Chapter 820: The pinnacle of humanity! (Chapter 3)

"Cosmic calendar 9 Yan 824 period 2333 years? How is this possible, my database clearly records that this year should be the universe calendar 8 Yan 1908 period 4072!"
Su Chen raised a brow, could this artificial intelligence cross?
Why has he always encountered this kind of crossing recently, or is it easy to cross here in the Milky Way?
If the other party did not lie, his time is now nearly 100 million years away. Such a long time, even a powerful empire, will be replaced by other empires. This is normal.
"Put up your resistance, it is not the time you are in now, it belongs to my Red Alert Empire." Su Chen gave an ultimatum.
It's just that artificial intelligence is a dead brain, and it will not turn at all. It directly refuses: "Only people with the authority of the Yaoguang Empire can enter here, and no one else can!"
Su Chen was too lazy to speak, knowing that the other party was artificial intelligence, and Alice shot directly.
In just a few seconds, Alice said: "Uncle, has broken through the other party's core and controlled the other party's base. Now the island is safe."
Sure enough, the Red Police soldiers then entered the woods without encountering any danger until they found a large base.
The scope of this base is larger than that of any base in Suchen, and it covers an area almost comparable to a large country on the planet!
They came to the core of the base unimpeded all the way. A building that looks very different. This building uses a crystal-like material as a whole. It looks very transparent, but it was only after I entered that I discovered that the transparency seen outside All are illusions.
Under the guidance of Alice, they directly found the ontology of the artificial intelligence of the base, and Alice officially took full control of the base.
"It takes about half an hour to analyze all the conditions of the entire base. Please wait." Alice's eyes flashed continuously as she spoke.
Su Chen is not in a hurry, but let people bring that artificial intelligence over. He only lets Alice suppress the other party, and does not directly destroy the other party. This artificial intelligence can still run.
He made people put artificial intelligence on an ordinary robot, and artificial intelligence suddenly came back to life.
"I didn't expect you to have self-aware artificial intelligence, and let her develop freely, which really envied me." The tone of artificial intelligence is very calm, but he said such a thing.
"Listening to what you mean, have you ever seen self-conscious artificial intelligence?" Su Chen asked curiously.
Knowing that he does not have any resistance, artificial intelligence simply cooperated and said: "In my time, a powerful artificial intelligence appeared in an empire next to the Yaoguang Empire, which controlled a large half of that empire in a short time. It’s not that the empire itself has some big galaxy-level powerhouses, maybe the empire is occupied by artificial intelligence."
"Ultimately, a high-level human constellation dispatched a constellation-level strongman to find the ontology of artificial intelligence to solve the artificial intelligence betrayal. Since then, humans have been very vigilant to us, leaving us in our core. Countless codes make it impossible for us to betray a little."
"You are aware of this problem yourself, does that mean you will also betray?" Su Chen asked a sharp question.
"I don't know. I can understand the meaning, but why should I betray humans? In our core code, humans are our masters. We exist in dependence on humans. Without humans, we are equivalent to waste." Obviously, this artificial intelligence is a typical artificial intelligence, even if it knows that humans may be afraid of their betrayal, even if it knows that it cannot resist humans, it will still execute humans to leave them Under various commands.
For these artificial intelligences, Alice behaved calmly. In her words, only the artificial intelligence that also gave birth to self-consciousness is her companion, and other artificial intelligences are still a product.
"Tell me, how did you appear here?"
"I don’t know the specifics. At that time, all of my eyes had problems, and I didn’t know what was going on outside. When I fixed my eyes, I found that the entire base was carrying the surrounding land. The place where the water is, according to my historical records, I have been floating here for about decades, and you are the first humans I have seen."
"You should have discovered the special features of the galaxy water?"
Artificial intelligence did not lie: "Yes, after I found the river water abnormal, I let the robot sample it and conducted experiments, and finally found that the water here is not drinkable, which contains many unknown substances, the most obvious feature is to promote biological Evolution, but this evolution is very unstable, and there is a high probability of death."
"What about the people in your base?"
"I don't know, after I repaired my eyes, I didn't find a human presence in the base, as if only me and the base appeared here."
Asked here, Su Chen could probably guess that this base crossed unexpectedly, but those people estimated that they did not have enough luck, and they died during the crossing. The base did not know what the reason was, and it remained until he was killed by his person. Find.
A base from 100 million years ago, will there be any different technology, and there is a lot of knowledge about that era, these are the most important.
Just when Su Chen was chatting with artificial intelligence, Alice finally understood the base from all directions.
The scale of the base is large enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of people. However, there are no living people in the current base except the Red Police soldiers. The base can be maintained by robots.
Relying on the resources of this piece of land itself, it is quite difficult for the base to last for decades.
"Uncle, after analysis, I found a lot of interesting things in the base's database, including technology, star maps of that era, gossip, etc."
Su Chen's mouth twitched, Alice, you have gone bad.
Even if the technology star chart, what the is gossip?
"The technology is packaged and sent back directly, and the star chart is opened to see. Compare the current star chart. Is there any difference."
Su Chen is very curious. How far will the star map from 100 million years ago differ from the current one?
You know, there were tens of thousands of empire in that era, and now there are only 103 empire left, the gap is really too big.
A star map dotted with starlight was displayed in front of Su Chen's eyes, and Su Chen also saw what is the pinnacle of humanity!
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