Vol 3 Chapter 1919: Sunken Pacific Fleet

Outside the Russian naval base in Vladivostok, on the sea less than 30 kilometers away from the base, the devastated Russian destroyer Varyag during the Pacific Fleet dragged its exhausted and injured hull, like an elderly man, towards the base in Vladivostok. Bumpy forward.
The slanted hull, the watertight compartment was seriously flooded, the dark burn marks, and the mottled hull had no neat painting.
The Russian Pacific Fleet suffered a devastating blow. It was originally intended to set off from the North Pacific to the central Pacific to join the Earth Federation Pacific Fleet with a dozen main battleships of Russia. At this moment, there is only one Varyag.
And it is a ruined warship that has basically lost its offensive ability, as if a big wave can overturn this once majestic destroyer.
As the proud Type I warship of the Russian Navy during the Soviet period, after years of baptism, after so many wounds on its body, it was able to return to the naval port tenaciously. This shows the savvy construction of warships in the Soviet era.
However, the defeated general is now just a lingering Varyag, and his life is like the candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.
The coastline of Vladivostok in the distance gradually appeared. At the moment when hope appeared on the faces of Russian naval officers and soldiers on the warship, the harsh sirens sounded from the crooked warship horns.
Behind him, a tall mast appeared on the sea, and the hanging sun flag was clearly visible.
The shogunate battleship with a speed of more than 35 knots quickly appeared in the eyes of the surviving Russian navy officers and soldiers, not one ship, but a large cluster of them.
In the mist of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, on the horizontal plane, dense fleets appeared one after another, and the battle flag of the Shengyang Empire floated high in the cold wind.
In the Russian naval base in Vladivostok, shore-based anti-ship missiles flew over the head of the Varyag without money, and flew towards the fleet of the Sun Empire in the distance.
The intensive firepower destroyed the incoming shore-based anti-ship missiles, and only a few missiles hit the target. However, in front of the Shogun battleship that was loaded with more than 80,000 tons, it only lost its combat effectiveness.
The naval officers and soldiers on the Varyag know better than anyone the terrible aspect of the fleet in front of them. Not only is the combat effectiveness of the opposing warships, what is truly terrifying is the unprecedented size of the opposing navy. Marrying a pretty concubine: accidentally provoking a black prince
The three shogun battleships that were hit left the offensive queue and returned to the rear. The attacking Shogun Empire fleet also had more than 30 shogun battleships and hundreds of other battleships. Behind these battleships, Is a steady stream of Thunder vehicles.
The Thunder Vehicle, a large-scale maritime transport platform, is suspended on the sea and on the ground, and can project thousands of troops or a tank company at one time.
Behind the Shengyang Empire fleet are thousands of Thunder vehicles.
Such a powerful fleet is completely beyond the ability of the present Russia to resist. After losing its nuclear weapons, the main force of the Russian army suffered a devastating blow. The troops in the Far East Theater still possess the strength of World War I.
At this moment, huge troops are fighting in blood on the Korean battlefield, and the Shengyang Empire is clearly trying to open up a second battlefield.
Varyag was separated between the Sangyang Empire and Vladivostok. The Sangyang Empire was not eager to destroy this broken warship, but placed all its key targets in Vladivostok.
The Russian navy officers and soldiers on the Varyag could only look at the sea wing densely underneath the ship, which was the vanguard of the Shengyang Empire's invasion.
A few days ago, when the Shengyang Empire landed in Busan, South Korea, it was this kind of sea wing lurking under water that opened the prelude to the invasion.
At that time, the nanoworm swarm had not been completely relieved, and the outside world did not know that the underwater nanoworm swarm had already opened one after another, and the prepared underwater forces of the Shengyang Empire had already lurked near South Korea.
The sea wing suddenly appeared from the coastline, and a single encounter destroyed the unprepared South Korean navy and coastal air base.
Waiting for South Korea is a steady stream of invading troops landing.
In front of me, this scene was so familiar, those sea wings that could dive and fly appeared again outside Vladivostok.
The Russian sailors on Varyag tried to remind the comrades in Vladivostok, but everything was in lines. Dense sea wings appeared from the bay. In the blink of an eye, the entire Vladivostok fell into a sea of ​​flames.
Varyag on the sea, one by one Russian sailors, waiting with blood-red eyes, watching this become a sea of ​​flames. Widow
The warship's movement to Vladivostok stopped. The warship turned a corner on the sea and launched a charge head-on towards the fleet of the Shengyang Empire.
On the warship, the Russian military anthem sounded melodiously. The Russian naval officers and soldiers on the warship shouted Ullah, like the Cossack cavalry who crisscrossed the earth, and launched a charge against their enemy.
I can't go back, I don't have a home anymore, I must die violently.
When the captain ordered a U-turn and the helmsman operated the broken warship to rush towards the enemy, none of the surviving officers and soldiers on the ship objected.
War is not the choice of soldiers. At this moment, no reason is needed.
On the Varyag, the broken naval gun roared at the enemy on the opposite side, and the naval gun that lost the radar and fire control system quickly poured artillery shells towards the fleet of the Shengyang Empire.
This is Varyag’s only means of attack now. Unfortunately, without the fire control system, the accuracy of the naval gun is really not flattering~EbookFREE.me~ and under Varyag’s move, the Sun Empire A shogun battleship in the navy, and the triple-mounted electromagnetic railgun in front of the bridge quickly adjusted the angle and orientation of its lower firing.
A solid projectile weighing tens of kilograms crossed the sea and pulled out a long white ribbon. The powerful solid projectile accurately hit the Varyag at ultra-high speed of sound and penetrated directly from the main gun. , And then run through the entire bridge.
The long bridge was penetrated, showing a downward ballistic trajectory. After passing through Varyag’s bridge, it penetrated all the way into the warship and directly destroyed Varyag’s engine drive shaft.
The huge power of the electromagnetic railgun directly broke the entire drive shaft and penetrated the entire hull and watertight cabin, and turbulent sea water poured in from the power cabin.
Losing power, a large amount of seawater poured into the center of the hull, and the warship that was already broken, the last fire of life was completely extinguished.
The cold water poured into more and more cabins, and the huge warship sank step by step. When the fleet of the Sun Empire passed by Varyag, Varyag was left with the mast still on the sea. Ninety of them all sank into the water.
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