Vol 3 Chapter 1923: Prepare for the Pacific

Pacific Joint Naval Command, in the Floating Island Fortress No. 3.
The three main naval fleets of the United States, China, and the Middle East Federation are gathered in the Central Pacific region. The combat core of the entire fleet consists of 24 aircraft carriers, bringing together all the main forces of China and the United States Navy.
The Federal Navy of the Middle East dispatched a floating island fortress and a super fortress. It seems that the Red Police Corps Navy dispatched two surface combat units, but the naval leaders of China and the United States did not dare to underestimate these two combat units.
Floating Island Fortress, the strongest maritime combat platform of the Federal Navy in the Middle East, and a super island that can navigate freely at sea. Not only can it quickly take off and land hundreds of fighter jets, it also has super attack and defense capabilities. It is an integrated maritime combat base. .
The naval super fortress next to the floating island fortress is even more remarkable.
Although it looks very weird, like a huge five-pointed star with a pyramid-shaped island in the middle, the only weapon that can be seen is a double-mounted electromagnetic railgun at the end of the pentagon, but no one dares to look down on this ship. Super fortress that looks very weird.
Like the floating island fortress, the super fortress is also one of the super weapons of the Red Police Corps. The biggest difference from the floating island fortress is that the super fortress is a purely offensive weapon that can go up to the sea.
Four nuclear reactors provide ample power system, ten super electromagnetic railguns, combined into a floating mode, can also activate the super ion cannon, with the ability to easily destroy a fleet.
No warship can withstand the attack of the super fortress, and the super fortress also has super defensive capabilities. It has an iron curtain device, which allows the super fortress to easily enter the enemy’s heavy firepower airspace and destroy the enemy. Blow.
In the Central Pacific region, the huge fleet of the Earth Federation is accompanied by the two fortresses, and some warships are also docked in the ports of the floating island fortresses for pre-war maintenance.
The huge fleet has blocked and controlled thousands of kilometers of seas around it. There are heavy soldiers on the water and underwater, and a large number of fighter jets in the sky continue to be on guard.
After the confluence, the fleet is approaching the Japanese mainland, pressing in against the enemy with a posture of absolute strength, forcing the Shengyang Empire to send a fleet to resist, thereby destroying the maritime power of the Shengyang Empire.
Continued for a month, the large sea fleet of the Sun Empire was enough for the Earth Federation to attach such importance, because the other side not only has a sea platform similar to a floating island fortress, but also has a larger number of combat ships.
On the Floating Island Fortress No. 3, a super-high-speed airborne early warning command platform slowly landed, and naval generals from China, the United States, and the Middle East Federation were all present to greet it.
Sha Yiqi walked off the aerial platform in a uniform, and briefly saluted everyone. He got on the prepared convoy and headed towards the command center of the floating island fortress.
On the Floating Island Fortress No. 3, there were no civilians, only barracks, industrial areas and planting areas.
Three minutes later, all the rewards from the three parties gathered in the high-level conference room of the Floating Island Fortress Operation Command Center.
Sha Yiqi, the new Minister of the Earth Federation Navy, although his rank is still an admiral, all the generals on the scene dare not really treat the relationship between the two sides equally.
Everyone was seated, and Sha Yiqi naturally spoke in the main seat: "Everyone, in the past one month, all naval ships in the Pacific region have all been combined, and it is time for a decisive battle with the Shengyang Imperial Navy. The situation is disturbing, and we don’t have time to wait."
"This time I brought a combat order from the Supreme Command, requiring us to wipe out the active forces of the Shengyang Empire as much as possible within seven days, and carry out a full-scale bombing of the Shengyang Empire in Japan. This operation Both the Federal Missile Force and the Air and Space Force will give us as much assistance as possible."
"The situation in the Far East lasts at most for a week. If the enemy continues to increase its troops on the Korean peninsula and expand its landing force in Vladivostok, the defense line in the Far East will collapse within ten days. Therefore, the Navy of the Shengyang Empire will be destroyed. It becomes quite the key." My 21-year-old daughter
Having said this, Sha Yiqi slowed down and asked: "Where is the Navy of the Shengyang Empire at this moment? What is the size of its forces? Common combat methods, attack and defense conversion efficiency?"
