Chapter 824: Martial arts technology ratio (second more)

The site of Dabi is vast, covering an area equivalent to a base city on earth!
Such a large place was actually used only as a Dabi site, which shows that the Storm Empire attaches great importance to Dabi.
The score is divided into dozens of venues, as the emperor generally only participates in the final championship, and rarely appears in the rematch.
When the emperor's airship appeared in the air, the following all boiled. Those participants were even more excited and flushed. If they can perform well in the game, they may be taken by your majesty and go straight to the sky!
This kind of thing has happened before. In a game, a person's combat effectiveness is not strong, but his stealth ability is unmatched. Although he still lost in the end, he was fancy by his majesty and directly recruited as one of his men Now it is said that it has become the head of a department, which has envyed countless people.
Standing in the airship, I saw the Emperor Storm wave his hand, and the surrounding airships suddenly disappeared, and they appeared in the air!
Feng Pitt looked at Yun Ru and other people's expressions without changing his face. He was a little surprised in his heart. When he first saw this technology, he was quite shocked.
But when he thinks that the other party is the chief scientist of the Red Alert Empire, maybe this kind of technology also has the other party, so he is not surprised.
"Chief Yun, this is developed by our storm empire, holographic analog imaging technology, I don't know what you think?" Storm empire asked.
Yun Ru said lightly: "The level of this technology is not so high, it is practical in many occasions, but this technology has a fatal flaw, that is, once the image monitoring of the surrounding environment is lost, the so-called hologram Simulated imaging is nothing but an illusion."
"It's really worthy of Yun's chief, actually seeing the flaws of this technology at a glance." Emperor Storm praised, which also means that Yun Ru is true.
This technology looks very powerful. In fact, all the surrounding environment is scanned into data through some cameras around the airship, and then the analog imaging is placed in the airship. Once the camera monitoring is lost, the picture will be motionless and become an illusion.
It stands to reason that this technology is not a very advanced technology, why the Storm Empire will show it specifically, which makes Yun Ru a little puzzled.
But when she saw some so-called technology competitions, she understood a little bit, that is, the technology tree of the Storm Empire... a little crooked!
The space technology of the Storm Empire is very powerful, even if it is only a little worse than the Red Alert Empire, this is already amazing.
It is necessary to know the space technology of the Red Alert Empire, but the research is based on the Qiluo civilization. Standing on the shoulders of giants, the achievement is naturally higher than that of the Storm Empire.
But the other aspects of the Storm Empire technology are a bit terrible.
In terms of virtual technology, it has not yet reached an all-round virtual world that can cover a galaxy. Generally speaking, at the level of the Rota Empire, this can be done.
It is equivalent to the scope of only one small galaxy in the Red Alert world. After exceeding the small galaxy, it is basically abandoned.
Not only virtual technology, but many other aspects, the development is quite slow, so Yun Ru deeply doubted that the Storm Empire can go to the present, it is really a wonderful thing.
It's not the first time Yunru has seen something that science and technology are crooked. The original Qiluo civilization was the same, but the technology of the Storm Empire seems to be not as strong as the Qiluo civilization at that time. What is the situation?
It stands to reason that, in the spirit of the storm empire, with all efforts to develop military technology, it is impossible to be like this.
So Yunru continued to watch the technology competition. As one game began to end, Yunru finally noticed a problem.
Many basic theories of the Storm Empire have not been discovered. Without basic theories, they want to make breakthroughs in certain technologies, and the difficulty increases linearly. After discovering it, Yun Ruke has no obligation to remind the other party of the defect.
There is nothing good about the science and technology competition, so Yunru put his eyes on the force competition.
The Storm Empire requires that those who participate in the Dabie must be at least an adult and a maximum of 50 years old.
Once someone over the age of 50 who has not yet made a name in Dabi, he can only feed himself by other means.
Darby gave them at least two or three opportunities, he couldn't grasp it and couldn't blame anyone.
The strength of these people, the most powerful one has a ninth peak, looks like only forty years old, very young.
Unsurprisingly, this person should be able to win the championship of the armed force competition.
"Chief Yun has any advice for young people in our empire?" Suddenly, the Emperor Storm said.
Yun Ru thought for a while and said, "The technology in your country is very good. In some ways, our empire is still far behind."
This is the scene for the face, if it is really said, it is a face-slap.
The Emperor Storm slightly laughed out loudly. The Storm Empire's Darby was the one he was responsible for, and it was precisely because of the Darby that the Storm Empire's strength had recently improved a lot than before.
Feng Pitt couldn't bear to look directly, but he knew that the Red Alert Empire possessed the magical technology of the Red Alert World. In comparison, the Storm Empire was a little worse.
He didn't tell His Majesty about this matter just now, and he was going to say it later, to give His Majesty some buffering time. He did not expect His Majesty to show the empire's technology so anxiously, and his face crackled.
For young people in the Storm Empire, Dabi is the best way they can climb up. Whether it is force or technology, as long as they can show themselves through this Dabi, the future is very bright.
You know, even if it is not a champion, other people will be attracted by many family forces, and those who can reach this point are all elites.
At this time, Yun Ru suddenly got in touch with a Red Police soldier, which was the soldier in the small battleship he had dropped at the edge of the Storm Empire.
"Sir, we found a natural wormhole through the map, and tested it with a robot, and lost the signal directly. It is preliminary estimated that the natural wormhole opposite is no longer within the scope of the Storm Empire, nor is it within the scope of the Red Alert Empire."
Yun Ru's eyes lit up, which means that this natural wormhole may be connected to other empire, or it is a brand-new star field similar to the feather empire?
This is a good thing for the empire.
After all, the Storm Empire has signed an alliance and wants to start directly with its allies, which is beyond reason in the human universe.
But if it is elsewhere, there is no need to worry about anything.
At present, the Red Police Empire and the Feathering Empire are in a truce, and they are both bored. If a new enemy appears, they will have something to do.
"Send staff directly to confirm the situation there and report in time!"
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