Chapter 866: The empire gave them hope! (Chapter 4)

At this time the Red Alert Empire.
The two envoys followed the emperor's buttocks and were traveling to various places in the galaxy to investigate.
Some natural wormholes and artificial wormholes are used to shuttle directly on the road, saving a lot of time.
Today's Red Alert Empire has successfully manufactured artificial wormholes, but distance is a problem. The furthest distance of artificial wormholes will not exceed 1,000 light years.
In other words, every 1,000 light years, an artificial wormhole must be created, which seems to be a bit tasteless.
However, at the request of Su Chen, some of the main roads of the starry sky in the entire galaxy were all built with artificial wormholes, which would facilitate the residents of the empire.
It is important to know that not only the official owns the warships, but many people and companies like them also own some warships. With artificial wormholes, it is much more convenient for them to travel to other parts of the galaxy.
Most importantly, the cost of passing an artificial wormhole is not very high.
In this way, many transports no longer need to use the macrometer, and suddenly made the macrometer return.
The entire galaxy gave the two envoys the feeling of being alive.
After coming to a new planet, the young man asked curiously: "There is no aristocracy in your country. Why do many ordinary people still work so hard?"
This is the first time the youth has seen that no matter which planet he goes to, he sees some hardworking people. There are lazy people, but very few.
You must know that he has been to many places, but there is only one such as the Red Alert Empire.
Ordinary people work hard to become nobles. There is no nobility in the Red Police Empire. Their efforts are purely to live a good life?
The Emperor Xi smiled and pointed to a group of people who were using exoskeleton suits to move things not far away. These people are ordinary people, and none of them are extraordinary.
Today's exoskeleton armor is almost a piece of manpower. This thing is of great help to ordinary people, and it is almost useless to the extraordinary people above the fifth order.
An ordinary person uses an exoskeleton suit and can even lift heavy objects five times heavier!
"Is there anything special about these people?" The young man looked at it for a while, but still didn't see anything.
"They are ordinary, but do you know the days they lived before?"
Before waiting for the youth to speak, the emperor said directly: "Before our Red Police Empire came to this planet, there were only two kinds of people on this planet, the landlord and the slave."
"Ninety percent of the population of a planet are slaves. Can you imagine this situation? The empire is coming down and attacking this planet. These people have become ordinary inhabitants of the empire. They not only need not do the work of the exhausted people before, but also Get many things of your own."
"The most important point, the empire gave them hope."
The young man looked at the ordinary people again. At this time he finally noticed that no matter what these people did, they all had a smile on their faces.
When they talked, the fat man had a deep contempt in his eyes. A group of former slaves, even if they became residents of the Red Police Empire, in his eyes, these people are no different from slaves.
He looked down on these people from the bottom of his heart, but the Western Emperor was in front of him, and he insisted on not speaking.
He was worried that if he said anything else, the other party might really let the red police empire get rid of himself. By the time the red police empire was finished, he would die and have farts.
The young man was very touched. He was in a high position before. He had never seen these ordinary people at the lowest level. This time he came to the Red Police Empire and baptized his mind.
"The Western Emperor Big Tree, after Alice's analysis just now, found that the youth's support for the empire has once again increased. The other party may support the empire by 90%. The fat people's support for the empire has dropped significantly. Novel.hxs8xs. "Don't the fat man say he wants to support empire certification last time?" Xihuang asked.
"According to Alice's analysis, that was just a lie."
The Emperor Xi understood that the fat is not dead, so do you want to get rid of the fat?
As soon as the fat man dies, there is only one vote left. As long as the youth supports Empire Certification, then there will be no problem.
At this time, no one knew that a voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the youth: "In one month, the Red Police Empire must be certified!"
"Father, did something happen?"
"The three major empires want to use this transaction with the Red Alert empire to threaten me to apply directly for supreme arbitration."
Hearing this, a look of anger appeared on the young man's face.
"These three empires are really not good things. Father, when I came to the Red Police Empire, I found that many places in this empire are worth learning from other empires. It would be nice if all the empires could be as good as the Red Police Empire."
After speaking, there was no echo, he knew that his father's energy should be exhausted.
Crossing such a long distance, directly sending sound to his brain and having a conversation with him, this method is almost unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people.
In fact, he could not imagine that he had never heard of other kings being able to do this.
Yes, the youth is the son of Lotus King!
Except for a few people, most people do not know that he is the son of Lotus King, others only know that he has a weak background.
A month to make the Red Police Empire certification successful is also a challenge for him.
You know, there has never been an empire that has been successfully certified so quickly.
"Sir Emperor Xi, do I think we can speed it up a bit?" the youth suggested.
The Emperor Xi looked at him with some surprise. This should be said by himself, right?
"Since the envoy wants to speed up, of course it's okay."
The two of them ignored the fat man directly, and the fat man's body was trembling, but he refrained.
With their own thoughts, the three men returned to the battleship and continued to travel to other places.
Su Chen was sitting in the command room. All the super-arms were working outside. Even Leng Yuwei was out. He felt a little bored by himself.
"Yun Ru, how are you over there?"
Yun Ru was detained by the Storm Empire. Under normal circumstances, Su Chen even got the news, a long time later, but the Storm Empire would not know, Su Chen knew the news that day.
Even if the Red Police Empire wants to attack the Storm Empire, it must wait until the certification is completed. Only when a formal announcement is issued can one Empire attack another Empire.
In this way, Yun Ru will have to stay there for a while.
"In addition to research every day is research, anyway, I have nothing to do with the people of the Storm Empire, they dare not bother me at will." Yun Ru said casually.
Although she was placed under house arrest, but because of her stronger scientific research ability than Li Tong, the Storm Empire did not dare to rough her, and could only hope to let Yunru wake up through time.
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