As soon as Sha Yiqi's voice fell, an American lieutenant in the conference room stood up and reported: "Report to the generals, the relevant intelligence of the Shengyang Imperial Navy is collected as follows."
"The Shengyang Imperial Navy is currently active in the East China Sea, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. It has 184 shogun battleships, 482 razor cruisers, a type of mini submarine with a displacement of about tens of tons, with more than 3,000 ships and one A super offshore platform similar to a floating island fortress."
"The Shengyang Empire does not have an aircraft carrier. The main force is cruisers and battleships. There are no third-level surface warships. However, the Shengyang Empire has an advanced air-water combat aircraft. This aircraft is codenamed Sea Wing. Amphibious aircraft capable of fighting underwater and in the sky."
"According to the information currently available, the sea wing has a total combat weight of 40 tons. It is a manned two-seater twin-engine aircraft, capable of diving to a depth of 100 meters underwater, with a maximum underwater speed of up to 60 knots, and the underwater noise is lower than the ocean background. Noise, sonar detection equipment currently equipped in various countries, the probability of detection is less than 5%."
"The modified sea-wing fighter can fly up to the edge of the atmosphere in the airspace, and can maintain supersonic cruise for half an hour. The hidden magazine can carry various missiles and guided weapons, and can continuously sneak more than In five days, more than 3,000 kilometers was formed underwater."
"The Shengyang Imperial Navy, which has no aircraft carrier, uses sea fortresses to reclaim sea wings. So far, the combat radius has remained within a radius of 3,000 kilometers. The attack methods are very concealed. For our navy, sea wings are the largest. Threat."
"The Shogun battleship of the Shengyang Empire is an advanced battleship with nuclear-powered all-electric propulsion. Although it does not have an aircraft carrier, the attack range of the Shengyang Imperial Navy is not inferior to that of an aircraft carrier-based aircraft."
"The shogun battleship has two triple-mounted electromagnetic railguns with an attack distance of more than 500 kilometers, and the artillery shells have advanced guidance capabilities. Under the limit attack range, they can still accurately hit moving targets with an error range of less than half a meter, and Have the ability to attack low-Earth orbit satellites."
"The Razor Cruiser is a second-level warship of the Shengyang Imperial Navy. It is dedicated to anti-submarine and air defense. It is not equipped with electromagnetic guns, but is equipped with four laser gun systems, which can easily destroy fighter missiles that intercept the sky. After data analysis, four lasers The combination of guns has no dead ends to intercept, and it is extremely difficult to break through."
"The relevant information on the mini submarine has not yet been collected. It is only known that there is no room for weapons in this submarine, plus a huge power system, so it is inferred that this is a suicide-type manned submarine. And the underwater noise is as small as the ocean background noise."
After the introduction of the detailed information of the Shengyang Imperial Navy, the U.S. lieutenant sat down, and Sha Yiqi nodded and said: "The collection is very detailed. Here I add one thing, that is, the Shengyang Imperial Navy also has a very powerful one. The weapon of this matter is as destructive as the super fortress currently in service in the Middle East Federation, and it has its own Nano Swarm Protection System."
As soon as Sha Yiqi's voice fell, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room. The super fortress of the Middle East Federation is no stranger to them now. It is a strategic-level weapon with powerful destructive power that can even directly change the outcome of a war.
After the powerful fleet of the Shengyang Empire, there are still huge and powerful weapons hidden, which shocked and feared all the generals present.
"Minister Sha, is the source of the information accurate?" a Lieutenant General in China asked.
"The source is reliable, there is nothing wrong, and we have to be careful of the enemy. According to the information we have, the Shengyang Empire has always wanted to destroy our fleet, and there may be actions in the near future." Sha Yiqi Said very seriously.
