Chapter 883: Marshal shot! (More 1st)

The message that Earth Consciousness passed to Su Chen was very vague, which made Su Chen completely unaware of the situation.
Su Chen is generally too lazy to think about things he doesn't know. He has only one purpose this time, to capture the Storm Empire!
It is precisely because of the arrival of this eschatology that the Storm Empire has suffered heavy losses, and his army can take advantage of the opportunity to directly break through the front line formed by the other party.
The armies of the two sides collided on the front line, the battleships in the starry sky bombarded each other, various war weapons appeared on the surface of the planet, almost exploded the planet, and neither side took a step back.
Unlike the imperial army of the Red Police Empire, the soldiers of the Storm Empire are very worried about their loved ones, and their combat power plummets.
But he is very clear that this is human nature, and he is also a little worried about his descendants on various planets.
But he knew very well that if the Red Alert Empire Commander was driven straight in, the Storm Empire would be really dangerous.
This is a war between two empires, not a play.
Seeing that a battle line was about to be broken, the Field Marshal shot in desperation.
At the moment of his shot, a group of people surrounded him. These people are super soldiers such as Ju Ling. They are the marshals staring at each other. Only the marshal is the most threatened. The other generals, even the eighth order of the big galaxy, do not have Too much threat.
The Marshal didn't care about these people at the beginning. After fighting, he discovered that these people had a high number of evolutions. According to his estimation, at least four evolutions, and maybe even five evolutions!
He couldn't imagine how the Red Alert Empire possessed so many big galaxy-level powerhouses that evolved many times?
You know, even if it is his number of evolutions, there are not so many.
The Field Marshal was held back by them, and the speed of the front line collapse was accelerated. Even if all the generals on this front line all shot, they could only watch.
Because the Red Alert Empire uses super weapons!
Dark clouds gathered, thunder flashed, and the weather controller first appeared in front of the people of the Storm Empire.
Today's weather controller can cover a range of 10 light years!
What is this concept?
You know, the approximate diameter of the solar system can be regarded as 4 light years, that is to say, the range covered by a weather controller is equivalent to two and a half solar systems!
With such a large area, all the opponent's battleships have no way to escape, and they can only raise the energy hood to resist the endless lightning.
With this powerful super weapon, only a few large galaxy-level generals can survive. Even so, they are still injured. As for those warships, they have long been turned into space garbage.
When the Marshal saw this scene, he could not imagine that the Red Police Empire had taken out the ultimate weapon of the Empire so quickly. If he remembered correctly, wouldn't the ultimate weapon of the Rota Empire be difficult to move?
He subconsciously regarded the weather controller as the ultimate weapon originally belonging to the Rota empire. If he knew of such a weapon, there would be more than a dozen Red Alert empire. It is estimated that he would go crazy. Nine Cake Chinese. 9bzw.
After many upgrades, the super weapon is incredibly powerful. If you go down, you can destroy all the life in an area. It is a big killer on the battlefield.
Under normal circumstances, Su Chen will not actively use super weapons. After all, his enemies have been killed by super weapons. How can he train his troops?
Su Chen did not forget that this world is dominated by human beings, weapons are only auxiliary, and they cannot be turned upside down.
A weather control instrument made the battlefield silent for a long time. The people of the Storm Empire were shocked. They watched their comrades in the eyes and were killed by the endless thunder. This visual effect was too great for them. .
"Marshal, please retreat!" Many generals were afraid and applied to the marshal.
If it is one or two, the Marshal can suppress it, but all the generals say so. If he refuses again, it is estimated that these generals are likely to be mutiny.
"Retreat." The Marshal sighed. He looked at the big galaxy-level strongmen belonging to the Red Police Empire in front of him, and for the first time found that his strength was not as invincible as expected.
These people's abilities and abilities are different, but they can still help each other. He wants to stare at a person is not a simple matter.
At present, at most, he only seriously injured a person, and then the injury of this person was treated by a pair of men and women in the field. This therapeutic field has not been seen several times in his life. The field he saw They are very weak and have never grown up to this point.
Continue to fight, the two sides may eventually die together, which will not do him any good.
The storm empire's army retreated across the board, and the red police empire was pressing hard. If it takes time to occupy some planets, it is estimated that they can be pushed in front of the storm star.
"Temporarily attack slowly, with the main goal of occupying the planet, absolutely not let any planet have problems." Ju Ling issued an order.
So the Red Police Imperial Army was divided into two, one part continued to advance gradually, so that the other side would not fight back, and the other part came to each life planet, built a base, and sent people over.
Today, many planets of the Storm Empire are filled with hell-like scenes. They are not as lucky as the Red Alert Empire. With the presence of the Red Alert Base, these planets have either experienced a meteorite impact, or the planet itself has experienced various natural disasters. , Power is ten times stronger than the first wave!
If the first wave of tsunami is only 100 meters at the highest, then this time it is more than one thousand meters!
Such a high tsunami almost flooded about 80% of the human land, and the rest were forced to go to a place with a high altitude to breathe.
They still hope that the Storm Empire can send people to rescue them. In fact, they did wait for people, but when they knew that these were the people of the Red Alert Empire, they were dumbfounded.
Depending on the planet, different rescue methods are implemented to ensure that most people can survive. This is enough. After all, these people are residents of the future Red Alert Empire.
The most important thing for the Red Police Empire is resources, which can be converted into energy and can produce a large number of battleships. These people can spend a long time on the battleships.
Ordinary battleships cannot store too many people, so after the research of the combat laboratory, they carried out some transformations to create a life ship. This life ship can live for 10 million people. As long as there are sufficient materials in it, it can Ensure that they live there for thousands of years.
There are a large number of life ships, and some truly uninhabitable planets can only temporarily transfer living people to this, and wait for the end of planet governance before sending them back.
With the current technology of the Red Alert Empire, as long as it is not a planet explosion, no matter how harsh the environment, you can be restored to a planet that can be inhabited. This kind of cost is generally not done by the empire, and only the Red Alert Empire is rich in money. ,not give a about.
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