Chapter 941: perish together? (Chapter 4)

Seeing Ju Ling's appearance, Shi Wang knew that the other party had given up the only chance to survive.
"I really don't know how the Red Police Emperor brainwashed you. I would rather die to follow him. It's a waste." The smile on the stone king's face gradually disappeared and became cold and ruthless.
"Do you think that the king is so?"
The super-arms looked shocked. Didn’t you say that the King of Stone had just exerted his full strength?
The most shocking thing was the Libra watching in the distance. She didn't expect that the Super Arms had almost exerted all their strength until now. Under such circumstances, the Stone King has not yet exerted all his strength. Is this the king?
I saw a layer of earthy yellow breath on the surface of the stone king's body, covering him as a whole, and a voice spread all around.
"You know, why am I titled Stone King?"
Ju Ling felt very bad and shouted: "Open the distance!"
However, it was too late.
The incomparably huge body directly knocked all of them out and severely injured all of them in an instant. Even in the field of treatment of the brothers and sisters of Fein, it is impossible to treat all the injuries in a short time.
Looking at the huge figure in front of him, Ju Ling felt his powerlessness for the first time.
"It turns out that his ability is to become a huge stone man. Is this the real power of the stone king?"
Appearing in front of them is a stone man exactly the same as the stone king. His size is estimated to be the size of a star. Compared with him, Ju Ling and others are simply too small.
The stone man erected there, as if the huge creatures coming from the ancient times, the breath emanating from him made people unable to raise any war intentions.
Standing in front of him, you have a sense of crisis that will die at any time.
I don't know why, the stone king didn't take the first shot, but stood quietly there.
Ju Ling and others gathered again, and the brothers and sisters of Fein went all out in the field of treatment and were repairing everyone's injuries. This time, Libra also came.
This time, their fighting intentions have been significantly reduced, even if their strength is raised to the ninth order of the big galaxy, it is still too weak to face the strong constellation level.
"The first time I saw the power of a constellation-level strongman, it was actually such a scene. We are sorry for the commander." Baldhead is very frustrated.
"The commander is waiting for news of our victory. We must not shame the commander!" Li Shaolong clenched his fists tightly.
"In fact, there is another chance." Ju Ling said.
Other super-arms suddenly looked at her: "What opportunity?"
Later, they directly transmitted the sound.
"The commander gave me three things before we left. The bald head should know best. They are the three super weapons in your world."
Of course, Baldhead will never forget that the three super weapons in his world are miniature black holes, mutant nuclear bombs, and muscle expansion agents.
Among them, the mutant nuclear bomb has invented a lot of non-super weapon nuclear bombs after the research in the combat laboratory. The power is still acceptable, but the mutant nuclear bomb as the research body has not been used.
Miniature black holes, this thing is even more dangerous, and accidentally will create a real black hole.
Muscle expanders, it is said that if you eat all the ingredients, that person will have the power to destroy the world. No one knows the exact situation.
"Even if there are three super weapons, it is impossible to deal with the king?" Even Yun Ru doesn't believe it. After all, she has studied these three super weapons. "Here, we have no help from other super weapons, these three super weapons are our final cards!"
Everyone is silent, and in the current situation, there is a high probability that they will be completely destroyed.
Even if it is a straw, they will just hold it.
"Tanya, only you among us can use teleport, and you take them back from the space, and I use three super weapons, and I will die with the stone king!" Ju Ling looked firm.
The faces of other super-arms changed, but no one said anything.
They are well aware that this kind of thing must be done by one person, not Ju Ling but also others.
At this time, Boris's replica came out: "Let me go, I know that I am only a replica of Boris. Although Boris has always regarded me as his brother, but in all super arms, my Strength and talent are the lowest, this task let me come!"
"Brother, you..." Boris didn't know what to say.
For such a long time, only one super-armed class of Boris has seen replicas, and none of the other super-armed classes makes Su Chen very strange.
He once asked the system. The system said that it was set up this way at first, but then found that if a copy of the super-arms appeared, it would have some impact on the original super-arms, and it canceled this setting.
This is why there are no duplicates in the following super arms.
Indeed, the emergence of Boris replica has made Boris's strength the bottom of all super-arms. This effect is terrible.
It's just that Boris doesn't care. He always treats the replica as his own brother, and other super-arms also don't care about the identity of his replica.
Ju Ling directly refused: "Even if you want to die together, you also need a certain strength, you are still a little bit."
There is no way to refute the Boris replica. Among all super-arms, Ju Ling's strength is definitely the undisputed number one.
However, this kind of first is actually reflected in the death, which makes the super arms very unwilling.
"Is this the only way?" Natasha gritted her teeth.
At this time, the stone man had a movement, his head turned to the super soldiers, and the voice of the stone king came: "The time of death is up, my descendants, they are the funeral items for you!"
The huge rock palms shot directly at them, and at the same time a force prevented them from moving, even Tan Ya's teleportation failed.
At this critical moment, Baldhead seemed to think of something, and yelled directly at Ju Ling: "Give me muscle expander!"
Without any hesitation, Ju Ling took out the muscle-expanding agent directly from the portable space and threw it to the bald head.
At this time, the huge rock palm finally fell.
The dark cosmic space around them all vibrated, indicating that the Stone King absolutely used very powerful forces.
You have to know that this is a dark universe, and the place where it can resist the attack strength of the king, even the space here is shaking, showing how amazing the power of the stone king is.
The stone king thought that these people would die after this slap, but he actually felt a trace of resistance from the palm of his hand.
The strength at the beginning was very weak, and soon he gradually propped up his palms in a volcanic eruption, and finally threw it away.
The muscular body of the bald head exudes a faint bronze glow, holding his hands high, especially his bald head, like a large light bulb with a kilowatt, illuminating the surrounding area.
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