Chapter 1992: Set up an alien portal

After half an hour.
The entrance to the devil's collar of Luoyuncheng.
Su Ye looked up slightly and looked at the front of the eye, and the number of players, at least six or seven hundred thousand, could not help but show a satisfied smile.
So many people are basically the players of the major guilds. Their level of strength, looking at the entire Huaxia District, is definitely more than the elite.
Its own equipment and weapons, in all aspects, is definitely the best.
They come out and can fully represent the fighting power of the entire Luoyun City.
The buzz around them was a bit big. Eighty percent of them didn't know why they were coming here. They just listened to the president's orders and they rushed in without stopping.
"This time I came to the devil's collar. I don't know what's going on. I didn't tell us before. I was brushing the field at that time. I didn't want to come at that time, but I heard that it was the command of Fengshen, I immediately came over. ""
"Don't you say that Fengshen wants to take us once again to brush the devil's collar? Last time we were brought by Fengshen, brushing wild and group players in the abyss, I still have a vivid experience, the harvest at that time is completely beyond Our imagination!"
"I heard that some people are arrogant in the devil's collar, and the number is still quite a lot. This time, Fengshen is going to take us to find the scene. Haha, I really look forward to those players, and then I am Let's go back to the city!"
"I have any pharmacy equipment on it anyway. In the devil's collar, whether it is brushing the wild or playing the game, I guarantee that there is no problem at all!"
The scene is a bit noisy, even if the presidents of the major guilds want to maintain order, it is completely useless.
Su Ye stood in the same place, quietly watched everyone for a minute or two, and finally opened his own s-skills - [Thousands of Miles] to ensure that his voice can make everyone in the scene clear. I heard it very much.
The next moment, Su Ye said to everyone.
"I am very grateful to everyone for coming here. There are hundreds of thousands of players in the devil's collar. I want to compete with me. To put it simply, it is the ownership of a large vein."
"Everyone will take a break in the first place. Next, I hope that you can obey the arrangement of the presidents of the guild. I will go to the devil's collar first, and then arrive at the corresponding place, I will use one of my portals directly for everyone. Transmitted!"
"Of course, after the incident, all the equipment weapons that the players died and fell are yours. I will definitely not want a night wind and a squad, and I will reward you with some extra things."
Su Ye’s slogan is a lot of talk, and everyone is quiet and quiet listening to Su Ye’s remarks.
After the final explanation, Su Ye turned his head and said to Rhodes.
"When you enter the devil's collar, you are the position of the entire team's backcourt. By the way, write down the list of the guilds that follow our squad to enter the devil's collar, and then add those who join the Luoyun City Order Maintenance Alliance according to the list. But the guild that did not follow us came to write down."
Speaking of this, the look of Su Ye is already a little bit chilly, and the tone is faint.
"When enjoying the blessing, all the guilds in the entire Yunyun City order maintain the alliance are enjoying the blessings. When it is the turn to do things, I will see who else will not come."
Rhodes understood the meaning of Su Ye and immediately nodded. The look was a little excited.
"Know, boss!"
"In fact, in the city of Luoyun, many guilds are thinking that as long as they join us in the order of maintaining the alliance, it is equivalent to owning a layer of umbrella. Many people use the name of our umbrella in the city of Luoyun. It’s a bit of a storm.

"And this time, we can look at who is making waves."
For Rhodes's words, Su Ye just smiled, but did not refute anything.
This time, other cities have smashed their own demon desert veins. For Su Ye, it is really a good news. I can just take advantage of this time to see these people joining the Luoyun City order to maintain the alliance. The true face!
What Su Ye needs is the Luoyun City Order Maintenance Alliance that he can control, not the Luoyun City Order Maintenance Alliance that is used freely.
In the last abyss, although Su Ye’s behavior won most of the Luoyun City order to maintain the respect of the Alliance Guild, there are still a small number of secretly expressed their dissatisfaction.
Su Ye is also slightly aware of this from various channels, but it takes a lot of time to find them.
This time, I can find out the existence of those who have entered the devil's collar with no one.
After a few minutes.
Under the eyes of everyone, the figure of Su Ye is already going straight to the devil's collar.
Just the blink of an eye, the figure of Su Ye has disappeared into the eyes of everyone.
Just entering the devil's collar, Su Ye encountered a few players who are about to return to Yuncheng. After simply saying hello, they directly took out the devil's collar transmission order in their super backpack.
Enter the coordinate position of the demon desert in the transfer order.
The system's message prompts also instantly rang in Su Ye's mind.
"Please note that you are currently using the [Devil's Collar Transfer Order], the transmission coordinates are:! The number of remaining transmissions is 1 time. If this confirmation is transmitted, then the devil's collar transmission order is directly scrapped!"

Are you sure?

