Chapter 875: Deal with Dream Demon (Chapter 3)

Zhu Hui thought about it and said cautiously: "I am not qualified to let you join the empire, only your majesty."
"Then lead me to see the emperor of the Red Police Empire. I don't know what kind of person he is?" Meng Yao was also curious about the Emperor of the Red Police Empire.
She has been on the side of the Storm Empire. Most of what she knows about the Red Police Empire is heard from the soldiers. She knows very little about the Emperor of the Red Police Empire.
"To say that our Majesty, things can be said for three days and three nights..." Suddenly Zhu Hui came to the spirit.
After all, he was the first human emperor to contact Su Chen. At the beginning, he also saw that Su Chen was unusual and took the initiative to make friends. Later, it brought him great benefits. Not to mention, he didn't think of it at that time. Su Chen It will end the dark age of the earth for more than thirty years and make the earth the emperor star of an empire today.
Starting from the earth, Zhu Hui is very detailed. He has developed Su Chen step by step into the present Red Alert Empire, except for some secret things.
This said, several days have passed.
For a small galaxy-level Zhu Hui and a large galaxy-level dream demon, not sleeping for a few days is nothing.
The dream demon had an understanding of Su Chen, this is a very capable emperor, in her eyes, the evaluation is higher than the emperor Storm.
"When can I see him?" Dream Demon asked.
Zhu Hui didn't know what to say, if the dream demon saw Su Chen, who knew what she would do.
"I can only report things up. As for when your majesty sees you, I can't decide."
"That's fine. If he doesn't see me one day, I will stay here one day."
Zhu Hui's mouth twitched. Although this method is rogue, it works very well.
No way, Zhu Hui can only hurriedly tell Su Chen.
Su Chen is also speechless. No one else met the dream demon, but was encountered by Zhu Hui.
"You didn't tell Yunru something to him?"
"Say, she didn't respond."
There is no way for Su Chen this time, but this is a ninth-order powerhouse in a large galaxy. Zhu Hui is equal to her hostage. If the other party does not act excessively for a while, Su Chen will definitely not let her go.
"She wanted to see me because she wanted to join the Red Alert Empire?" Su Chen asked.
A dream demon who does not know the details and belongs to an unknown race actually asked to join the Red Alert Empire. Why?
Is it purely because the Red Alert Empire does not discriminate against cosmic races?
Su Chen didn't know that he wouldn't gamble, there is no need for this.
The dream monster can join the empire, as long as the other party is willing to allegiance to her, and under the ability of the system, there is no problem of betrayal.
The power of the ninth order of a large galaxy, even Su Chen is very greedy.
"Give her a temporary permission. In the world of Red Alert, I am waiting for her."
Not long after, in the red alarm world, in a courtyard. Sanjiu Chinese website.999zw.
Zhu Hui appeared here with the dream demon. As soon as the dream demon came in, she looked around curiously. Although she lived for a long time, she had never seen this kind of virtual technology and was very curious.
If it weren't for her strong perception, she could hardly perceive that the surroundings were all fake, and the various information around them brought her senses, which was too realistic.
"Humans are really a miraculous race. Although other races have developed technology, so far, humans have developed the most interesting in this regard. Various technologies have appeared. Unlike those races, they only know the development of technology in the field of force." The dream monster exclaimed.
The three of them sat down at the stone table. At this time, the dream monster looked at Su Chen, the emperor of the Red Police Empire.
"Dream Demon, you want to join the Red Police Empire, I know this, tell me the reason, don't lie." Su Chen looked at Demon Demon, his eyes very calm.
Zhu Hui is very relaxed. In the world of the red police, the dream monster can't shoot Su Chen at all. This is not reality after all, everything is controlled by Alice.
The dream demon spoke, and gave a reason that shocked the two.
"You must think I was asked to join because of the way the Red Alert Empire treats aliens?"
Su Chen was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it?"
"Those are only intentionally said, the purpose is to confuse you, my real purpose is only one..." Meng Yao's eyes looked at Su Chen, his expression was very serious: "That is to enter the level of countless life dreams, constellation level! "
Su Chen and Zhu Hui: "???
What is this confusing operation?
Do you want to be a constellation, is there any inevitable connection with joining the Red Alert Empire?
No matter what the two think, they can't think of the connection, which is a huge difference!
"I don't understand a bit, explain it in detail."
"You know, my power is the power of dreams. This kind of power is very special. I need biological dreams to continue to practice. I originally built the world on that death star to prepare for promotion to the constellation level, but you should know the result. , Being approached by two strong men of the same level, I am unable to protect that world."
"The world collapsed and my strength decreased a lot. Only by rebuilding a new world and continuing to cultivate my strength can I slowly recover and finally hit the constellation level."
"But in the entire universe, there are very few races that can dream. Among them, humans are one, and they must be ordinary humans or low-powered planets. The conditions are quite harsh. I have only found such a planet so far. Joining the Red Alert Empire is to hope that the Red Alert Empire can provide me with such a planet."
"In return, I will always obey your orders before becoming a constellation-level powerhouse. Even if I become a constellation-level, I will promise to protect the red police empire until the empire destroys itself."
So Chen understood the meaning of the dream demon. She joined the Red Police Empire and used her body...cough cough, using her own strength in exchange for something she needed.
At the very least, a planet full of ordinary people or low-level superhumans, without the help of the empire, is really very difficult to rely on herself by herself.
She needs human dreams to recover from her injuries, while advancing towards the constellation level.
There is no suitable place, let alone improve her strength, it is good not to go backwards.
Su Chen was not fascinated by such a big pie, he asked a key question: "How do you guarantee that after you join the Red Alert Empire, you will be able to obey my orders, and wait until you become a constellation-level strongman, who can Guarantee you will continue to fulfill your promise?"
Su Chen had his own cards, but he agreed directly without asking anything, and the fool knew there was a problem.
The dream monster seems to have thought that Su Chen would say so, and he has been prepared: "I can tell you one of my weaknesses. As long as I control the weaknesses, any large galaxy level can easily kill me."
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