Chapter 1917: Magic farm

From the fascinating magical spirit, the snoring of the devil is also passed to the ears of Su Ye.
In order to ensure that he did not hear the illusion, Su Ye immediately turned his head and looked at the swallowing Warcraft, and asked straight.
"Have you heard any strange noises, such as the roar of wild monsters."
The first change of the magic spirit nodded.
"Master, I seem to hear it, but the voice is very weak and seems to be far away from us."
The change of the devil's voice just fell, swallowing the World of Warcraft, they are also a little uncertain answer.
"Master, I just heard this voice, I thought it was an illusion."
"Master, although I heard it, I used a keen sense. Within my perception, I didn't see any wild monsters."
Since their pets have already heard it, then Su Ye can basically be sure that the sound is not an illusion, but a real existence.
The next moment, Su Ye's gaze was to look at the front, the hand slightly shook the crack and the black dawn, the voice boring self-talking.
"That should be right in front!"
During the speech, Su Ye’s gaze fell on the body of the swallowing Warcraft, and told him.
"Let's pay attention, don't do anything in the grave of this holy demon Kustel. Especially the swallowing of Warcraft and the colorful dragons, if you don't have my orders, you can't leave the distance of more than ten meters, I heard. No?"
Swallowing Warcraft and the colorful dragons, they immediately responded with great enthusiasm.
"Yes! Master!"
In this regard, Su Ye nodded slightly, and then it was a direct step, and continued to follow the changing spirit to the front.
It took twenty or thirty seconds to walk, and the voice of the changing spirit was screaming in the ears of Su Ye.
"Master, it's already here! Look at the front!"
Listening to the words of the ever-changing demon, Su Ye immediately thought about looking ahead, and took another two steps, and the blurred vision was slowly clear.
In the pupil of Su Ye, at this time, a huge painting is clearly reflected. The paintings are full of various demons, and even other races such as humans and dragons, Titans!
According to the description of the painting, this seems to be a war, and the two sides of the battle are awesome humans and demons, dragons, and titans!
Looking at the description of the picture, the battle is very intense, and almost both sides are fighting to fight.
However, on the whole, it seems that the ethnic group, which seems to have a small number of people, has the upper hand in the battle. The two races, the Dragon and Titan, have already shown signs of running away.
When Su Ye looked at the gods and carefully analyzed the painting, the change of the demon spirit was slightly awkward, but it slammed.
"I feel that I seem to see this picture. I think about it now. I used to see it in the depths of the Forbidden City. It was almost exactly the same. However, because it was stealing things, that is A general look at it, the other is not in charge."
"The weak Terran wars, the dragons, the titans, the demons seem to have other alliances of weak and small races. Was the Terran very strong at some time?"
Between the words, the look of the ever-changing demon has fallen into thinking and recollection.
After a while, the voice of the ever-changing demon self-speaking awkwardly raised a few points.
"Oh! Right! I remember! My grandfather once told me a story at a very young age. It was a war between human beings and the great races of the world!"
"And the reason why human beings are still weak overall, but no one has dared to actively invade human beings, it seems to be related to that time."
The ever-changing demon has been talking to himself for a long time, but the brows of Su Ye are slightly wrinkled, and the look is in thought.
I already know that Tianlin is a real world. The purpose of the system's main brain is to find something in the sky, so as to restore its own strength, and at the same time directly open the door to the earth.
And now, the most crucial point is.
This day is near the world, full of legends of God everywhere. There are temples among the people, and there are also demon temples among the demons. Among the races of the dragons and the titans, there are legends of the gods of the dragons and gods.
So far, Su Ye has seen a demon in the devil's collar. As for any other demon god, Su Ye is really not seen.
As for the human god, the river that he encountered before in the copy of the Shura-level river Shinto is also a virtual shadow that is about to dissipate.
In other words, Su Ye has not seen any human yet.
According to the words of the ever-changing demon, and according to the speculation on the map, then in terms of reason, the gods among human beings should be very many.
So where are they going now?
It is all dead!
Some of them are still dead, but some are alive and hidden.
And when the gates of the heavens are opened, will there be any other actions against the earth that these living "gods" will have.
In other words, the main brain is really very powerful, and it has completely restricted the gods to the data network, and has been forced to restrict it.
Then, if the main brain recovers its strength after using the player to find what he wants to find in the sky, then will the earth become the second world to be digitized by him, and then it is the earth's end?
However, Su Ye remembers that the brain is also responsible for obeying the rules of the system. Then, what are the rules inside the system, and who is it? If not, will the main brain be severely punished?
In the mind of Su Ye, the problem is really more and more.
At the same time, there are more and more doubts in some places.
After a while, slowly returning to the Su Ye of the gods, I couldn't help but take a deep breath and muttered to myself.
"Forget it, the more you think about the problem, the more you can reach the level of your strength, the problem should be solved."
"After the road, take a step and see it! It is not the time when I think too much."
The next moment, Su Ye is directly looking up and swallowing Warcraft, they looked over and asked.
"This picture, have you finished reading it?"
Su Ye’s voice just fell, it seems that he couldn’t wait to swallow Warcraft, and immediately said it.
"When I finished reading, except for the good looks I have drawn, the other ones are nothing to look at!"
After the pets had finished replying, Su Ye put it on his hand and said with a loud voice.
"Since everyone has finished reading, then let's go ahead!"
Su Ye then said aloud.
"There should be something special hidden in the tomb of this holy devil, Kustel, waiting for us to see!"
When the voice just fell, the original looming snoring sounded in the ear of Su Ye.
Listening to this voice, Su Ye mouth corner also sneered, and then said to himself.
"It’s coming again, I have to see for myself, in the grave of this holy devil, Kustel, what the is there!"
The next moment, the ever-changing demon took the initiative to go ahead, Su Ye and his pets, have followed.
They are also in the first place, ready to fight at any time.
Because as the depth deepens, not only the surrounding air is getting colder, the buzz of those wild monsters is becoming clearer and more noisy.
I know that it is not one or two.
After walking for more than ten seconds, the roaring dog who could understand the wild words suddenly said to Su Ye.
"Master, I have understood what they mean from these continuous snoring."
Su Ye knows that the roaring dog can translate the sound of the wild monster, but the reason why he did not take the initiative to say it is because the sounds are really intermittent.
I can't hear it at all, let alone translate it.
Subsequently, Su Ye directly looked at the roaring dog and asked.
"What are you talking about?"
In those buzz that are constantly coming, the roaring dog translates.
"I am so hungry! Really hungry!"

