Chapter 102: Lilith goes crazy

When the light of Roshanda shines on the earth, all over the continent of Io, a new day begins.
After eating breakfast, one person and two beasts Lingbo set off with a microstep. At least this scene of walking out of Yuebi Lake, whether it is shown to the aborigines or the players, it is very good.
Along the way, Lin Chuan found that in the northeast corner of the Yuebi Valley today, there was an infected part of this forest. This made Lin Chuan’s heart sink. The black hand behind the scenes noticed the outside, which indicated that Although the black hand's power cannot directly interfere, it can still affect the outside world.
This allowed Lin Chuan to confirm the safety outside, but at the same time, if he was not careful, he would still speak.
"We should purify the infected parts outside, and then replant the silver pine."
Lin Chuan suggested that although the infected area currently seems to be a disease of ringworm and scabies, this is the same as a single spark, which can start a prairie fire, and it will spread.
If you use a clear analogy, it's like a plague, which is terrifying. It can be contagious.
Thinking of the plague, Lin Chuan thought of a plot that happened later, but at this time, not thinking about that time.
Purify this piece, kill and kill some infected monsters, one person and two beasts, and search again to make sure that there is no such missing place. They walked to the cave and saw that they were dead and injured. Half of the pea shooter, the cactus warrior, and even none.
Lin Chuan didn't know where the cave was connected, why there seemed to be a steady stream of skeleton soldiers, whether there were any other monsters, it was not certain.
"The Necromancer is not just a monster of skeletons. It should be said that there are countless species in the Necromancer, but the best thing to get is all kinds of skeletons. This is the basic unit of the necromancer and is compatible with humans. The spearman and the elf shooter exist as a concept.
In the cave, there was still some sacred and evil auras revealed, but the sacred auras were nothing but evil, but the feeling of evil could not be concealed anyway.
Lin Chuan actually had some speculations. It seemed that the depraved aura was not very strong, which made Lin Chuan feel a little strange, not knowing what it was because of it.
"In this way, today we still clean and purify the past all the way, and then let the star point guard a fork at the fork, let's clear the past quickly, see what is going on at the next fork, and then let's see what should happen next Do it." Lin Chuan arranged.
Lilith nodded and agreed, but Star Point had no objection. This matter was settled.
Cleaning up all the way, purifying all the way, this feeling is really a bit irritating.
Lin Chuan discovered that a manic feeling was really annoying.
"Be careful, there is always a fascinating magic wave in the air today. Keep it in a good state and don't get caught."
Without Lin Chuan's reminder, Lilith felt it too. The perception of super-order beasts is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but sometimes, it is not you who said that I noticed, or that you were prepared, and you would not be caught.
The star point was left to guard at the fork. If you encounter a skeleton attack, you will use the vine technique to restrain it. Lin Chuan also left a few pea shooters. One plus one should not cause problems.
Moreover, the star-pointed elk are not a race that likes to fight. Even if there are fascinating magic waves in the air, they should not be too impulsive and will not fall into madness.
On the contrary, Lilith, as a unicorn, shouldn't have been so impulsive, but Lilith's parents should have fallen in the depths of the cave, not knowing their life or death.
This puts a lot of pressure on Lilith, so today, under this kind of magical fluctuations in the supply of people’s hearts, even if she had expected it before, Lilith suddenly became manic and rushed towards it, while a few of light came from her mouth. He spit out, and rushed towards the skeleton soldier in front.
"Lilith!" Lin Chuan called out loudly, but Lilith didn't seem to be able to hear it at all. She continued to rush forward, spitting out light in her mouth to purify the skeleton soldiers. In addition, Lily Silk also uses her single horn to fight.
The unicorn's unicorn is the hardest and most essential part of the whole body. It contains the magic power of the whole body. It can be said that this is both a physical attack and a magical attack, with a double attack effect.
Lilith is like a sharp sword, rushing into the group of skeletons, invincible, as if there is no one.
Lin Chuan yelled anxiously, countless counts, but never counted, Lilith, as a super-order monster, would be so easily fooled.
Lin Chuan's mind, this must be because the disappearance of her parents these days left Lilith with no support in her heart, and her heart is already urgent.
Lin Chuan felt that his consideration was not too meticulous. In Lilith’s mentality, he always felt that his comfort should have played a role. After a few days of no mistakes, he felt that he was a good carer. Today happened. Lin Chuan knew that he was actually the house mage in his bones, and he was still not very good at these short-term parents.
"It's really big!" Lin Chuan thought, but still shouted loudly: "Lilith, calm down!"
Unicorns also have their own limits, not to mention a juvenile period, even a unicorn with the strength of a young archmage has its own limits.
It's just the limit of laughter, like a bowl of water, the difference between a lake.
Lin Chuan shouted, and rushed forward, hoping that he could stop Lilith, and if he ran like this, sooner or later, he would still be exhausted. At that time, he might give the Black Death Cthulhu a very good material.
For the Black Death Cthulhu, he has mastered the priesthood of blackening and corruption, these two priesthoods, if they get the corpse of a unicorn, their followers can make very terrifying combat weapons.
Or even further, if it was not a corpse, but a weak unicorn, or, but fell into a weak unicorn, then the more terrifying result would be what Lin Chuan might encounter.
Thinking of the end and consequences, Lin Chuan couldn't help shivering.
Normal unicorns are sacred and very powerful, while the corrupted ones are dark unicorns, degrading their power and turning them into the most evil existence.
Things are so ridiculous, the most sacred, once they fall, they will become the most evil and scariest existence in the world.
Absolutely not! Lin Chuan shouted: "Lilith!"
At the same time, he had already chased Lilith's side, but at this moment, in Lin Chuan's eyes, a single horn with golden light pierced toward his body.
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