Chapter 2153: Giant King

The amount of information acquired is completely different from what Su Ye thought at the beginning, and can even be said to be far below expectations.
Even if you add some memories of the mountains to the mountains, you can barely form a general understanding of the whole of the mountains.
What Susu wants now is more detailed information about the Lushan Mountains, such as ethnic distribution, the distribution of mountain rivers, and whether there are special replica scenes in some places.
This is the situation that Su Ye has been most concerned about so far.
After all, it’s not easy to go to the mountain range. Su Ye doesn’t want to just look for people like a snoring tree, at least to get something back, okay!
Looking at the map placed in front of him, Su Ye took a little thought for a while, then contacted Jia Dehua.
"Galdehua, are there any maps and information about the mountains in the mountains, if you have them, they will be provided to me, I need them now."
Jiadehua quickly replied over there, "珞珈山珞珈? Marquis, the warehouse of my auction house, it seems that there are some maps and materials books, but they are all hundreds of years ago, I don’t know if it is useful now. Marquis, where are you, I will send you to you immediately."
Su Ye replied, "The guild guild station! I will give you the right to open the door to the abyss. You can directly use any traffic portal in the city of Luoyun to reach the interior of the squad."
Jia Dehua: "Come on!"
After closing the chat interface, Su Ye immediately gave Jia Dehua a temporary permission to use the Luoyuncheng city traffic portal to reach the gates of the abyss.
After setting it up, Su Ye left the room directly and went to the first floor of the Zhanmeng Guild, looking at the abyss door not far away, waiting for the arrival of Jia Dehua.
I hope that this time Jiadehua can bring some good news to himself.
It is two or three minutes.
The door of the abyss is suddenly flashing, and the next moment Jiadehua's figure appears in the view of Su Ye.
For the first time, Jia Dehua, who came to the interior of the Alliance Committee, just came out of the abyss, and his eyes were curious and looked around.
At the same time, the surrounding squad players are also looking at Jia Dehua, and each expression is quite doubtful.
As the richest man in the NPC of Luoyun City, Jiadehua is the master of the auction house. All the players in the field know him, but he does not know why he appeared in the guild guild station.
The eyes of many players are also on the body of Su Ye, and it is possible for Jia Dehua to enter the residence of the Alliance Association, and only Su Ye can do it.
"Galdehua? I am wrong! What do he want to do at the headquarters of our Alliance?"
"It must be that Fengshen is looking for him to have something to let him come. You haven't seen Fengshen waiting here for a few minutes?"
"What's the matter? Otherwise, who are you going to ask? I am really curious now?"
"Ask? You ask us to ask, why don't you ask? In the trough, ask the of the wind, it is really dead. Even if the of Feng is not punishable, it will be eaten by the vice president of Rhodes. Can't walk around."
"Wait, I feel that there may be something big that is going to happen."
Under the watchful eyes of the Allied players, Jia Dehua quickly regained his gaze and walked quickly toward Su Ye, his face full of excited smiles.
"The Marquis! I brought everything..."
Su Ye stopped the action that Jia Dehua wanted to take out, and immediately said, "Wait a minute, go up and say!"
Jia Dehua looked around the players, and immediately nodded, "Well, good! Marquis!"
Su Ye: "Follow me!"
With Jia Dehua directly went to the second floor of the Zhan League Association, entered the room, Su Ye found a chair near the next seat, looked up and looked at Jia Dehua, "Well, now you can take those things out!"

"Oh oh!!"
At the same time, Jia Dehua nodded and took the map of the mountain range and some materials in the ring for the first time. He carefully placed it in front of the Su Ye, while glanced around and looked at the ground. Full of questions about the mountains and books, I asked, "The Marquis, are you doing anything to the mountains?"
"If I can help Jiadehua, you are told."
Su Ye looked down at the maps and books sent by Jia Dehua, and replied casually without raising his head. "No big moves, I just want to go alone to see the mountains."
"What?! Marquis, you have to go to the mountains, and still be alone!"
Su Ye’s voice just fell, and Jia Dehua’s shock was even stronger than that of Romney’s. Even he was wide-eyed and looked straight at Su Ye, and then quickly added,
The Marquis Adults, the place in the mountain range, but the crisis is heavy. If you go alone, it is really dangerous."
"I don't question your strength, it's just that, you really need to think twice!"
Su Ye shook his head faintly and said with a smile, "Your kindness is my heart. But I have decided this, just like this!"
The specific thing, Su Ye does not have to explain to Jia Dehua, involving the level of the Prince, or one knows.
At the same time, Su Ye is very satisfied with the map materials brought by Guardian this time. The content is more detailed than the one obtained from the City Hall.
There are even a few more information about the hidden copy of the mountain range.
After more than half an hour.
After Su Yeyi took a detailed look at the information and mastered more information about the mountain range, he said directly to Jia Dehua, "Okay, you will also deal with your business next time! About Luoyuncheng Fangyuan You don't need to worry about the land within 20 miles. But with regard to the omnipotent factory and the Lauder factory, as well as the veins of the devil's collar and the farmland in the north of the city, you will be bothered to take care of it."
"Unless it is a big thing, all other small things are left to you to handle."
Guardian immediately nodded respectfully, "No problem, Marquis!"
"Right, Marquis, there are two small things here that should help you in your activities in the mountains."
During the conversation, Jia Dehua took out a jade from his ring and a token.
"This jade is to transfer jade. As long as it is crushed, you can instantly transfer the user to any location within 50 square meters. It can only be used once, and I hope to help you at a critical time."
