Chapter 83: Mutation of people's movements

Mutant people, this is the product of human failure after mutation.
On the day when the animal mutated, humans all over the world also experienced the first mutation. Among them, the successful people became today's extraordinary.
The loser becomes a mutant, and only those who did not react in the first place are ordinary people so far.
No one knows the cause of the mutation. Some people speculate whether it is a virus studied in a certain country that has spread to the whole world.
Some people doubt whether this is an alien conspiracy. Anyway, all kinds of speculations are flying, and the truth is unknown.
Since then, humans have retreated from the original city and re-established the base city in other places, and the ruins of the city that had been through the war have become the homes of the mutants.
As we all know, mutants have no wisdom, they will attack all life that appears in front of their eyes, whether it is humans or mutant beasts.
Nowadays, there are very few mutants living in the wild. Most mutants have been living in the ruins of the city. Human adventure teams generally enter the ruins of the city. They are very cautious and worried about causing a large number of mutants.
Humans know a lot about mutant beasts, but mutants have always been neglected. After all, the strength of mutants is only the fourth order. No one has ever seen a mutant of order five or more, which makes humans wary of mutants. reduce.
The interface that Su Chen saw was the interface of a group of mutants, but these mutants gathered together, and in the middle stood a mutant, expressing what he was dancing, this scene made Su Chen have to doubt that the mutant was There is no wisdom.
"Tanya, what do you think is happening?"
"Subordinates believe that this may be a way of speech for mutants. Mutants can't speak. They can only use body language as a substitute. This shows one thing. Mutants have wisdom."
Some of Su Chen could n’t believe that no one has seen wisdom in mutants for decades. Why did mutants have born wisdom at this time? Is it possible that there will be more mutants besides the enemy of mutants in the future? enemy?
As for the joint mutants to deal with mutant beasts, Su Chen felt that no human would think so.
No way, the mutant person is not a normal human no matter how he looks. Some mutants look like zombies, and even some mutants have huge or even animal parts of their body parts. Anyway, how weird come about.
If you want to find a person that looks like a human among a group of mutants, it is as difficult as finding a tall man among a group of short men.
Unless it's really time for genocide, Su Chen doesn't think humans will join forces with mutants.
Moreover, looking at the interface on the radar, the mutant person seems unable to speak, but can only use body language. Perhaps this is already an incredible thing for the mutant person.
Suddenly, an idea popped up in Su Chen's brain. Would you like to catch a mutant person and study it?
As soon as his idea appeared, he saw that the mutant on the interface had changed again.
The mutant people gave way, and then some mutants threw two things in front of the mutant in the center.
Su Chen's eyes narrowed, and these two things were actually a human and a mutant beast!
"What does this mean, do they use humans and mutant beasts to sacrifice?" Su Chen did n’t speak. Keep reading. The mutant in the center came to the edge of the human. The human seemed to faint. I do n’t know what happened here. He was slapped by the mutant. Wake up, only to see the surrounding environment.
Su Chen could see that the awakened humans were very panicked and kept yelling, but unfortunately the radar could only transmit the picture, and there was no way to transmit the sound, but Su Chen wanted to come, it was nothing more than asking for mercy. It doesn't look like that kind of hard bones.
The mutant beast on the other side was also awakened. This is a fourth-order mutant beast. After waking up, it kept puncturing the needle and several mutant people rushed up to suppress the mutant beast.
The central mutant is standing in the middle of this man-beast, his hands raised, his expression holy, as if he was praying.
The surrounding mutants knelt on the ground, and in a short time, the central mutant suddenly shot, his hands into claws, and suddenly tore the human throat, and blood spewed out. The person's eyes widened, and his throat groaned hoarsely.
At the same time, the central mutant person once again shot, also tearing the mutated beast's throat.
The blood of one person and one animal flowed on the ground, and it was very strange to come to the side of the central mutant, and his feet were wet with blood.
In the next second, Su Chen saw that a strange pattern appeared on the body of the central mutant, the color was light blue, and flashed away, the blood on the ground seemed to be controlled, all was inhaled into the central Variation in the human body.
There was vibration around, and the central mutant human figure suddenly doubled. Even through the picture, Su Chen could see that this guy's strength had become stronger.
"What the is this, and the mutant can still be so strong, how could it never be heard?" Su Chen blinked.
If he remembers correctly, the strongest mutant is only the fourth-order peak. Could it be said that the mutant has just become a fifth-order mutant in this way?
"Interestingly, mutants can improve their strength by killing a human and a mutant beast, so to speak, mutants are both enemies of humans and mutant beasts?"
This discovery surprised Su Chen. The mutant person hadn't thought of anything that he hadn't put in his eyes before.
It ’s winter now, and humans will hardly go out, but mutants do n’t seem to be afraid of the cold, which makes it impossible for humans to know the current status of mutants.
If Su Chen had the radar, it is estimated that the situation of the mutant person would not be found.
The central mutant was successfully promoted to a fifth-order mutant, and Su Chen saw that this mutant had been promoted to the fifth-order peak in the same way, which stopped before allowing other mutants to increase their strength.
Su Chen was very surprised. These mutants actually housed so many humans. Initially, at least there were nearly a hundred human beings.
Most of these humans are ordinary people, but there are more than a dozen extraordinary persons in them, all of them are first-order second-order extraordinary persons, and no one exceeds third-order ones.
After careful inspection, Su Chen concluded a conclusion.
It doesn't matter if the human strength is weak, but the mutant beast must be strong. If the mutant beast is weak, it will affect the promotion effect.
"I don't know if it's only the mutants here, or all the mutants in the world are like this. If it's the latter, heh."
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