Chapter 795: Wonderful Emperor Rota (Chapter 3)

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The day after returning to the 13th spy ascended the throne, he saw Zhenyuan.
In order to verify whether Zhenyuan only executed 100% of the orders of the Emperor of the Rota Empire, he has done many experiments, such as letting Zhenyuan assassinate one of his subordinates.
This subordinate was someone who had followed him for decades, but with the order of the No. 13 spy, this subordinate died silently.
No one has ever found the murderer, and no one will think that the murderer is the general of Zhenyuan!
Not only this experiment, the 13th spy also let him commit suicide!
In the face of this order, Zhenyuan did not hesitate, took out his spear and pierced his heart, and later prepared to pierce his head. Humans lost these two places and their bodies could never survive.
Fortunately, the 13th spy stopped it in time, and he used the repairing warehouse to recover his injury.
He also knew from Zhenyuan’s mouth why he obeyed his orders so much. It turned out that when the first emperor of the Rota empire, their ancestors were implanted in the genetic level, and the message that they were always loyal to the emperor of the Rota empire, this The information is combined with their own genes.
If it is the beginning, there is still hope that they can be separated, but after so many years, their genes have long merged with the information and become part of their bodies, and they can no longer be separated.
They are destined to be just a group of machines that obey the emperor of the Rota Empire, even if they are all human in all respects.
They have everything about human beings, body, consciousness and even soul. They also have joys and sorrows, but before any order from Emperor Rota, they cannot refuse, only execute!
The most interesting thing is that they obeyed His Majesty's order sitting on the throne of the Rota Empire. It has nothing to do with any blood relationship. That is to say, no matter who he is, as long as he becomes the Emperor of the Rota Empire, he can order Zhenyuan, of course. It is in a formal way.
Knowing this, the No. 13 spy asked him such a question: "If I let you kill the Marshal Empire personally and join me in the Red Police Empire, would you?"
"All follow your majesty's orders."
It is with these experiments that the No. 13 spy will be certain that he will do whatever he orders Zhenyuan to do.
So he gave Zhenyuan an order. If he was with the marshal in the future and the marshal was seriously injured, he could start killing the marshal, provided that his life was saved.
The 13th spy is already thinking about the future. He wants to send Zhenyuan to the commander and turn Zhenyuan into his own person.
Such a powerful person, still such an obedient person, died in vain, it was really a violent disaster.
It can be said that the marshal is not wronged. He has long been targeted by the No. 13 spy. It will take a lot of time for his undead Rota Empire to be leveled.
After Zhenyuan succeeded, he returned to the palace as quickly as possible and reported the situation to the No. 13 spy.
"Commander, Marshal Rota is dead, dead in Zhenyuan's hands."
"I know."
Su Chen did not find it strange, he knew this matter long ago, it was the 13th spy told him.
To be honest, when Chen No. 13 told him that Zhenyuan actually obeyed his orders, Su Chen was also surprised. I didn’t know what the first emperor of the Rota Empire thought. It would be convenient to leave such a backhand. Got him.
If the first emperor of the Rota empire knew about this situation, he would jump out of the coffin.
Originally leaving this behind was to protect the empire, but unexpectedly became the culprit to promote the accelerated destruction of the empire. Marshal’s death, except for a few of them, no one knows. Century Novel.2000xs.
However, Su Chen gave orders to let them publicize the fact that the marshal died on the battlefield, which had a great impact on the front line of the Rota empire.
After all, Marshal is the pillar of the empire. If the Marshal is dead, how long they can support, I really don't know.
Some generals tried hard to save the situation, saying that the marshal was only performing a task, but no one listened to him.
The empire has reached this time, what other tasks can the marshal perform?
Some soldiers hoped that the marshal could come forward to cheer them up again. The problem is that the generals could not find the marshal. How did they come forward?
The defense line of the Rota empire was crumbling. At this time, there was terrible news from Rota Star, and the body of the Marshal was found!
"It's the Shadow Palace, it must be that the Shadow Palace assassinated the Marshal!" The 13th spy pretended to scream in anger and threw all the pots on the Shadow Palace's head.
However, some members of the Shadow Palace really believed that they thought it must be the first-grade adult shot, otherwise who could kill Marshal Rota.
Losing the deterrence of the Marshal, coupled with the crazy attack of the Red Police Empire, in the end a month later, the front lines of the Rota Empire were all lost, and Rota Star was near!
"Your Majesty, the front is lost, let's leave here quickly!" A group of ministers knelt down on the ground and asked the 13th spy to leave.
The emperor does not leave, they dare not to leave, General Zhenyuan is still here, they have at least a hope.
As long as they followed General Zhenyuan, they might still be able to survive.
No minister thinks that the Red Police Empire will let them go, and that every empire's superior will clean up all these old ministers.
The ministers panicked, and the 13th spy on the throne was still smiling.
"All Aiqing think, where can we escape?"
In a word, everyone is speechless, the entire galaxy is controlled by the Red Police Empire, and no matter where they go, they will definitely be found.
"Your Majesty, we can go to the Barren Star Territory, or even... the Milky Way!" said a minister's teeth.
The barren star field, this is a star field that has not yet been fully explored in the Milky Way, but this kind of place is generally on the edge of the Milky Way, where there are even few life planets, and the original planet is also the same. gambling!
As for the Milky Way, they stayed in the Milky Way for a while, and they knew the danger inside the Milky Way.
Once ordinary people are exposed to the galaxy water, the body will naturally evolve, but the success rate of evolution is very low. Ten million people may not have an example of evolutionary success.
The most dangerous thing is that it is easy to get lost in the galaxy.
Rota Star was lost in it and spent a lot of time before rushing out.
But even if you are disoriented, as long as you can survive, nothing else.
A group of ministers looked pitifully at His Majesty. They had lost the power of choice, and only His Majesty had the final say!
Spy No. 13 chuckled and said something that changed their face.
"Why haven't you considered surrendering to the Red Alert Empire?"
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