"This token has been handed down by my family. It is said that more than a hundred years ago, an elder of my family accidentally helped a giant. In order to express gratitude, the giant specially left this order before leaving. The card says that as long as there is something, go directly to the mountain range to find him. I am not sure about this. When I was young, I just used it as a story to listen to."
Sud actually thanked Su Ye for taking over the two things from the hands of Jia Dehua.
"Thank you!"
At the same time, Su Ye Shun used the system to view the information of Yupei and tokens.
Yu Pei's information is similar to what Jia Dehua said. It is an item that can be arbitrarily transmitted after being crushed.
It is the information of the token, so that Su Ye is particularly concerned.
"[Giant Wang Ling]: special items. Holding the token, it is approved by the giant king, and you can make arbitrary orders for the giants below the elite level."
"Note: Using this token, you can also let Giant King do one thing for you for free."
"Sure enough, it's a good thing!"
Su Ye sighed inside.
At the same time, the voice of Jia Dehua also immediately sounded in the ears of Su Ye. "Polite, Marquis adults, can help you, it is my honor for Jia Dehua."
Su Ye is no longer talking to Jia Dehua's ink. He said directly, "These two things are really very useful to me. I will accept it. This time I owe you a favor. Time is not early, I should also go to the mountains, if anything else, wait for me to come back and say." Jia Dehua: "No problem, Marquis!"
Next, after Su Ye sent Jia Dehua away from the headquarters of the Alliance, he went directly to the abyss portal and chose the destination location - dry well.
The dry well is one of the few portals at the edge of the city's traffic portal, and is the closest portal to the Lushan Mountains.
If you walk directly to the Lushan Mountain Range, it takes at least three days for Su Ye to pass, but if you transfer it directly to the dry well, you can instantly compress the time into one day.
With a milky white light flashing around the body, the next moment, Su Ye's figure disappeared into place.
When it reappeared, Su Ye had already come out of the dry well portal.
Su Ye looked up and looked around the situation.
Surrounded by lush vegetation, only the location where he is located is an open area. In the middle is a well that has not been known for many years. It has dried up, so he is called a dry well.
There is nothing in the dry well. This is the conclusion drawn by the countless players in the previous world. Su Ye has also entered the inside of the dry well many times and found nothing.
This is completely a dry well!
Next to the dry well is the portal.
Su Ye went to the dry well and looked inside, and there was no interest. He turned his head and looked up at the roaring dog on his shoulder, and told him.
"Roaring dog, open a keen sense, pay attention to explore all the circumstances around, if there is any movement, be sure to tell me the first time."
The roaring dog immediately replied with respect, "Yes, master!"
At the same time, the endless stream of wild monsters whispered, but also came from the dense jungle around, far and near.
It can be said that it is the depth of the Twilight Forest. The level of the wild monsters is generally above 40. The average top players are not willing to challenge at will.
However, Su Ye is an exception. In the screams of these wild monsters, he calmly took out the map, looked at the coordinates of the mountain range, and determined the position, directly opened the hunter suit flight status, toward the 珞珈The mountains go straight.
Flying above the jungle can avoid many unnecessary things for the Su Ye.
Although I am not afraid of those wild monsters, I still need to waste some time in the face of fighting them.
The most important thing for Su Ye at the moment is to get to the Lushan Mountain as soon as possible.
"Master, there seems to be a vein below!"
"Master, I have perceived a special plant!"
"Master, there is a pet egg under the tree."
Along the way, the knight that opened the keen sense was also loyal to everything he perceived, and told Su Ye the first time.
Su Ye will take the initiative to check it out.
For mines, Su Ye will determine the type of mine, then make a mark, and record its coordinate position, waiting for later mining.
If you find any special medicinal plants, Su Ye will take the initiative to collect.
As for the pet egg, unless it is a monster above the royal level or some special wild monsters, otherwise, Su Yetongtong is too lazy to take a look, let alone put it in his super backpack.
The original plan of the day, just stop and go, it took a day and a half to survive.
The time of the battle is not much, and most of the delays are wasted on the things found along the way.
However, the Su Ye is also very rewarding.
Just mine, you found up to 28 places. The medicinal plant also collected nearly two hundred species. There are more than one hundred pet eggs, except for a dozen special wild monsters. The other ones are pet eggs of the above-class monsters. Any one can take out a sensation.
Of course, for these pet eggs, Su Ye is also chased by the wild monsters.
If it weren't for Su Ye's movement speed enough, I am afraid I still have to take a pet egg and I have to go through a battle.
In this case, if you want to get to the mountains, you really don't know when to go.
As for the things in Luoyuncheng, in addition to Luo Defa's message telling himself that he has completed the second killing of the silent pool of BOSS, what else is going on.
"finally reached!"
Looking back at the things along the way, Su Ye looked up slightly and looked at a huge mountain near the sky, muttering to himself.
This is the Lushan Mountains, a mountain that is nearly a thousand miles long. In the mountains, 80% of the tops of the mountains are in the clouds.
That is, the Lushan Mountains directly isolate the Twilight Forest from the catastrophic land, and the terrible guys in the catastrophic land are temporarily unlikely to appear in front of the players.
The Lushan Mountains are also a natural barrier.
"People are snorting, I am coming to you!"
Su Ye said with a low smile, he took the crack and the black dawn directly from the super backpack, and held it tightly, followed by turning his head and said to the roaring dog, "Attention, as long as it is in your In the pet slave space, I feel the first time when I feel the appearance of a humanoid tree."
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