Chapter 1425: Relationship decryption

But at this moment, Saint Edwin told them that this time, it was not a show, and the invasion of the lower planes was not so easy to rush back.
The first impression of a few people is impossible, how is it possible!
Not to mention others, even if any of them contributes, they can quickly drive out the lower planes.
However, the words of Saint Edwin made them have to cheer up.
If it was as Saint Edwin said, this time it would be really bad.
They themselves don't doubt that they will fall. As the peak demigods, most of them are still voters.
If you can't beat it yourself, can't you still choose to let the true descend?
The elect of the true gods are not consumables. In the crisis of life and death, the true gods will definitely intervene.
In this way, their own safety is guaranteed.
Ellastro glanced at Saint Edwin and rolled his eyes: "Edwin, you don't want to sell it. Hurry up, what else have you found!"
Edwin shook his head, making everyone strange, didn't you say it?
Why do you shake your head now, what did you find?
how can that be!
Saint Edwin also said with some emotion: "I didn't find it, but the kid in my family found it."
Your kid?
you are married?
You have a baby?
Several people feel strange. Saint Edwin has never been married, but there are a few confidantes, but they have not heard of any progress with Saint Edwin. There is no child!
But soon, they reacted.
"Is that the Adventer boy?" Gladys asked.
Saint Edwin nodded, eyes full of memories and emotions: "Originally, that was what I was going to give myself as the carrier of my incarnation. However, I have seen a few pictures in the long river of time, and this is how that The Nine Worlds Tree was planted in Edwin Village, and it took thousands of years for the kid to come down. Sometimes I wonder if I was wrong at the beginning."
Christopher nodded clearly, and said: "It turns out that everything we heard before is true, but Edwin, do you see this kid as an heir?"
Saint Edwin's favor of a Descendant kid, they all heard about it.
But no one thought that Saint Edwin would treat the kid as an heir.
Heir of a demigod, what a lofty position is that?
It can be said that in this world, as long as it does not provoke a few people, even a demigod has nothing to provoke.
Of course, you provoked and were beaten to death at that time. That was your life.
However, as long as everyone knows that this is the person whom Saint Edwin is the heir, I am afraid that few people dare to kill.
Saint Edwin’s eyes were full of memories, as if he had returned to the time when he got the seedling.
At that time, Saint Edwin had made many friends.
The blade of Zhu Shen used this time was also obtained at that time.
The Pope of Thorns suddenly asked in surprise: "Edwin, have you touched the long river of time?"
Even if it is a true god, it may not be able to touch the long river of time!
Those who can touch the long river of time are all outstanding in the powerful divine power.
Or, the kind that masters special rules,
The legendary three goddesses of fate!
Destiny is always inseparable from time.
But even the three goddesses of fate did not dare to say that they could touch the river of time at any time.
This is a double-edged sword that hurts itself while hurting the enemy.
The deity of fate has also been replaced several times. It is ironic that the deity in charge of fate cannot control his own destiny.
Saint Edwin originally had high hopes for Lin Chuan, so he has always been very favored.
Saint Edwin even left something in the body of the Nine Realms Tree, but it was a pity that Lin Chuan hadn't touched it yet.
Lin Chuan always thought that he was the of Saint Edwin, which was placed on the surface to attract the attention of others.
In fact, Saint Edwin regarded Lin Chuan as his child.
This kind of thing is impossible on any other demigod.
But Saint Edwin was so natural.
He was originally a demigod who mastered the power of nature, and it was not impossible to regard a tree as an heir.
In fact, the reason why Saint Edwin values ​​Linchuan is very simple. He has seen some things from the long river of time. Saint Edwin thinks Linchuan can help him.
Perhaps Lin Chuan felt that he did very little, but Saint Edwin has gained a lot.
Some special products of the interstellar world, such as tea, are one of them.
In fact, after entering the interstellar world, the China Administrative Region was also affected by other administrative regions.
Not to mention anything else, as for this tea, the Huaxia Administrative Region is actually more inclined to the Western one, crushing tea as an instant product.
In this respect, it is very similar to Beijing in Io.
But Lin Chuan brought tea and brewed tea, which made Saint Edwin's strength unknowingly improved a lot.
This time, this kind of tea has also brought some progress to Gladys and Brandon, which invisibly also gave a lot of help.
Moreover, this time, Lin Chuan also found a worm-mother seal crystal outside the forest. This help was tremendous.
Not to mention the preciousness of this worm-mother seal crystal, it is even comparable to the Miser energy core.
Just discovering the crystal in advance can eliminate a terrifying disaster at the beginning, which is a very big help.
After clearing his thoughts, Saint Edwin said: "Just next door to plane 1001 where the Dark Elves set up the Abyss Gate this time, in underground world No. 77, the child found a new worm mother seal crystal! "
Lin Chuan didn't know that the underground world he named actually had its own name.
Of course, in fact, they are all named by people.
It's just that one is named after him.
The other one is named after a demigod organization headed by Edwin Saints.
Universality, naturally, demigods are more authoritative.
From the words of Saint Edwin, they know that they are not ignorant of the underground world.
On the contrary, they are very familiar, and even named every underground world.
Although only the most common ones, they are named according to the time and number found.
A thousand have been discovered in the underground world before!
There may be less than a thousand in existence, and some underground worlds have also been annihilated in a distant time.
The newest one was named the 1001 plane.
Alasdro asked suspiciously: "How did he find it? And, did he know the worm mother seal crystal?"
Lin Chuan is indeed good, but this knowledge should be too advanced for Lin Chuan, it is impossible to get in touch with it.
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