Chapter 833: Orb of the Evil God Family (Part 1)

Out of curiosity about the gods, Su Chen also secretly observed this battle.
"It looks like this of orc civilization seems a little weak?" Su Chen thought, touching his chin. The opponent's full blow was no match for the power of Yu Wei's last shot.
Yu Wei has created a cosmic spectacle, a giant red rose comparable to the size of a planet, but it has become the highest-level scenic spot that countless people want to visit in the past.
Every day, countless people are scrambling to want to visit in the past and make a circle of friends, which is absolutely enviable.
This orc looks like it only exerts the power of the ninth order of the big galaxy once, but it is gone, and it is not lasting at all.
Under the control of Yuri's copy man, this energy body did not disappear. With the help of Alice, after analyzing for about three days, I finally found the body of this god.
"This is the orc god? It's just a small galaxy of order nine, how did he do it?" Natasha pointed to a snake orc hidden in the dark in the picture, very puzzled.
It’s not just her. Everyone else can’t figure out how an orc could be a small galaxy, and how can neither be connected.
"He himself is impossible, but he has a magical bead on his hand. It is by this bead that he can become a on this planet."
Alice turned the picture and pointed it at a bead stored in a corner.
The beads look ordinary, without any special features.
After watching for a while, they all said that they couldn't see any special place of the beads. It was incredible to rely on a bead to become a god.
At this time, they had sent a team of soldiers to bring back the deity. Facing the mind commando led by the first-order soldiers of the big galaxy, the snake orc didn't seem to want to be caught, and took out the beads to prepare for desperation.
It is a pity that he is too weak to resist in front of the spiritual power.
Not long after, the snake orc and the beads were brought back to the base, and a group of super soldiers were watching him.
"Little snake, how did you get this bead?" Natasha asked with interest.
The snake orc spit the snake letter uncomfortably, with deep fear in his eyes, because he saw the woman who nearly killed his energy body.
"I'm just an ordinary orc. I beg you not to kill me. I didn't do anything. I can be a prisoner." At this time, the snake orc seemed to think that he was not exposed.
"Last chance, answer my question." Natasha's face sank, and her strong momentum pressed directly on the snake orc.
The snake orc's pupil shrank, and he knew that if he didn't answer again, it might be his death!
"I said, I found it in a ruined place, that's..."
The snake orc told him about the process of getting the beads. It was probably good luck to get the beads. They thought the beads looked good and took them back to be the decoration of the house.
During one practice, his energy riot seemed to affect the beads. The beads actually absorbed his energy, allowing him to truly control the beads.
As for the origin of the beads, he remembered that there were instructions in the beads, saying that they came from a race called Evil God, but he is an orc that has not left the planet. Where can he know what Evil God is.
Hearing the word Evil God, the super-arms glanced at each other.
Snake orcs don't know, they know. Last time at Xing Luohou, they were almost killed by the evil spirits that appeared. If the commander finally thought of a good way, they were all in danger.
The strength of Evil God is too strong. It is estimated that none of the strong human beings of the same level who want to fight the Evil God of the same level are opponents.
This bead is actually owned by the Evil God family, why did it appear here?
Was it an accident, or was this deliberately by the evil spirits?
Just as they were thinking, the snake orc suddenly twitched and foamed in his mouth, as if he was mad with sheep.
"What's wrong with him?" Li Shaolong asked casually.
At this moment, the beads placed on Ju Ling's hand suddenly appeared on the body of the snake orc, then the whole body of the snake orc was sucked into the beads, and the beads exploded directly in the next second!
Suddenly, a huge alarm sounded from the entire red police base, which was the sound of enemy invasion.
A wicked voice suddenly appeared: "Who moved the agent I chose?"
The super-arms looked at it, only to feel that their eyes were full of tingling, and they could not see exactly what they were talking about.
"It's Evil God!" Alice's voice sounded.
In the hearts of the super-arms, the powerful Evil God has personally taught them, and the incredible strength is incredible. Why is there an Evil God here, and even the ceremony did not appear?
By the way, the beads just now!
Alice knew that they could not look directly at the evil spirit, so she directly created an image of an evil spirit. This is an evil spirit that looks like a big lizard. The skin of the whole body is ulcerated. The wings behind are actually a pair of bone wings.
But Evil God is very small, about the size of a human baby, and its strength is just in the first order of the big galaxy.
"After analysis, this is the avatar of Evil God, and it should be the avatar that is completed directly using beads." Alice said.
Knowing that it is the avatar of Evil God, the super-arms were relieved. If it is really the Evil God coming, several of them are really dangerous.
After the lizard Evil God appeared, he looked around. When he discovered that the surroundings were not orcs but humans, his face changed: "How could humans appear here, this is not a human star field!"
Then, it suddenly reacted and instantly rejoiced: "Haha, I know, there must be a natural wormhole leading to this place in the human star field. This is really good. Just find the natural wormhole and attack the human directly. Inside the star field, humanity will be destroyed!"
Evil God is very excited, but this is a big credit. If the report is made, he will get a huge reward when the human beings are completely finished.
Ju Ling and others also thought of this, they shot the first time, absolutely must not let this evil spread the news!
Ju Ling's extermination sniper rifle appeared directly, and a bullet arrived in a blink of an eye, directly hitting the evil god's head. Almost at the same time, the attacks of other super arms all fell on the evil god.
If it is the evil spirit body, it may be okay, but this time there is only an evil spirit avatar. To deal with these weakest are the super-classes of the second order and third order of the big galaxy, the strength of the evil avatar is too weak.
The Evil God had not been reacted yet, and was directly beaten.
At this time, far away in the star field where the Evil God family is located, on a certain planet, an Evil God suddenly woke up and gave a roar.
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