of the name of the Milky Way.
The Milky Way that traverses a large galaxy, and looking at the human star field, there is only one such kind, which is very spectacular.
"What happened to the Milky Way?"
"It seems to say that the Rota Emperor Star, which was covered by the Milky Way, has not completely disappeared. It is still in resistance, and it is still sending messages to the outside to ask for support."
Su Chen almost did not laugh out loud when he heard it.
This Rota empire was really bad for eight lifetimes, and a good emperor star was directly flooded by the galaxy.
It is estimated that the big galaxy-level strongman on the emperor star barely resisted the offensive of the galaxy. This has survived until now, and it is replaced by other planets. It will be gone in minutes.
"What is the situation over there now?"
"I'm sorry, Commander. Their conversation was blocked later. I didn't hear it. When I become an intermediate tutor, I should be qualified to know."
Su Chen didn't force it. The second spy has done a very good job. Not only these two spies, but other spies are working hard, but their effect is not as good as these two spies.
Both spies came back with very important news, but the Emperor Star of the Rota Empire was too far away from here. At the current advancement speed, it may take more than six months to expand the Empire territory to the position of the Emperor Star.
"Go and see the evil now, hope it hasn't disappeared yet."
When Su Chen appeared at the nearest base around the Evil God, he saw the Evil God's body from afar, but his body was somewhat illusory, and the distance was not far away.
"Yo, not yet dead?"
Su Chen smiled and said hello to the evil god. Around the evil god, there was a whole fleet of guards guarding it to prevent any accidental damage to the evil spirits caused by the overtime air force regiment.
The confused God opened his eyes and looked at Su Chen.
With the illusion of his figure, his strength is also declining, and the ability to look directly is almost invalid.
"Despicable human beings, without this weird weapon, it would be easy for me to kill you!" The devious God shouted.
It's just his temptation ability that didn't make Su Chen's eyes appear a little turbulent.
"In fact, you have been defeated by this weapon, haven't you?"
Evil God has nothing to say, he can feel that his avatar is not far away. Once this avatar dies, his body will suffer huge damage.
"Human, tell your purpose." Evil God is not stupid, he knows that Su Chen can't find him without incident.
Snapped! Su Chen snapped his fingers and saw that the first-order energy crystals of a small galaxy appeared in front of the evil god, and he absorbed them in a blink of an eye, delaying some of his disappearance. .
"I like refreshing people. Well, Evil God can do it too. I came here just to know one thing, your relationship between Evil God and Shadow Palace."
"Are you actually in contact with the Shadow Palace?" Evil God was slightly surprised, but he still couldn't see any expression on his face. "Even if I said that the Shadow Palace had nothing to do with us, I guess you wouldn't believe it. I am not very specific. It ’s clear, but there are also members of my Evil God family in the Shadow Palace. "
Evil God did not want this avatar to disappear. He knew that the only thing he could attract to this human being was the relevant information, and he revealed some.
"Can you contact the evil in that shadow palace?" Su Chen seemed interested.
"Yes, but not in my current state." Evil God's meaning is obvious, he needs those soldiers to put down their weapons.
Su Chen sneered in his heart, if he believed what the evil said, it would be hell.
It is worthy of the evil spirit with the ability to seduce. Every sentence is filled with pits. Even if Su Chen was let him free, he said so around.
"It seems that you are unwilling to cooperate." Su Chen made a very regretful look and was ready to leave here.
Evil God panicked. This month, he was waiting for Su Chen to appear all the time. He knew that only this human being had the power to let these soldiers put down their weapons.
For this month, it was almost a torment for him. He knew that he could not continue for another month. This was the only opportunity!
The Evil God family is not so stable. If some Evil God knows that his body strength is greatly reduced, then his body will be in danger!
The universe has never been so peaceful on the surface.
"I can, but I want to live!" Evil God shouted.
Su Chen's mouth slightly raised, turned his head, expressionless: "How can I believe what you said?"
Evil God's eyes were fixed on Su Chen: "We Evil God has a special ability to make a temporary contract with other cosmic races. If the content of the contract is violated, it will be punished and die directly!"
Su Chen did not speak, but secretly asked Alice if the evil spirit really had this ability.
Today's Alice knowledge base has been greatly enriched, and many cosmic race data are known, including some information about Evil God. Unfortunately, there is too little information about Evil God, most of them are still stars. which provided.
"According to the data left by Xingluohou, the Evil Gods family seems to have this ability, but there are any drawbacks to this ability, and it is temporarily impossible to know."
This is enough, he is a systematic man, full of confidence!
According to what has happened in the past, if some existence poses a direct threat to him, then the system will intervene. At least Su Chen has not seen at present, what existence can make the system embarrassing.
Even the affairs of the Dream Club, the system knows their future movements in an instant, which is simply unimaginable.
"Then come."
Su Chen's so indifferent look, but let the evil spirits be suspicious and misleading. Is there anything wrong with this human being?
Impossible, but this is a unique talent of their Evil God family, which is generally the means they use to envelope believers. This human being should be impossible to know.
Since it is their own talent, it is normal to use a little trick.
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