Chapter 915: The best way (more 3)

After the five kings were sent away, Natasha asked very puzzled: "Why should we give them this option, we can't just suppress it directly, just like dealing with the Rota Empire."
"I seem to understand a little, but it's not very clear yet." Fein frowned.
Aliz shook her head even more. She had always disliked things that used her brain.
According to the original game background, the brothers and sisters experienced many cruel things when they were children. Their minds only thought that power is the only way to solve the problem.
In other words, they can never beep when it comes to hands-on things.
"Alice, please explain." Ju Ling said.
Alice's figure appeared beside them, with a lovely smile, Alice began to explain: "Sister Ju Ling's approach is the one that Alice thinks is the most suitable. For humans in this big galaxy, we always It is the identity of an intruder. If the military division is suppressed from the beginning, then we must spend a lot of energy on these people, which is not very beneficial to the development of our human alliance."
"Sister Ju Ling's idea is actually very simple, that is, use their own people to manage their own people. Only in this way can we achieve the best management. We only need to stare at those management layers. You should know that in the history of the earth There are many such examples. The most ruthless people are often not enemies, but those who have betrayed themselves."
After Alice explained this, several other super-arms suddenly wanted to understand.
Ju Ling used the identity of the other party to transfer all the original hostility towards the Human Alliance to these people who had betrayed the big galaxy. This was a double benefit for them.
You know, in order to get a better status and treatment, once these people betray the big galaxy, then they will treat the humans of this galaxy, they will definitely be more ruthless than they!
In this way, the two sides of the contradiction change, which is not harmful to them.
"So why didn't we use this method against the three empires of Rota, Warbler and Storm?" Fein scratched his head.
Alice explained patiently: "Let's talk about the Rota Empire first. This is the first roadblock that the Red Police Empire wants to rise. If you don't completely defeat the Rota Empire at the fastest speed, there will be many troubles behind. At that time, the empire certified bald strong uncle should know that if Mr. Wu Xing, the son of Lotus King, took the initiative to join hands with us, that time was actually very troublesome. We did not have much energy to let the people of the Rota Empire deal with their own people, This solution will take some time to work."
"The feather warrior empire is similar to the storm empire. With the strength of the red police empire, it is not necessary to use this method to capture the two empires. The most important point is that there is a unified empire in both places, even if we Using this method will not cause too much impact on the other empire, there is no need for this."
"It's different here. In theory, they are all people of a large galaxy, and they can be regarded as one. But in fact, because the Senyun Empire died out very early, they will only learn a little about the glory of the Senyun Empire in the past. In other words, they are not a whole, they can disintegrate from the inside, let them be the vanguard against the humans of this large galaxy, even if they know the things of the Senyun Empire, they will only deepen their hatred towards those people. Our human alliance is completely You can sit back firmly and nothing will happen."
Seriously speaking, this kind of thing is still a bit complicated. This is human nature!
As long as it is a human being, it is inevitable that there will be such a thought. In order to get what you want, human beings can do everything!
Human beings who are persecuted in the future, even if they know that there is a human alliance behind these people, according to the principle of the human alliance is to absorb human participation, they will eventually only put hatred on these humans who forced them to surrender.
This is an inseparable knot!
One party is for their own benefit, and the other party may be persecuted at first, but when the Human Alliance also gives them these two options, they will also change from the persecuted party to the actively persecuted party, forming a death cycle. In just one day, Alice has completed a small device that everyone has a choice in hand, as long as the time is up, press one of the buttons. Make a choice.
As for what the two options are, the technology of the Red Alert Empire can completely spread the entire planet.
"Now, start your choice!"
The time to choose is up, and the time to think is only one minute. When the time is up, people who don’t choose will stay on this planet for the rest of their lives.
If some people are unable to make their own choices, after Alice’s review, the closest person can make a choice. Everything is under Alice’s monitoring, and no one can make an exception.
The five kings gathered together again. They looked at the small device in their hands and made their choice.
Two of the kings chose 1, and three kings chose 2.
Finally, according to Alice's statistics, nearly 70% of the people chose 2, that is, they decided to become the vanguard of the Human Alliance and invade other planets.
"Very well, give them some eliminated weapons and equipment, train for a few days, and put them directly into the next battle." Ju Ling ordered.
At this moment, Su Feng heard from him that he had a preliminary idea of ​​controlling the plant planet, and the rest was to carry out various experiments.
It is only a matter of time before the Red Police Empire has a planet fortress.
The development of the Human Alliance is very stable. On the Feathering Empire, the reception of Li Shaolong is as smooth as it is. After all, even the Feathering Empire has surrendered. No prince is so stupid that he will fight against the Red Police Empire.
The rest only needs to clean up the remaining Zerg, and the Feathering Empire is officially in charge.
At this time, on an unmanned planet, a Zerg transport bug landed on this planet.
"After such a long time, it is finally coming there, Miss Hei Sha, do you think we can really return to our Zerg's star domain through the space channel?"
With the improvement of strength, the wisdom of the big insect seems to increase somewhat.
"Big bug, you have to believe me, just like you, do you think I will hurt you?"
"No, no, Miss Heisha certainly won't harm me. I'm just worried that it will be discovered by humans and hurt Miss Heisha." Big worm was very embarrassed.
The black gauze almost laughed out loud, and the Zerg were really fools.
"Commander, prepare the people over there. This next scene cannot be broken."
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