Chapter 2165: wait

Su Ye looked up at the vine, and added a sentence.
"The vine lord, remember that my current identity is a hidden state. I can't let other races other than the wooden race, including the Muzu, know about my existence. At least in my Before people come."
"Otherwise, the sudden emergence of human beings will definitely cause unnecessary twists and turns in the entire mountain range. I know that you know these things, but I still have to remind you at this time."
Su Ye now does not want to have no action to rob the fire. He is taken care of by the major races in the mountain range. At least he has to wait until he has become one or two times before he is known. It is not too late.
Kuto quickly smiled and nodded, "Understand!!"
"Right, Mr. Night Wind, then you still live in Fushou House for two days!"
Su Ye shook his head and refused the proposal of the vine. He said straight, "This is no need! I will stay in this wooden house."
What Su Ye needs to do now is to wait patiently for the arrival of Jia Dehua and Rhodes, first to transport these things in the wooden human warehouse, and then to say other things.
As for the search for humanoids, Su Ye has now followed. After all, the strength of the major races in this mountain range is completely beyond his imagination.
In particular, the human race is actually the strongest race among the mountains, and there are also the existence of gods. The ethnic group is also a group of semi-god-class humanoids.
Su Ye really did not dare to approach the territory of the anthropoids casually.
However, for Su Ye, there are still two very good good news.
One is the human-like nasal tree. It is indeed in the mountains, and there is no whiteness.
The second is to start the war in the mountains. It is a great opportunity to fish in troubled waters. The current possession of the major races in the mountains is beyond the imagination of Su Ye.
As long as the timing can be seized, then there is an opportunity to make a fortune.
After the vines hesitated for a while, they immediately said to Su Ye, "I live in the wooden house? Mr. Night Wind, this is not very good?"
Su Ye immediately said with a smile, "What is wrong, I feel very good in this place, the vine patriarch is so fixed, you don't have to persuade me anything."
"Right, you are now busy with your business. In the next period of time, you, the wooden patriarch, are quite busy."
"Yes! I am going to be busy first."
Kudo also knows that he will have a lot of things to do next. He nodded and then said, "Mr. Night Wind, you are here first, then I will send you some daily necessities."
Su Ye as a player, although these things are not needed, but after all, the vines say so, and I am embarrassed to refuse, immediately said with a smile, "That will trouble you!"
Kudo shook his head and said with a smile, "Ha ha ha! No trouble, no trouble! Mr. Night Wind, you can't be polite with us in the future."
After waiting for the vine to leave, Su Ye looked up at the sky outside, and it was very early.
After a little hesitation.
Su Ye still opened the friend panel and sent a message to Jia Dehua. "Gailwar, where are you now?"
It took a while for Jia Dehua to reply. "The Marquis, I am very sorry, all the preparations are just ready. I am now guarding the Yuncheng City, taking the time to pass the portal and going to the nearest distance to the mountain range. Delivery location."
"Right, Rhodes just found me, saying that it was your order, and then we will follow us to the mountains. He should be acting now."
Su Ye replied: "Well, take a moment! Now the situation on the side of the mountain range is a bit confusing. It is very likely that war will break out at any time. You are late, and our raw materials are likely to be shipped out. ""
Jia Dehua: "I know, Marquis! I am now taking the time to go."
After explaining some things in detail, Su Ye turned off the chat interface with Jia Dehua, and directly found the name of Rhodes, and then sent a message to the past.
"Rod, how is your situation over there?"
The information was just sent in the past, and Rhodes was the first time to reply. "The situation is not very good! I don't know who leaked the news. Now all the players in Los Angeles are about to blow up!"

There are rumors everywhere, the mountains are a place full of treasures, and whoever gets there in the first batch will definitely make a fortune.

