Chapter 915: Curly baboon

At the same time, somewhere in the borderless heaven, outside a kingdom of God, a curly baboon with two heads stood there, chattering endlessly.
"Sivanus, don't hide like a tortoise. Come out. Come out if you have the ability. I know you are at home."
"Shut up, you idiot. We just have to make sure Sivanus doesn't go out."
"What does it matter? Sivanus dare not come out anyway!"
"I told you to shut up. I don't want to fight this old man outside of this old man's divine presence!"
"What are you talking about? Don't say that this old guy dare not come out, even if I rush in, I am definitely not afraid of this old guy!
"Shut up, idiot! His strength is so strong that he can only rush in and die!"
"What does it matter? After death, the big deal is to resurrect from the abyss. Maybe, next time I will take the lead!"
That's right, these are the words of the same person, the curly baboon. This is the demon prince Demogogan, who has the heads of two baboons and has two consciousnesses. One remained calm, extremely calm. One is very crazy, wants to ruin everything, including himself!
It is such a contradictory individual, but it is the oldest Tanari demon in the abyss!
As the oldest Tanari, Demogogan has endless time to weave conspiracies and execute plans. Certain goals have been achieved and are well known, such as conquering the 81st floor of the Bottomless Abyss, destroying the entire 230th floor of the Bottomless Abyss, and creating the Demon Hunter.
At this point, Demo Gogan and Rose Queen share a common language. If he can suppress one of his crazy heads, he is afraid that his fighting power will be much stronger.
He lives in a saltwater marsh, also known as the stomach of the devil. It is a vast ocean. The reef that is occasionally exposed is inhabited by flying demons. The huge whirlpool draws in the water of the Styx river and brings the stench to this place. Smell. Benthic magic fish, deep sea squid and other aquatic monsters are fighting endlessly here. However, everything must be bowed in front of Demo Gogan. He is the ruler of all aquatic monsters, and at the same time, relying on his strong strength, he has won the honorary title of "Demon Lord". Whether it is by power or magic, few guys in the entire multiverse can hold the odds against Demogogan. However, in the bottomless abyss, there are still people who look at Demogogen. Orcus and Grazite, the other two strongest demon kings, are always trying to challenge the status of the demon king. There are endless wars between their demons and undead and Demogogan's mad warfare, bottom-dwelling monster fish, deep sea squid, water troll, and fish monster.
Demo Kogan lived in a palace called "The Abyss" and he also built the Fortress of Ergus Retti. The part of the "Abyss" above the water is two tall snake-shaped towers with a skeleton shaped at the top. Demo Kogan studied arcane skills here, trying to unearth secrets older than himself from the abyss. The main body of this palace goes deep into the dark and cold water bottom, without a trace of sunlight. The Fortress of Ergus Reti is where the army is stationed, full of hunting spiders, golems, and other evil structures.
Even by devil's standards, Demo Gogan's figure is quite strange. He was about 18 feet tall when he was standing, with two hyena-like heads growing. Demo Kogan's body is slender, like a giant snake, covered with dark green scales. His upper limbs are like winding octopus-like tentacles. Although his legs look slender, they are actually strong and powerful. Demo Kogan's tail also diverged.
The symbol of Demogogan is a bifurcated snake tail, usually wrapped around a long sword or a skeleton.
At this time, the demon prince did not know why, he appeared outside the elves of the ancient gods. From the outside, this kingdom of God looked like an oak tree. There are countless oak trees growing inside, most of which are golden in color. The real oak tree is a very precious resource. Lin Chuan once got some seeds and planted them in the semi-plane.
But until this moment, those oak trees have not matured, and the clones have not been refined.
But here, the golden oak trees are like ordinary weeds, and there are golden oak trees everywhere in the kingdom of God. Most of these golden oaks have an old man's face on their bodies, but they are all asleep. This is an ancient tree!
No one knows how many ancient trees this elven ancient god, the father of the oak tree, owns, because he is an ancient and possesses the characteristics of being able to exist alone without faith. But even so, I don’t know how many elves believe in this ancient god.
Even mortals know the preciousness of divine power. But in this ancient god’s kingdom, the divine power of faith transformation can form lakes, and there are even many divine power waterfalls.
Demogogan looked at the situation inside the kingdom of God, and both heads drooled. If this could devour divine power infinitely, the abyss lords who stared at him in the abyss would not even dare to even think about it, right?
Demogogan clamored outside the kingdom of God. Although his words were harsh, he did not dare to step into the kingdom of God no matter which head it was. It seems that the front is a place deeper than the bottomless abyss. The calm and crazy head didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond.
Infinite fear and danger remind this one all the time.
This is the oldest ancient god, an ancient that has existed since the beginning of the world.
But this ancient seemed to ignore the existence of Demo Kogan. Or, is this ancient really asleep?
Sivanus hadn't appeared for a long time, and even the Pantheon meeting had never attended.
The gods of the elven family have not seen this ancient for a long time.
There is a saying that the elven ancient has completely fallen asleep, and if the kingdom of the gods were not destroyed, the ancient would not wake up.
There is also a saying that the power of this ancient has reached the peak of powerful divine power. This ancient has gone to the deepest part of the star realm to find the way behind the powerful divine power.
But Demo Gogan, the most powerful Demon of Tanari, did not dare to enter the kingdom of God, and did not dare to bet whether this ancient was there.
Sivanus' combat effectiveness is evident. In his own god, the true can easily defeat the existence of the same level as himself, and even resist the fighting power of multiple existences of the same level as himself!
This is an enhanced version of the Mage Tower, the future of the demiplane, a base of true gods, a strategic weapon on which to survive and depend! Therefore, even a hyena head of Demogogan, who is famous for his madness, only dared to speak quickly!
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