Chapter 879: The end of mankind is coming! (Second more)

Eventually, the planet was engulfed by black holes, and the entire planet disappeared.
Su Chen silently found that human beings were still too weak when facing the universe.
"Can the strong constellation deal with black holes?" Su Chen asked the system.
"In theory, but there is no constellation level to do such a thankless thing." The system replied.
Su Chen thought, it is indeed the truth, each of the constellation level is very important, how could it waste time on the black hole, after the black hole is found, as long as it is not far away.
Due to the emergence of the last days, the Red Alert Empire temporarily stopped its attack on the Storm Empire. In comparison, the Storm Empire suffered much more damage than the Red Alert Empire.
On all life planets of the Red Alert Empire, there is a Red Alert base, protected by super weapons. Most planets have no major problems. The Storm Empire does not have this ability.
Countless news passed to Emperor Xing, gathered in front of the Emperor Storm, his face gloomy as if to drip ink.
"Who can tell me what the is going on! Why did the various disasters that occurred some time ago now appear again, or on such a large scale?"
The following ministers did not speak, the emperor did not know, how could they know?
"Your Majesty, Weichen suggested that the matter should be reported to the Human Peacekeeping Action Team. As a department directly under the human high level, they should know what news."
It took a long time before a minister spoke.
"I will report things, but how to deal with these disasters?" Emperor Storm pointed at the file in front of him.
The approximate data of the losses listed above in all documents is simply striking. The population loss caused by this disaster alone may be 30% to 40% of the total population of the Storm Empire!
This is not a small number, but this is the population loss of an empire, at least the number is calculated in hundreds of millions.
Ordinary people have no resistance to this kind of natural disaster. Some small troubles before, such as what happened to small disasters and cosmic races, the Storm Empire has sent troops to suppress it. This time the situation is completely different. The huge disaster directly caused the storm The empire cannot cope.
Since there is a problem everywhere, as the emperor star of the Storm Empire, there is naturally a problem.
In the small galaxy where the storm star is located, a huge star burst suddenly, huge heat and energy swept directly towards the emperor star, if the marshal on the emperor star has not left, plus some technological protection of the star itself, it is estimated that Liandi Stars will have problems.
If such a disaster occurs on other planets, it is estimated that all life on the planet will be over.
It's not just the Storm Empire Emperor Star, but even the Earth has problems.
The problem is not from outside, but from inside the planet!
"According to the instrument, the earth's geothermal energy is growing rapidly, which has affected the surface temperature. Today, the temperature on most parts of the earth's surface exceeds fifty degrees!"
At such a high temperature, it is probably unbearable to replace it with ordinary people. Now that the Red Police Empire has good welfare, everyone becomes a first-order extraordinary person, and some hardworking people with some talents become second-order and third-order. It is not a problem. The temperature resistance is also much higher.
But if it goes on like this, there will still be problems for a long time, mainly because this temperature has not dropped.零零书屋.00shuwu.
Su Chen directly found Yuan Yizhong: "What is the solution to the situation of the earth?"
"Commander, this should be what happened to the core of the earth. To solve the problem, you must go deep into the core of the earth. You can barely do it with the current technology. The problem is that even if you reach the core of the earth, you want to find out the problem. A difficult thing."
Su Chen couldn't imagine what the situation would be, so that the problems of the human starland would continue to appear.
In the past, due to the red and blue glass, mutant people and mutant beasts appeared. For this reason, humans have gone through the dark age for more than thirty years, and finally have a good life. As a result, a second problem occurred.
"Wait, didn't the earth awaken to self-awareness, let her handle it?" Su Chen's eyes lit up and thought of this.
Yuan Yizhong frowned and thought, "The possibility is there. The problem is that the self-awareness of the birth of the earth is still very weak. Even basic communication is a problem. How can she understand this problem and solve it?"
Su Chen was dumb. He just had a sudden inspiration just now, let him come into contact with the consciousness of the planet, he did not know what to do.
He didn't know, so he could only find people who knew the situation.
Su Chen's first thought was that the heart demon clan black gauze.
As the heart demon clan born of the wing clan, her consciousness of the wing clan's parent star should be the best known, and it is true to find her.
"Black yarn, is there any time?" Su Chen shouted directly in his head.
Hei Sha is helping a Zerg who has awakened his self-consciousness to become the master of a generation of Zerg, and sometimes may be at the critical time of the battle, Su Chen does not want his men to be so finished.
Hei Sha is just a Demon Race without any strength. Once she loses her host, she can do nothing.
Soon after, Hei Sha responded: "Commander, what's the matter, I'm busy now."
"That's all right. Tell me how you can contact the consciousness of the earth. You used to confront the consciousness of the wing clan's parent star. What should you know?"
"What does the commander want to do, need to contact the earth consciousness? At the beginning, a planet consciousness is almost in this state, just like a human newborn baby, there is no complete wisdom, only with time, the planet consciousness. Will have his own wisdom."
"What a consciousness of a planet will eventually become depends on the attitude of the life of that planet towards it. It is said that the consciousness of the wing clan parent star was not like that, but the life of that planet, it seems that it is going to use it to complete a sacrifice. The ritual sacrificed to the Evil God eventually failed, but instead made the alien mother star consciousness become what it is now."
Su Chen touched his chin. Heisha said something different from what he knew.
In the version he knew, the earth was once born with self-consciousness. As a result, humans on the earth were divided into mother killers and mother guardians. The two sides were stalemate. Finally, they voted to treat the earth consciousness.
As a result, the mother killers won, and they didn't wait until they started, and the earth's consciousness was self-defeating, which made the mother guardians go far away.
Why only earth consciousness does this, is every planet consciousness different?
These Su Chen did not know, but he knew one thing, he must solve the problems on the earth as soon as possible, otherwise the earth would be dangerous.
"At the beginning of planetary consciousness, spirituality is very low, and it is almost impossible to communicate with it unless..."
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