Chapter 2156: Wooden Terran Elder

After that, the two wooden tribes had no life at all, and the one left and the right were surrounded by the Su Ye, and they looked carefully and cautiously on him.
Human beings, for them, although they are close to the race of the wooden people, they have not met for more than a hundred years. It is impossible to be curious.
After careful scrutiny, one of the wooden people said softly to his companions.
"Humans don't seem to make much difference with us. Are you saying yes?"
The companion nodded heavily. "Well, there is really not much difference. As long as you dress up, you can pretend to be our wooden race."
Subsequently, the wooden Terran people of the tea plant on the head took the initiative to go to the front of Su Ye and introduced themselves.
"Hello, my name is green tea!"
Su Ye nodded with a smile and replied, "Hello, my name is night wind!"
"Hello of the night, I am a green leaf!"
Another wooden man followed by the initiative introduced.
The character of the wooden people is really good. Su Ye is also very fond of it. He looks up at the green leaves and then smiles and nods. "Hello!"
For this human being, the green leaves are also very satisfied. As the book says, human beings are gentle and courteous.
Green leaves: "Mung Bean is already bringing you to our wooden people. Recently, something is bothering. Your arrival may make the atmosphere inside our ancestors happy."
"After all, we have no human beings for more than a hundred years. Most of the wooden people have never seen humans. The understanding of you is only from books and elders' dictation. of."
Listening to the green leaves, Su Ye seems to have been able to imagine what kind of situation he will encounter in the Terran.
It is very likely that it is being used as a mascot and is surrounded by enthusiastic wooden people.
However, this is also good, so that the wooden people can know themselves as soon as possible, and lay a certain network of basic relationships for the next things they have to do.
After the green leaves were finished, they turned to look at the green tea and continued to say, "Green tea, you will inform the elders and patriarchs in front of me, and I will take the night wind to the ethnicity of the wooden people."
Green tea nodded, "Okay! I will go now!"
When the voice just fell, there was no need to solicit opinions from Su Ye. The green tea was immediately a flash, jumping into the grass quickly and flexibly, and disappeared into the view of Su Ye in a short time.
The remaining green leaves and mung beans are left and right, followed by the leaves of Su Ye, taking the initiative.
However, the curiosity of this guy is really too heavy.
"Night wind, our patriarch said, there are very big cities in your human world! The number of human beings is as much as that of ants, and you humans are still very hardworking... Are these true?"
Su Ye is also very fond of the wooden Terran, so in the face of these problems of green leaves, it is also patiently smiling and replied, "You are talking about it! But after so long, the human world has also happened. Little change, a lot of things, you may never have heard of it."
"Right, soon, there will be a lot of human beings, going to the mountains, you will not see humans in the future."

There will be a lot of humans coming?

When I heard Su Ye, the expression of green tea was filled with excitement that could not be concealed. With wide eyes and full of joy, I quickly asked, "Real!"
Su Ye smiled and nodded. "Of course it is true!"
However, Su Ye did not tell green tea, the human beings are basically players.
By that time, the calm life in the mountains will be completely interrupted, and hundreds of races will be under the siege of the players, disappearing quickly, leaving only some useful to them. race.
After getting a positive reply from Su Ye's mouth, green tea immediately couldn't help but smile and shouted.
"That's really great!"
The pure green tea is just a complete belief that the more humans, the better, and every human being should be kind and courteous.
Getting along with humans is just like getting along with your own people. Perhaps because of the arrival of human beings, you can help the Terran people to change this situation.
For a time, green tea is caught in its own fantasy.
The mung bean on the other side, although not saying anything, but after saying that there will be more humans coming to the mountains, the joy in the expression of the whole person is no less than the green tea.
Su Ye just smiled and did not explain more.
However, there is already a small decision in his heart. After the next squadron has entered the Lushan Mountain Range, it is possible to directly use the rights of the Alliance Alliance to include the entire wooden Terran. Anyway, it should be No one of the Yuncheng forces dare to block a little.
After more than ten minutes.
Su Ye has followed the green tea mung bean to a spacious road. The road is obviously repaired. The road is covered with slate, and the road is covered with all kinds of flowers and plants.
Su Ye looked up and looked at the end of the road, standing in rows of neat houses, there were wooden houses; there were stone houses; there were tree houses... all kinds of houses.
At the same time, at the end of the day, there were a group of ethnic groups of people who were gathering together. When they saw the Su Ye, they immediately screamed.
The two wooden people who are already old-fashioned are coming forward.
Green tea whispered in the ear of Su Ye.
"It’s the patriarch and the elder! This is my life, the first time I saw them go so fast."
The road was not long, only half a minute, Su Ye met with the oncoming wooden patriarch and the elders.
When the wooden patriarch came up, only after glanced at Su Ye, he immediately said with a smile.
"You are the night wind! Haha, we have not seen humans for a long time. Your arrival can be said to make our entire community excited for a long time."
"At the beginning, we were able to stand in the middle of the mountain range. To be honest, I really appreciate the help of human friends at that time. Without you human beings, there is no such thing as our wooden people."

Walking around, I have already prepared people to have a hearty meal, and will let you have a good meal from our wooden people.