"Almost all the players in Luoyuncheng are squatting and wanting to go to the mountains. We are at the gate of the guild guild station. Now we are surrounded by nearly half a million players, and we are quarreling to go."
"Now I am taking the time to arrange for the brothers who have reached level 35 or above to hurry and the next one or two million players, I am afraid there is really no way to deal with it."
"Not only this, now the presidents of the guilds in major cities outside of Yuncheng City are also contacting me through various channels and asking about the mountains. Many of them want to advance. From our side, book some items from the mountains."
"Boss, now it would be great if you were in the Chamber of the Alliance."
Looking at Rhodes's message, Su Ye can fully understand his current mood, but he never imagined that things would get to this point.
It should be almost the player of China, who knows this.
This is really not Su Ye to let those players below the 35 level come, it is really because these players below the 35 level, facing the strength of the major races of the mountains, can only become cannon fodder.
Su Ye thought about it and then replied, "Stay first!"
"In any case, be sure to let players above level 35 come first. Other people, if they want to come over, can’t stop it, just let them go."
Rhodes: "Okay, boss! It doesn't matter, just wait for you!"
"Now we have more than half of the 35-level brothers of the Alliance. The next step is that we will maintain the Alliance's core guild and the backbone guild of the 35-level or above players, with a total number of nearly 200,000. If you count the players of other forces, I am afraid that it will exceed 300,000."
"Right, boss, I also got in touch with Jia Dehua. He is willing to take the Luoyun City guards and follow us to the mountains."
The overall thing, although a bit twists and turns, but overall, the progress is still smooth.
Su Ye also sighed with a slight sigh, and then replied: "Well, hurry up!"
Turning off the chat interface, Su Ye entered the Tianlin Forum directly through the personal panel. He wanted to take a look. This time, in the Huaxia District, what kind of waves were set off in Huaxia District.
Just opened the Chinatown Tianlin Forum, the eyes of Su Ye are the forum home page filled with various posts, almost half of which are all about the mountains.
Not only is the number so large that Su Ye is shocked, but his attention is also very high. At first glance, a dozen posts about the Lushan Mountain Range have more than 10 million hits and more than 100,000 posts. !
There are even two posts with hits that have reached 50 million levels.
It seems that this time the things in the mountains are really big.
Rao is already a psychologically prepared Su Ye, and the look at this time is also full of surprises that can't be concealed.
Su Ye then glanced at the posts about the mountains.
【Shock! In the city of Luoyun City, there was a big turmoil. The vice president of the First Guild of the Huaxia District Association was secretly contacting the Luoyun City Order to maintain the league's major guilds, looking for players above level 35 and going to a place called the Lushan Mountain Range. 】
[珞珈山山, is it a new large-scale copy of the plane, I heard that Fengshen has been a pioneer and went there. 】
[Luoyun City is getting closer and closer to the upgraded main city. Personally, after this mountain range, Luoyuncheng will become the first city in China to upgrade to become the main city! 】
[Feng Shen? What exactly did he want to do this time? 】
[I have some self-guess about the Luoyun City and the mountains, and I don't take any responsibility. Interested friends can come in and discuss. 】
[When is our city also able to produce a spiritual leader like Fengshen who will strengthen with everyone! It is really boring. After the upgrade of Yuncheng City became the main city, I was the first to express my city as the brother city of Luoyuncheng. Fengshen is also our Fengshen! 】
Looking at the posts made by the players, Su Ye just looked at one or two of them.
Almost all kinds of exaggerated remarks and quite different guesses, basically no practical reference.
In Su Ye's opinion, if you have this posting time, it is better to brush one or two BOSS and harvest some experience values ​​to get some equipment.
"This guy, it's really too idle!"
After Su Ye turned off the Tianlin Forum in Huaxia District, he couldn't help but whisper to himself. "After the upgrade of the main cities of major cities in China, I hope that these players, as well as such leisure time, will be here."
During the speech, Su Ye looked at the wooden house and walked straight to the bed. Just sat down and there was a crisp knock on the outside.
"Come in!"
Su Ye head did not lift the ground and said directly.
Along with the sound of opening the door, a crisp and sweet voice immediately rang in the ear of Su Ye.
"Mr. Night Wind, this is the daily necessities that the patriarchs let me prepare for you. I will bring it to you."
Su Ye looked up and looked at the man. He was a female wooden man, with fair skin and a small red flower in the head. The watery eyes were watching himself.
In terms of a normal human aesthetic, it is quite beautiful, but Su Ye does not have the idea of ​​NPC now, and nodded directly.
"Well, let's put it!"
After that, Su Ye began to look at his super backpack.
After a while, Su Ye looked up and looked at the wooden man who still held things, stood still and could not help but frown and asked.
"What's wrong? I am not letting you put it there?"
The female Mu ethnic tribe immediately replied cautiously, "That...the patriarch will let me help you clean up the room. For the next period of time, I will be responsible for your daily diet."
It seems that I was afraid that Su Ye refused anything, and the wooden people quickly added.
"Mr. Night Wind, you should never drive me away. If I am known by the patriarch, I will be unlucky."
Su Ye knows that among all races, the concept of hierarchy is very serious. Even this seemingly peaceful wooden race has a very strict hierarchy.
The patriarch told the people in the family to do things. No one can refuse. Otherwise, the ending is very miserable.
At the same time, Su Ye is also very clear, the guy of the vine, told the wooden man woman what to do.
After Su Ye sighed with a low heart, he nodded and said, "I have done it! You can pack it! I just went out and went."
Su Ye’s voice just fell, and the female Muzu tribe said immediately,
Thank you Mr. Night Wind!

Out of the wooden house Su Ye just wandered around.
No matter where you go, there are a lot of people watching the wood people.
Due to the order of the Kudzu patriarch, no mortal tribe dared to take the initiative to contact Su Ye, but they still warmly greeted and expressed their friendship to Su Ye.
"Mr. Night Wind, where are you going? There is no place I am not familiar with in the entire wooden ethnic group. I know a lot of secrets and I can talk to you."
"Mr. Night Wind, come sit down, I just have a pot of good tea here, you must try it."
"Mr. Night Wind..."
For the enthusiasm of the wooden people, Su Ye waved his hand and thanked him one by one.
However, in the face of something that is really awkward or very interesting to himself, Su Ye will take the initiative to go and see.
It took me three hours to walk around the wooden manland alone, and there were many good things in Su Ye’s super backpack.
From food to wine, from medicine to ore, it is a great harvest.
Returning to his own wooden house, Su Ye casually found a reason, and directly let the wooden man woman go outside to wait, and he asked about the situation of Jia Dehua and Rhodes.
Jia Dehua is already on the road, and Rhodes is also behind the top players of the Falling City with more than 200,000 levels of 35 or more behind them.
Their group of people is coming to the mountains of the mountains, and it takes at least a day and a half.
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