Chapter 672: Four Seasons Runes (3)

People take food as their heaven, no matter which world they are in, as long as the people are not beyond the ordinary, they still need to eat. Then, food is the most important topic in the world.
There was enthusiasm in Tuya's eyes, but he searched for it, but he could not find any trace. It seemed that the treasure was just made up by the spirit of the earth to make him look away.
If it weren't for the moss overgrown on the ground, Tuya couldn't believe it. Subconsciously, they must doubt whether the Earth Spirit has found a new favor, and he no longer cares so much.
The earth also needs messengers. Tuya is one of them.
However, the moss on the ground is still expanding, but the speed has slowed down, and it is still slowing down further. Or when it will stop.
how is this possible! Tu Ya suddenly felt a sense of opportunity away from him, and in his heart, a feeling of extreme reluctance was born.
No, such a good opportunity must belong to me.
But, where is the treasure?
"Waste, have you found it?"
Tuya yelled at the orcs who were looking for the depths of the cave. If you don't seize the opportunity, you will never find that thing again.
Angel raised his head, his body was still hiding in the endless shadows. The presence of moss increased the shadows he could use. It also increased his confidence in Tuya's confrontation.
The spirit of the shadow is still inferior to the spirit of the earth in the main material plane. But you can create some shaded areas to counteract the tooth!
Angel couldn't find where the treasure was, but only vaguely knew a direction. The reason why he let those people in the ghost wolf group go in search for it was simply to divert Tuya's attention.
He himself was still looking in the big hole outside, faintly, he had already caught that direction.
But at this moment, this faint feeling suddenly disappeared, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.
A feeling of loss emerged from the bottom of my heart.
Is this a lost treasure? Who the is it? Lin Chuan? impossible?
The ghost wolf group is powerful, and a lot of intelligence has been collected, and even Lin Chuan's real name is already known.
But Anger didn't believe it. He didn't even know the treasure that he hadn't seen in the shadow, and he didn't even know what it was. Lin Chuan had already taken the lead.
He would never have thought that the treasure was refined by Lin Chuan himself.
With the inheritance of a mythical world, Lin Chuan is indeed better than others to a certain extent.
At this time, he also felt that, because the half plane opening had not been completely closed, some of the power that emerged from the rune had leaked to the main material plane. This is the foundation of his own demiplane growth and belongs to him.
Naturally, Lin Chuan immediately closed the entrance to the demiplane. This was the instinct of the master of the demiplane. Following the complete closure of the entrance, Lin Chuan felt that the growth rate of the semi-planes had increased again. Although the speed is very slow, no one can feel it. But this can't hide Lin Chuan, because he is the master of the demiplane and the master of the runes.
At this time, the surface of the rune changed again. The original green brilliance slowly turned into red. This is an expression of enthusiasm and growth.
Under the envelope of spring, plants grew, and some flower bones hung on the branches. One after another, the branches were covered with branches. At this time, when summer came, these flower bones opened one after another, exuding the fragrance of flowers.
The fragrance of flowers made everyone who prayed constantly felt a spiritual shock. At the same time, the mind became clearer.
this is? Are the flowers in full bloom?
Shiryl couldn't believe it, and then quickly thought of the authority of the Lord of the Seasons.
"You are the of the four seasons, you dominate the changes of the four seasons!"
Since the changes of the four seasons can all be ruled, how can these be the case?
"You are the of spring, and you have the authority to revive everything!"
Before that, Shiryl had seen the scene of the recovery of everything, and the skyrocketing of those plants was the best proof. The birth of those flower bones is the best performance.
Then Shiryl thought about the blooming of flowers now.
She didn't stop praying, just opened her eyes and looked at the half plane in front of her, she couldn't believe it.
In an area of ​​more than 400 acres, all the plants were soaring, and then flowers bloomed quickly. That kind of colorful scene with a hundred flowers blooming makes people's eyes bewildered.
"You are the God of Xia, and you have the authority to flourish!"
Shiryl understood this prayer more thoroughly and believed more deeply.
This is a great being, the master of the four seasons, and can master the changes of the four seasons.
Shiryl was like this, and Old John and others did not miss it. They were originally just casual prayers, just want a spiritual sustenance. Seeing the skyrocketing plants, I thought it was a masterpiece of a certain monster.
For example, the two star-spotted elk that often appear in front of them, their natural magic can accelerate the growth of plants.
Just this speed is far inferior to the change of the demiplane in front of him.
But Old John just thought it might be because of a monster that was stronger than the two elk.
But at this time, this kind of great change made Old John's heart unbearable.
Is it really a Warcraft? Or is it really that great being?
The dominance of the four seasons, the revival of all things, and the prosperity of all things?
It's an ability that makes people very close and likes it. As a farmer, who doesn't like this kind of existence? If you can let the continuous growth of grain on your own land continue to grow and flourish, that is what farmers are most happy about.
"You are the of the four seasons, you dominate the changes of the four seasons!"
"You are the of spring, and you have the authority to revive everything!"
"You are the God of Xia, and you have the authority to flourish!"
"You are the of autumn, and you have the authority to harvest everything!"
"You are the of winter, and you hold the authority of all things!"
"I pray for your response, I would like to believe in your way, practice your will, and may your way walk on the earth as if it were in your country!"
Unconsciously, Old John bent his body even lower, and when he prayed, he was more attentive. On the top of the head, the white silk thread, originally still carrying some gray, has quickly transformed into white, and it has also become stronger.
Lin Chuan saw this change and suddenly became interested.
"Is this the so-called faith? The white before it was gray with some gray, that is to say, the old John was still suspicious, just chanting casually?"
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