Fresh food, I smell fresh food.

"I want to eat, I want to eat."
Listening to the translation of the roaring dog, Su Ye immediately judged that the strangeness of these sounds, IQ should not be enough.
It can even be said to be mentally retarded, but also very greedy, and there is a desire to eat for everything.
Although the sound became louder and more dense, Su Ye was not scared, and the figure did not stop at all, and continued to move forward.
Even though Tianlin was originally a real world, but now for Su Ye, it is mainly an online game. If there are players playing online games, the sounds of wild monsters that have not yet been seen are scared away!
Since Su Ye has already gone forward, swallowing World of Warcraft and their loyal pets, there is no hesitation and hesitation, all the way to keep up with their wings.
As the distance gets closer, the buzz of the wild monsters is getting louder and louder, and the sounds are getting more and more strange.
The most translated roaring dog is also constantly translated through those voices.
"Blood, I need more blood, I am so hungry, I am so thirsty!"
"How come the food is not delivered now, I am really hungry now!"
"Eat a companion, yes! I ate my companion, I will not be hungry, and I will become stronger!"
After five or six minutes.
The dense voice is already in the ear of Su Ye, a normal loop, and it is constantly lingering.
At this time, Su Ye’s voice stopped at a sly pace, and the look was full of shocks that could not be concealed.
He has stood on the edge of a cliff in the tomb of the holy devil, Kustel, in front of him, a closed space ten times larger than the capital's nest.
Above the stone walls, there are dense fluorescent stones everywhere, all of which are of the highest quality, making the entire sacred demon Kustel grave, which was originally extremely dark and dark, more bright than white in this place!
At the foot of Su Ye, that is under the cliff.
It is a densely red demon, covered with this closed space, watching the number, start thousands!
And those blood red devils should still be in a baby state, because they are slowly crawling on the ground one by one.
Those people who are a little shocked are also the blood red devils.
At this time, they have already climbed to the nearest companion because of hunger.
Use your teeth!
Use your claws!
With the tail!
With all the means of attack, and constantly attacking the companion,
After waiting for the companion to die, it will eat a companion. These guys devour their companions and seem to swallow without a chew.
At the same time, their bodies immediately became bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the entire appearance changed a little.
However, at this time, they did not have time to see the changes in their own body, but continued to scatter to another companion under the control of endless hunger.
Become stronger!
Fight again!
Kill again!
Everything seems to be following a fixed rule. The magical spirit sees this scene, but the look is stunned.
"This... these guys seem to want to get rid of hunger by eating their own companions, and their strength is constantly increasing. But they seem to be more hungry as they eat more peers, the more they I want to kill. They will be slowly and completely killed."
"In this way, these tens of millions of demons will soon die because of fratricidalism. The last one is also because of the devastating tens of millions of companions, and their own strength has become very Strong. When I arrive, I am afraid I will not kill him!"
Listening to the words of the changing spirit, Su Ye’s expression is slowly dignified.
Because in his field of vision, the red demon on the ground, which was originally dense, has been reduced to one-tenth in just a few tens of seconds.
In it, there are even a few blood red demons that slowly stand up from the crawling state, and they are also more crazy to kill their companions.
Su Ye’s eyes looked at the place like a cage, and the blood-red demons were constantly killing each other.
The buzzing sound is getting louder and louder, and the stench of smell is beginning to pervade.
This way, it will happen soon, as the ever-changing demon said, all the blood red demons die, leaving only one guy who has swallowed up all his companions.
While Su Ye inadvertently looked up, he saw a stone monument beside him, with five blood red characters on it.
"God Farm!"
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