At the moment when the system message prompts just fell, Su Ye replied immediately.
With the sound of Su Ye falling, the devil's collar in his hand conveyed the whole body and directly cracked the cracks. Then the entire devil's collar transmission order was turned into a gray sorrow in silence, and it was sprinkled. Above the ground.
As for the figure of Su Ye, it was under the cover of white light, and it disappeared in the same place, and there was a blurring distortion in the field of vision.
After the footsteps have just stabilized, I feel that I have stepped on the ground.
"Kill! Kill these demons and grab this super huge vein. We can all get rich when we get there!"
I haven't recovered yet, and Su Ye's ear is full of sounds of various battles.
After the vision was clear, Su Ye looked at the scene in front of him, and it was already a little angry in the look.
The almost endless players are constantly killing the demons.
This time, the demon army, because the players are developing too fast, can not have the previous level advantage, coupled with the sudden disappearance of their leader adults, resulting in a very large number of demon army, completely in a very passive scene.
In the face of the momentum of the players attack, they will only be able to passive defense, but also tired to cope.
Falling down on the ground is also the body of one demon, and on the other hand, there are really not many people who die, but instead they seem to be more and more brave.
In the face of the devils who are tired of coping, the players have already directly occupied several veins, and the ore that has just been mined is directly collected by the players.
Even some ore that has been loaded, ready to be transported to Luoyun City, and sent to the Lauder factory and the universal factory, has been cleaned up by those players, and has not left a little bit.
Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Ye could not help but breathe a deep breath, and then muttered to himself.
"This is a bit of a deception!"
However, at this time, a royal demon look shocked in front of Su Ye, and looked at his eyes after seeing his eyes, he could not help but exclaimed.
"Night Wind!"
Suddenly heard this voice, Su Ye could not help but turn his head and look around.
I haven't waited for Su Ye to ask anything, and the imperial demon is immediately explaining.
"Night wind adults, this is the case! When you came to the devil's collar last time, we met, I am the demon standing next to you, of course, you may not remember it!"

Are you here now because you received the information we transmitted from the devil's collar to the human world?

Su Ye looked at the demon, but it was really no impression, but then he nodded slightly and said.
"Well, after I received your news, I will come over! I hope I can help. After all, you are mining ore in the devil's desert, mainly for me!"
The imperial devil looked around the eyes of Su Ye, and determined that there was no one, then he couldn’t help but ask.
"Night wind, you come alone?"
Su Ye nodded.
"Well, the current situation is like this!"
"Then you still have to leave, there is a great danger to your life. Moreover, the leader said before, if the devil's collar is invaded by humans, the only hope that our demon survivors will survive is on you."
"And these human strengths that don't know where to come from are really too strong. We are not their opponents at all. Unless we can find the supreme leader of our demon family, only he can lead our demon family to be absolutely invincible. Gesture, defeat these invaders!"
Having said that, the imperial demon suddenly looked at Su Ye with hope and asked straight.
"Right, the night wind, do you know where our respected leader is? If you have something to do with him, please let him come back and lead us to the demon army and rebuy these humans!"
The emperor's devil's voice just fell, and Su Ye was shaking his head without any hesitation.
"Sorry, you have never met your lord, I have never encountered it, but you can rest assured that this time, I will drive out all the humans who invaded the desert, and let them pay the price they deserve!"

In Su Ye’s plan, the identity of his own demon army leader should have disappeared and it is impossible to appear in front of these demons.
On the one hand, Su Ye is worried that he has always played the leader of this demon army. In the future, there is a very large possibility of being discovered. At that time, Su Ye’s own security is threatened, and the hand is naturally losing the strength of the demon army. Powerful card!
On the other hand, Su Ye wants to use the strength of the players in Luoyun City to show a kind of power to turn the tide in front of these demons. To the devil army on the basis of the original, more trust in themselves, the ultimate goal Naturally, let them work for their own peace of mind.
On the other hand, Su Ye can use this victory to officially declare the ownership of the devil's desert to the entire Tianxia District, and let all the forces who want to play the devil's desert veins think about it.
After the Emperor's devil heard that Su Ye did not have the contact details of the chief, the whole person's look could not help but feel a little sad.
But when he heard that Su Ye would use his own strength to drive away those human beings, even after letting them pay the price, the expression of the imperial demon finally stopped a little shocking and said to Su Ye.
"Respected night wind adults, are you alone?"
Su Ye smiled and smiled.
"No, of course not me alone, there are thousands of brothers behind me!"
"You have to arrange the friends of the Demon army and let them help to vacate a huge open space. I will summon my brothers!"
The imperial devil did not dare to neglect what quickly nodded the first time.
"Yes, dear night wind! I will handle it!"
The next moment, the imperial demon is a non-stop busy job.
Although the current Demon army can't beat these massive players, but want to vacate an open space in the battlefield, it can still be done.
The next time, just a few minutes, the devil is the devil who has led his own, and sorted out a huge open space.
Then, under the watchful eye of the imperial demon, Su Ye did not conceal any direct transfer of the alien portal from his super backpack.
Just gently put it forward, the slap-sized mini version of the alien portal, instantly swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Just a moment, it has formed a huge portal.
Under the indescribable gaze of the imperial demon, Su Ye wrote down the coordinates of the current alien portal, and immediately exited the devil's collar!
The next moment, the figure of Su Ye is already at the entrance of the devil's collar of Luoyuncheng. In front of it is the players who are in the order of the Luoyun City Order Maintenance Alliance.
The next moment, Su Ye said it was loud.
"The brothers of Luoyuncheng, the demon desert portal has been set, the coordinates are:!"
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