"Oh, yes! My name is Kuito, the current patriarch of the Musashi."
When the vine lord's excitement and Su Ye said non-stop, the wooden elders and elders on the side were quiet and kept looking at the leaves of Su Ye, especially on the snarl on the shoulders of Su Ye. When I was a dog, my eyes couldn’t stop staying for a few times, and my expression was full of surprises and doubts.
After the end of the vine, the great elders of the wooden races took the initiative to say to Su Ye.
"Hello, human friend, I am Guza, the wooden elders."
Su Ye smiled and nodded, politely said, "Hello, the vines and the ancient elders."
Guza smiled lightly, then his eyes continued to focus on the dog, and asked, "Yes, this pet you have never seen, never heard of, nor at all I have seen it on any book. But my instinct tells me that it is very amazing. I don't know if you can tell me its name?"
"Of course, this is just my personal curiosity, you can also refuse."
Su Ye shook his head, but he didn't care too much. "This is nothing. This is my pet roaring dog. It is the companion I got unexpectedly. If I want to ask me what race it is, I really don't know. ""
Guza regretted shaking his head, his brows wrinkled, and he fell into silence for a while.
At the same time, Su Ye also took a look at the vine and Guza.
The head of the Kudzu family has a vine on its head. It looks very thick, but it is not very good. It has already withered.
The head of the ancient elders of Guza had a obviously weeded grass, but Su Ye saw that in the withered grass, it seemed that a new sprout had emerged.
After reading their appearance, Su Ye tried to use the system to check their specific information.
The grades of Kudeng and Guza are too high, and Su Ye uses the system, and no useful information has been seen.
At the same time, the mighty wooden people who followed them with the vines, all of them were curious and looked at the leaves of Su Ye.
The low humming sound is still in the ear of Su Ye, and it keeps ringing.
"Wow! Human! This is actually a legendary human being. I feel that it is not too different from our wooden race!"
"How did this human come to the mountains? I heard that the human city is far from us, and there are all kinds of dangers along the way. He can come here alone. It’s really brave.

"What is the human world like? I have never been there."
"I really want to talk to that human being. He must know a lot of things. I am so big, I have never even seen the mountains."
Looking at the group of enthusiastic wooden people, Su Ye estimated that if there were two towns, the patriarch and the elders, I would have to be blocked by them.
Then there is a variety of praises, various inquiries, requests for a photo, and a signature.
Thinking of this, Ye Su could not help but sigh.
Hey, people are handsome, even if they cross the race, it is also a love of flowers.
Guza then took the initiative to invite, "Night wind, then please go to sit in our wooden ethnic group. Just, we can talk about some things."
Su Ye immediately responded with a grin, "No problem! I am very honored. I am just a little bit, I want to talk to you."
Originally, I also planned to pass some relationships before I could talk to the patriarchs and elders. I didn’t expect them to be sent to the door.
On the amount of information, the patriarchs and the elders are absolutely the largest among the wooden people. What they know is not something that the ordinary mortal people of the mung bean can contact.
Ask them about some secret things, I think both Guza and Kuto will be very happy to answer.
And some of the problems in Su Ye's heart will be answered next.
"follow me!"
Guza smiled and nodded.
Followed by him, as a wooden elders elders, he is no longer scrupulous of his own image, directly walking in front of the initiative to give Su Ye lead.
Of course, Guza is not the kind of person who is full of affection for human beings. In exchange for other human beings, he will not invite the other party to enter the wooden ethnic group, let alone give him the initiative to lead the way. It is.
But now, this is because Guza has a special ability to perceive. From Su Ye's body, he perceives an infinite potential. In the future, the whole world will be filled with the legend of the young man.
Now that he has not fully grown up, he has a lot of contact and contact, and he has taken the initiative to lay the foundation for the future relationship. It is also a very good and cost-effective thing.
As a great elder of the wooden race, what Guza does must be considered for the entire ethnic group. After all, the strength of the wooden race is there, a rather weak you can have a strong future As a backer, the future will be stable.
As the patriarch, the vines looked at the elders in amazement. Looking at the longest of the wooden people, the brows were wrinkled, and the expression was a bit stunned.
This human being should not be as simple as it seems.
Followed by, the vines also quickly took the initiative to say to Su Ye.
"I just had a bottle of wine for many years. When I was young, I asked for a visit from a human winemaker friend. Since you are here, I will take it out this time and let everyone taste it together. taste."
In the sky, no matter how much wine he drinks, he will not be drunk, and he will nod and smile.
"Okay! Then I will thank the vines in advance!"
The vine smiled and didn't care to shake his head and waved his hand. "Polite! Polite!"
Under the lead of the wooden elders and patriarchs, the crowds of the wooden people were actively divided into two teams, standing on both sides. Although their eyes were curiously looking at the Su Ye, the snoring was extremely loud, but there was no Any mortal tribe dares to take the initiative to disturb the Su Ye half.
It is only from this point that it can be seen that the great elders and patriarchs of the Mu Ren nationality have a lofty status among the entire wooden Terran.
After a few minutes.
The elders and patriarchs, with Su Ye, came to the wood man ethnic group, the most brilliant building.
The elders took the initiative to make an invitation to Su Ye. "Welcome to the wooden people!"
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