Chapter 1551: Rescue

In fact, Gena wanted to show off, because he was already a paladin of the great Lord of Seasons.
Shouldn't a powerful paladin be eclipsed by the stars?
But this little thought was broken with the cooperation of others.
But Gena didn't care, what he cared more in his heart was that he could defeat the dark elf.
The dark elf was much stronger than him, but his divine art was still very easy, and he restrained the opponent.
Then, there will be others! It can be said that he played a key role in this process.
Inwardly, there seemed to be a knot loosened. Gena felt that his life seemed to be different.
The world in front of him also seemed to become even better and dazzling. The world has become different!
Gnar didn't know what it was, but he knew that his fear of the dark elves had disappeared.
It turns out that the dark elves can also be killed, killed by cavemen!
The hope of the caveman is indeed the hope of the caveman.
My lord, praise you.
"You are the of the four seasons, you dominate the changes of the four seasons!"
"You are the of spring, and you have the authority to revive everything!"
"You are the God of Xia, and you have the authority to flourish!"
"You are the of autumn, and you have the authority to harvest everything!"
"You are the of winter, and you hold the authority of all things!"
"I pray for your response, I would like to believe in your way, practice your will, and wish your way to go on the earth as if it were in your country!"
Genna couldn't help praying in his heart, and then found that he seemed to have an extra look on his body.
What kind of look is this?
It is gentle, honest, kind, majestic, great, and mysterious.
This is the gaze of the Lord of Four Seasons.
My lord, praise you sincerely!
Gena felt that his divine power that had been exhausted was once again full of energy.
And, more abundant than ever, more abundant than any day.
"Am I? Promoted?"
Gena has a clear understanding in his heart, although he is only an apprentice, but he is indeed promoted!
This is a grace!
He strengthened his belief, it turned out that belief is such a comfortable thing!
What a blessing to be followed by the true God!
The other cavemen, after cooperating with those of their kind, killed all the dark elves, they saw Gena kneeling down and praying constantly.
Although they didn't know that Gana was promoted, they knew that Gana was praying.
"The aura on Patriarch Gena seems to be stronger!"
"Is the Patriarch of Younger Gna even better?"
"Why does he do this?"
Those cavemen of the same kind, originally killed the dark elves, they had to clean up the scene immediately. Because this is what their queen taught, each team is a whole, after killing the enemy, you must quickly organize and clean up the scene, and then retreat to a safe place.
But at this time, what did they see?
Is that a prayer?
Caveman still praying?
Don't be kidding, no caveman would be willing to accept it!
Therefore, we must strengthen ourselves!
Only the Queen, is our tomorrow and our hope!
Everything is based on the wishes of the Queen!
But soon, there was a faint light in the eyes of these people.
"That is, the gods?" The caveman couldn't believe his eyes. Generally speaking, the gods would bring some light.
This is for others to see, and for those who see, to know the gods, and make contributions for the gods.
In short, this is a show to let people know the benefits of God's favor.
But the cavemen at the scene are hard to believe, this is a favorite.
It's not that the cavemen of the Green Grass tribe haven't seen the gods, but when it was really the young patriarch's turn, they were still surprised.
But then they were overjoyed!
The young patriarch has won the favor, and his divine power has greatly increased, and it will become more powerful in the future.
During this period of time, the young patriarch took them and hunted a lot of monsters. Everyone in the clan eats meat, and many people's bodies have become stronger.
Many cavemen have been employed as soldiers one after another.
There are a few people here, all because of the demon meat of the patriarch of Gena, they took office.
And these are all brought by the Lord of Four Seasons!
They all knelt down one after another, yes, it was the change brought about by the Lord of the Four Seasons.
My lord, praise you!
A small prayer meeting started, making the cavemen holding weapons a bit strange.
"They, what's wrong?"
In fact, they knew what was going on in their hearts.
But it was because of knowing that it was even more shocked.
Caveman, isn't there no true God willing to accept it?
Why are they like this?
The existence of the attack season makes the cavemen not so strange to the tribe of dark elves.
Every once in a while, they will be called up to work in a tribe of dark elves, and they are still the best cannon fodder in wartime.
In the tribe of dark elves, there are sculptures of true gods, and they are not qualified to bow down.
But they have seen the idol.
They also witnessed the prayers of believers.
It is this that makes it even more strange.
These people have really found the true to accept them?
Could it be that Cthulhu?
But it won't, those lights seem to be very sacred.
However, they didn't have the power either, and they didn't know if it was an evil god.
Cthulhu's ability to disguise is very powerful!
After a while, Genna got up.
He is already a paladin at the pinnacle of apprenticeship, and he is only a step away from the bronze steps!
In fact, his warrior profession is higher than that of a paladin, but if it is really better than combat power, the paladin is still more powerful.
Because a paladin can borrow the power of the true god!
After some contact, the two sides separated.
Those cavemen, gave them part of the monster meat.
Garner also knew that the tribe of cavemen was a little far away from them.
Before they hunted here, they were attacked by dark elves.
Yes, sneak attack!
Dark elves are such a race, even if they are inferior to their own, they will choose to attack.
That team of cavemen died because of a sneak attack.
Then they rely on the team's teamwork ability to resist these dark elves.
And in the process, killed one of them.
Had it not been for Garner and others, they might have lost to the dark elves sooner or later.
The opponent has the ability of a professional, and they? Except for some shoddy weapons and armors, they can only rely on the battlefield.
When those people left, Gena also returned with his tribe and a large amount of Monster Meat.
In Gena's heart, he also had some plans of his own. After returning, he was going to discuss with his father Remy.
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