Chapter 48: Unicorn Lilith

Lin Chuan couldn't believe his eyes. What a beautiful creature appeared in front of him?
White hair, slender body, and the most surprising and favorite thing is the single horn on top of her head.
Lin Chuan opened his mouth wide and said, "I must be dazzled? This kind of novice map, there will be such creatures? Unicorns? And is it a royal unicorn?"
Ordinary unicorns, their heads are crystal clear, unicorns with no color at all. That is the source of their strength and the strongest and most precious thing on their bodies.
And the one in front of me, the single horn on the top of the head, even with a little gold, makes people want to ignore it.
In fact, Lin Chuan knew that he was absolutely right, because the unicorn of a unicorn is not seen by ordinary people. You can only see the unicorn if it wants you to see it. This is a magical thing. You need to learn appraisal skills, and the level can't be lower, otherwise you will absolutely ignore him.
At most, he sighed: "How come there are such majestic and beautiful horses?"
Yes, from the outside, a unicorn is no different from a horse, except for the unicorn you can't see.
Lin Chuan knew that this was definitely the unicorn wanted him to see, so let him see it directly, then the question is, why would the unicorn let him see it? Is his charm too high?
For this reason, his natural 25-point charm is inherently attractive to the aboriginals of the same camp. In addition, the fairy races, especially the wood spirits, have both the elves and the elves. This is very attractive.
But these should not be the reason why this unicorn appeared in front of him and let him see it, because the one in front of him is obviously still a juvenile unicorn, and its strength is not strong enough, and even Lin Chuan is relying on it. The equipment, it is not impossible to leave this unicorn.
Then, there must be something to ask for help, or she can't leave.
Lin Chuan recognized that this was a female unicorn.
Before Lin Chuan could speak, the unicorn had already spoken first, her voice was extremely ethereal, even those female stars in the real world, no one could compare to this ethereal voice.
"Young fairy tribe, are you willing to accept Lilith's commission?"
Sure enough, there are tasks, but is the task of a unicorn too dangerous?
Lin Chuan just went through this in his heart, and then agreed.
Danger is also accompanied by chance, where misfortune and blessing depend.
"I'm very willing to accept your commission, Lilith, but I don't know what the commission is. I need to do what I can."
Even if Lin Chuan is confident and unwilling to reject such a beautiful creature, his life is still the most important thing. Under this premise, he can complete the task.
This is not a force, but rather prudent. Even if Lin Chuan has many ways to restore the attribute punishment brought by death and resurrection, he is unwilling to die easily. Before there is enough information, no one can be sure that this kind of death resurrection There is no negative aspect, Lin Chuan knows too little about the soul.
Lilith nodded, she wouldn't be overwhelmed, on the contrary, she agreed with this answer. Although she was still a child, she still learned a lot.
"To the northeast, a month ago, there was an evil atmosphere over there. This aura was very strong. My parents went to investigate. They have not returned yet. I am very worried about their comfort. I would like to invite you to explore. One or two, if you find anything, you can return to me and I will pay you accordingly."
System: Unicorn Lilith will issue you a task: Lilith’s request, do you accept it?
It means that there is obviously a very evil presence in the northwest, please choose carefully.
Lin Chuan agreed: "Okay, I will go to explore as soon as possible, but I think you seem to be restricted, do you need help?"
This is the address of the Mage Tower that Lin Chuan has decided. It must be explored. In that case, why not complete a task?
As for the unicorn family here, as well as the tree of wisdom behind Lilith, if Lin Chuan says there is no greed, it is impossible, but at this stage, Lin Chuan dare not hit the unicorn attention. That is a super-ranked monster like the giant dragon. After adulthood, it will have the power of this great mage, which is beyond the golden rank and belong to the existence above 140.
As for Lilith, she was only in her infancy, at the bronze level, but there should also be a bronze template because of her royal blood.
From now on, it can be imagined that her parents must also have templates, but they don’t know what level of template they are.
The tree of wisdom behind is obviously also a juvenile, just like the tree of the Nine Realms, even wisdom has not yet been born.
"So, do you need me to help you out? Lilith?"
Lilith nodded, but there was absolutely doubt on her face, Lin Chuan didn't know how to see the doubt of a horse.
"Young celestial people..."
"My name is Lin Yang, you can call me Lin Yang, or you can call me Chuan."
Lilith nodded: "Lin Yang, that's how I call you, can you unlock the magic prohibition set by my parents?"
Obviously, Lilith still had reservations about Lin Chuan's closeness. Although she was naturally close, she would never hand over everything in one meeting. Even if unicorns are a symbol of purity, it does not mean that they are mentally retarded.
Lin Chuan smiled and said: "Your parents are very powerful, and I can't undo the magic restrictions they laid.
Lilith did not interrupt Lin Chuan, but looked at Lin Chuan with pure eyes, making all those who lied feel guilty. This is the charm of unicorns.
Since Lin Chuan dares to say this, he is naturally confident: "Although I can't solve it, I have a way to open a hole in the prohibition so that you can leave this restriction."
Lilith nodded: "In that case, please help me, I will pay you enough."
The system prompt came, showing that Lilith had another commission.
System: Lilith issues a commission to you
Explanation: Please open the magic prohibition that restricts Lilith and let her be free.
Lin Chuan accepted the task and carefully observed the magic circle. Before he was reborn, he knew the magic circle very well. With the help of Taling now, Lin Chuan quickly found several magic nodes. This is the operation of the magic circle. As long as it interferes with this node, the magic circle will temporarily stop and make a small gap.
Lin Chuan showed some magic power in his hand, tapped a few times on the circle, and shouted at the same time: "Lilith, ready."
After getting Lilith's response, Lin Chuan speeded up his click, and then shouted at a certain moment: "It's now, Lilith!"
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