Seeing that everyone in the conference room was silent, Sha Yiqi was not in a hurry, and continued: "In front of you, I am just a young man. Even the two of me combined, are not as old as the generals present. , But the future war, I believe, is quite an unfamiliar environment for you. The enemy you have to face is not a fleet that only cruises on the sea, nor is it a simple confrontation between sea, land and air. The mode of this war has completely surpassed the level of informationized warfare, and has moved towards a brand-new combat mode."
"Minister Sha, we are also very convinced of your abilities. Can you tell us what we will encounter?" the commander-in-chief of China's Navy asked very sincerely.
The China Navy has only started for a few decades. In the past few years, the China Navy has been in line with the Federal Navy of the Middle East. The navy is equipped with a large number of advanced technologies. It does not directly use the mature and advanced technology of the Federal Navy of the Middle East. Shang Cai Ruichen did not have any private possessions, so the speed of development of the China Navy was extremely alarming.
But when it comes to combat, the China Navy still has an extremely long way to go. This is not to build a warship to form combat effectiveness. Naval culture is a kind of inheritance, and a lot of experience cannot be learned.
"This will be a war across space, the hyperspace teleportation combat mode, I hope you all remember one thing, that is our enemy, not really only from the portal you see now, but They may arrive unexpectedly from other locations at any time. Just like the hyperspace portal opened by the Middle East Federation in the United States, the enemy may also open a space door in the middle or behind our fleet at any time to teleport troops. A knife in our heart."
"And we must also be careful. Our enemy on earth is not only the Sun Empire in front of us, but also the American Allied Forces, the Soviet Empire that invaded Africa, and the Yuri Empire that invaded Europe. The four invaders all have navies. Power, especially the Allied forces, according to the information we have obtained, the most powerful force of the Allied forces is not the air force, but the navy. It is also a naval force with aircraft carrier combined with carrier-based aircraft as the main combat method."
"In the Soviet empire attacking Africa, although the army is the main force, the naval power is not inferior at all. Although the navy of the Soviet empire does not have an aircraft carrier, it has a large number of sea missile attack platforms, which is a bit like an arsenal ship."
"When facing the Shengyang Empire, we must not only look at the enemy in front of us, but also always pay attention to behind and around ourselves, and be careful of the forces transmitted by the enemy."
Every word of Sha Yiqi's seriousness caused all the generals on the scene to become nervous, if it was exactly what Sha Yiqi said.
The tactics are not very important, but whoever has more reinforcements, who has more advanced hyperspace teleportation, has an advantage.
Seeing everyone’s reaction, Sha Yiqi smiled a little and said:
I can understand everyone’s mood at this moment. The strength and unknownness of the enemy is the most uncertain factor in the war, but don’t forget, we too With the technology of teleportation, we are not alone in fighting, we also have allies, and our enemies also have enemies."
At this point, I saw that the expressions on everyone’s faces had recovered. Sha Yiqi changed his voice and said:
What’s more, the enemy does not fully understand the military technology possessed by the Middle East Federation. Although the enemy is strong, it does not necessarily mean that we are weak. Now, strategically, we have to despise the enemy. You have to believe that it is not difficult to defeat the enemy."
"Then please Minister Sha to issue an order ~EbookFREE.me~ to order the floating island fortress and the super fortress to approach Japan at full speed, order all warships to launch battle formations, and maintain the highest alert for 24 hours."
Very simple order, no tactics were arranged, but it is this simple order, but it reveals the boundless atmosphere of killing.
Sha Yiqi knows very well that specific tactics do not need to be deployed at all. The overall strategy is clear, and the combat tactics are for each warship.
Joint command and joint operations are all integrated into one system. In the Pacific Fleet of the Federal Navy, there are not only the main fleets of China and the United States, but also the surviving forces of the Australian and Japanese navies, and there are some soy sauce-based presences on the periphery.
The specific tactical arrangements will be issued directly through the joint combat system. In the case of shared fire command and intelligence command, every warship, every submarine, every fighter in the sky is a node on the entire network. .
There is a turmoil in any place, and other places can receive it at the same time. Even a small patrol boat on the periphery can call the entire fleet to carry out fire strikes.
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