Chapter 188: Base anomaly

Prejudging spells requires a lot of experience. Fortunately, Lin Chuan does not lack this. He is still very experienced in playing bosses from the 20 years before rebirth.
How does the house master fight the boss? Of course it's on your own, and of course the golem army will follow.
Unfortunately, now that the Mage Tower does not know where it is, there is no need to think about the Golem Legion.
Of course, the magician can also take a look at the summoning flow. For example, those who are proficient in monster summoning can summon "destined" monsters from the countless interfaces of the multiverse to help you fight.
Of course, it can only be predestined. This monster summoning technique is notoriously random and cannot be specified unless you have specific summoning consumables.
The only thing that can be determined is that the monsters summoned each time have the same rank as the monster summoning technique you use.
Of course, this is also a wide range. For example, if you use the monster summoning technique in the apprentice phase, the one you summon is an apprentice. The level is hovering between 0-20. It is not certain whether it is level 0 or level 20.
Of course, the subsequent arcanists also invented some specific summoning techniques, such as elemental summoning, which can summon specific elemental creatures.
However, it also needs to consume some elemental items.
Lin Chuan doesn't know the above two, so he can only deal with it by himself.
Fortunately, Luo Yanbu is indeed extraordinary. After all, it was passed down by Xiantian Lingbao. Although Lin Chuan hasn't completely mastered it yet, it is only a preliminary mastery, and it is not difficult to deal with this kind of primary boss.
However, there will still be some contamination.
It's just because of the boss' attacks sometimes, there are scope attacks.
Cross! This is the action of the skeleton warrior using the bone knife in his hand to slash and slash horizontally. Because the original speed is fast, when using the skill, this speed has a bonus, very fast, and Lin Chuan just avoids it as much as possible.
The level is not comparable, the template is also suppressed, how to beat the opponent?
It is nothing more than the number of people, some people do a meat shield to pull up the hatred, the priest heals, the wizard attacks from a distance, and so on.
It's a pity that Lin Chuan didn't have any helpers at this time, and Lilith and Star Point were also sent by him to help sonorous Rose and they kill the elite as soon as possible so that they can take over the boss.
I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a whisper.
"Lin Chuan, you can bring the boss here."
Lin Chuan's expression suddenly relaxed, and he was finally finished. Not to mention that with his current attributes, dealing with a boss alone would be a little troublesome.
Lin Chuan led the boss to the base, and there was also talking about them on the battlefield.
Pastor Raul's face was a little worried. He looked at Levi's and said, "The little guy in your village seems to have provoke a regional lord. There will be nothing wrong, right?"
Levi's was worried, but he had no choice but to shook his head: "I don't know, he is a descendant, even if he is lost, he can be resurrected."
This is a very enviable ability, but only the descendants have this ability, others do not.
It's not that the gods don't have this ability, but the gods have all had a covenant with the of death, so they can't easily use this ability, otherwise they will be against the many gods of death in the kingdom of souls.
Io Continent is not just a of death. Just death as a priesthood has supported several powerful divine powers. This is a very important and powerful force for Fei.
Fortunately, many death gods are also shrinking in the land of ten thousand souls, concentrating on dealing with souls, and will not easily come out, otherwise the pattern of this world will change.
Of course, this may also be a restriction of the gods on death.
Li Shiwei didn't understand what it was.
But he only needs to know that resurrection is a benefit only to those who descend, that's it.
In the opposite camp, Kamil was also asking about this, and a hooded man standing next to him was listening to something with his head down at this time.
"How's the situation going?" Kemir asked. He thought it was just a few descendants and sent ten elites to the past. Instead, they were wiped out, and they were regarded as enemies.
Kemir is the person in charge of the battlefield, and it is not easy to focus on this small role, so he sent someone to deal with it casually. Unexpectedly, in the next week, dealing with it will become the climate, and it will slightly affect the part of the battlefield Towards.
If it weren't for the fact that there are still a lot of back players, Kamil would want to deal with it personally.
Kamil didn't know that Lin Chuan was the culprit who caused the failure of his grandson's mission, otherwise he would definitely not sit still.
The person next to him raised his head, his face was not a Prosperous Ice Demon, but who was it?
This Flourishing Age Ice Demon also knows how to go to camp. Soon after he betrayed him, he actually took the path of Kamil. This is a bishop, not an honorary bishop like Minerva, but a powerful bishop with a level of 129!
Sheng Shi Ice Demon also put away his pride at this time. He is a good master, but now he is only level 10. In the previous suicide, his level dropped by one level, and he has not yet risen back.
Facing a monster of more than 100 levels, Sheng Shi Ice Demon temporarily put away his temper, but the pride at the bottom of his eyes could not be concealed.
"The base over there has been destroyed by my people. The elite you sent can definitely kill those people."
It's just in my heart that Shengshi Ice Demon also knows that, for the player, it will lose some experience and lose some attribute points.
Experience can be retrieved from monsters, and attribute points can also be recovered by exercise.
However, what he wants is this amount of time. The loss takes time to recover. He has lost himself. As the culprit, how can he be safe?
Even, he has gained a lot of experience points and equipment. How can this make Sheng Shi Bing Mo swallow this breath?
But what can I do if I can't swallow it? He has no ability to win it back himself.
Fortunately, after taking refuge in, he was quickly summoned by the Kamil Bishop. With the player's three-inch tongue, the Prosperous Ice Demon General Kamil spoke.
"It's the person who killed himself, so he didn't fight it, but if he got involved in this battlefield, I could take advantage of the situation to kill you."
In his eyes, the radiance of hatred did not fade, and Kamil was captured in his eyes, including the previous pride.
With a sneer in my heart, Kamil didn't mention it either. It's still useful right now. When the matter is over, it's not that simple. That Shengshi Changquan, isn't it?
Kamil thought to himself, but his face was not obvious.
The people who descended thought that the aboriginals were all deceiving, but they didn't know that when the aboriginals became cunning, the people who descended could only eat their food.
Here. Lin Chuan led the skeleton warrior Jesse to the base, but before he arrived, Lin Chuan discovered something was wrong from a distance.
"What's happening here?"
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