Chapter 1582: Go to sea, leave

On the coast, a group of people looked at the dark environment, but they didn't dare to light a fire or something.
To escape this kind of thing, you can do it in private. Once you are put in a bright place, you will be easily caught. At that time, the end will not be so good!
In the moonlight, with a deep foot and a shallow foot, it was easy to walk here.
Zhao Jiayu turned her head and looked at the dark environment behind her, also sighing.
In the end, they also have feelings, just as they left the Huaxia Administrative Region before, they are still nostalgic.
But in the end, interests prevailed.
Just like before leaving the Huaxia Administrative Region, interests are at the forefront, and hometown or something is worthless.
"Let's go!"
Zhao Jiayu said, the group put down the boat.
In his ears, there was the sound of sea water beating against the coast. He and Sheng Shi Ice Demon looked at each other. Even at night, they saw the look in each other's eyes.
Parting ways, still enemies in the future!
They were originally enemies, but they had a common enemy, so they reluctantly suppressed their hatred and confronted the enemy together.
But now that they are leaving here, they will no longer be neighbors with Wanxing Pavilion.
As for the guild alliance’s worries, that is not what they should be worried about now.
There may be wars with Wanxing Pavilion in the future, but they are not much better with each other!
There seemed to be sparks in the air.
"Brother Shengshi Ice Demon, there will be a period later!"
"Brother Zhao, the landscape meets each other!"
What the two people said seemed to be farewell words, but who could not hear the vicious attitude inside?
Between each other, there was also a look of hatred.
Between their guilds, they are all enemies. Where can they live in peace?
Living in peace is a last resort!
Put down the ship, the Shengshi Guild is in the north, and they want to go north to the glory highlands.
The people of the Shengshi Guild didn't know the plan of the Shengshi Ice Demon, but felt that the Shengshi Ice Demon was a little weak, how could he go north?
Is that place where people stay?
Besides, the temperature in that place is really too low.
The soil of Glory Heights is not fertile enough, and there are many beasts and orcs!
Once there, it’s not safe at all, okay?
Where can I go south?
After all, going south is going to the country of mankind, and they are relatively familiar with people.
Although wearing the skin of elves, in the end, humans are not suitable?
The same goes for Zhao Jiayu's Jiayu Rufeng, but relatively speaking, they hold their heads high. Are they taking advantage of it?
Although I was forced to be helpless, I wanted to escape from here!
But the treatment after escaping, they have the upper hand!
This is how people are. In the face of adversity, as long as you see someone worse than yourself, it's so much better in your heart!
Human inferiority!
The two sides mocked each other for a while, and then Zhao Jiayu and Sheng Shi Bing Demon stopped drinking.
"Okay, don't say anything, go quickly. It's too late, when someone finds out, that would be bad."
The ship was transported out, and Zhao Jiayu and others got on the ship.
They are all pre-booked lists. Most of the people who come here are transporting ships.
There are only a dozen people in a boat.
The boat is not very big, nor small.
It's too big, they can't make it out, and it's not convenient to carry it.
It's too small. When a wave hits, they will be beaten down. Where else can they be transported?
Just like that, the ships are not big or small, and they dare not leave the coast too far.
Of course, it shouldn't be too close. Those waves rushing over, the force that hits the coast is still great. If you are not careful, you may capsize!
However, everyone is a professional, and the strength is not small. Even if the ship capsizes, he can turn the ship over again, and continue to move forward.
This is their confidence. Without this, they would not dare to leave.
With an order, the ship left.
There were still many people left on the shore. The speed of the boat was not very fast, and they did not dare to drive too fast at night. Once it hits the rocks, it's bad.
In the package, they brought a lot of food, all cooked food. They don't dare to bring them when they are born, and it is impossible to live for them on the road.
Some bread, some dried meat, and some dry food made of grain.
There are more or less people in the interstellar world. No, just check the production method online, and it can be done.
It's just that the sound of riding a horse came from behind before leaving far!
"That is?"
Zhao Jiayu's face changed drastically at once, and the sound of riding a horse even covered the sound of the ocean tide.
The players on the shore were even more shocked, and the trembling ground showed that there were many people here this time.
But in fact, not many people came.
It's just dozens of rides, but these dozens of rides have changed the expressions of the people on the shore!
This is a monster with the least archmage level, and behind these necromancers, there may be a more powerful necromancer!
"Aren't the aborigines not allowed to take action? How could it?"
Some people yelled and couldn't believe it at all.
But they didn't convince them, the Necromancer came quickly.
A lance killed a person, and even a few skewered, as if it were a barbecue, they were skewered!
He didn't even have a chance to resist, and he didn't even make a scream, so he was directly linked up!
The battle on the shore soon ended, and the Necromancer came to kill these players. It was simply too simple.
It's like using an anti-aircraft cannon to hit mosquitoes.
Zhao Jiayu stood up from the boat in shock. Before he had time to think, he witnessed his subordinates, and was picked up by a few people.
The life of the player is just like grass and mustard, it's really worthless!
With that style, people don't have to spend much effort at all.
Then, seeing the necromancer trembling with his spear, the corpses fell.
Then, the body slowly stood up from the ground.
It turned into a zombie directly!
This is the ability attached to those necromancers, and it can be done directly without the necromancer's effort.
Zhao Jiayu didn't know what to think, his profession was actually a bit like a necromancer, and with his artifact, it was very similar to these necromancers.
"Then I am not a necromancer, who is my necromancer?"
Zhao Jiayu was scared to death when this thought came up.
But he comforted himself: "Don't worry, it's just good luck and you have found the artifact."
His own occupation was not given by others. He is a stranger, not a dead man!
But then, before he had time to think, he saw the necromantic knights noticed them at sea.
Zhao Jiayu's eyes shrank, and those necromantic knights were not afraid of the ocean at all, and charged directly from the land.
Halfway, those necromantic knights split directly into two halves, rushing towards them all the way, towards the Shengshi Ice Demon and them all the way.
"How to do?"
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