Chapter 2920: Induction key

Hearing this, the Peak Eighteen Clan showed a relieved expression, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.
Especially Edward, the look he looked at Allen was no longer so angry.
Because what Allen said to Su Ye at the moment is indeed true.
Their peak eighteen clans, although almost half of the clans in the underground prison are treated as their slaves, but they have never been severely oppressed.
No matter what they are asked to do, the Eighteen Peaks will leave them some breathing space, so that they will not perish like this. After all, for the Eighteen Peaks, maintaining the integrity of the entire underground prison race is one of their bottom lines. .
I just didn't expect this bottom line. At this time, the patriarchs of the eighteen peak clans actually saved some face in front of Su Ye.
At this time, Su Ye couldn't help but look at the patriarchs of the Eighteen Peaks. Su Ye was not surprised that the Eighteen Peaks enslaved dozens of races in the underground prison.
Because the rule in heaven is that the weak will eat the strong, and the fittest will survive. Strong races can enslave weaker races, and weaker races must resist if they want to refuse to be slaves.
It's just that Su Ye really didn't expect that these guys, as rulers, did not carry out slaughter-style oppression on the slaves, and squeezed out all their labor force.
Immediately following, Su Ye's eyes returned to Alan again and asked, "What else?"
Allen replied respectfully.
"That's all I want to say about the Eighteen Peaks. However, I'm here to ask Mr. Ye Feng for one thing. If possible, I hope you can bring all the races out of the underground prison. Even if they are used as slaves, there is no problem at all, as long as they can get out of this underground prison!"
"Mr. Yefeng, I can also pay some price for this."
There was some pleading in Alan's tone. As the leader of the uprising army, he really had no way to fight against the Eighteen Peaks.
He can only hope that Su Ye can open the net and take all the races out of the underground prison, because everyone has been in the underground prison for too long.
For more than two thousand years, they have been filled with infinite longing for the outside world.
Every race, everyone wants to get out of here and see the outside world.
And now, Su Ye is their only hope. As long as Su Ye agrees, all races in the underground prison will have the opportunity to leave here and seek more freedom.
Su Ye looked at Allen and didn't speak. He wanted to see what price Allen would pay to beg him to leave with all the races in the underground prison.
The patriarchs of the eighteen peak clans present did not speak, and their eyes were all looking at Alan curiously. They didn't know what else Alan could come up with to impress Su Ye at this time.
After all, in the entire underground prison, there are only a few treasures, and they are basically in the hands of the eighteen peak clans. Although Allen is the leader of the uprising army in the underground prison, he is in charge of dozens of races. Those races themselves are very poor and resource-poor races, they are very difficult to even survive, how can they come up with treasures that can impress Su Ye.
Under everyone's attention, Allen gritted his teeth and then put his hand into his arms.
The two brothers next to Allen seemed to know what he was going to do, and their expressions could not help but reveal some undisguised frustration.
That item was acquired at a very, very high cost. They originally thought that they would be able to use that item to make a comeback against the peak eighteen clan, but they really didn't expect it to be handed over at this time. To the night wind.
But at present, there is really no choice. If Ye Feng wants to take all races out of the underground prison, I am afraid that only that item can move him.
The next moment, a jade pendant appeared in Allen's hand.
The whole body of the jade pendant is black, and it is impossible to tell what material it is made of, but on the top of the jade pendant, there is a pattern of vivid eyes, and there are dense inscription lines around the pattern.
When Su Ye hadn't figured out what the item was, the faces of the patriarchs of the eighteen peak peak clans were already showing the shock that could not be concealed, as well as the deep greed.
They never thought that this item would fall into Allen's hands before, nor did they expect that Allen would take it out and give it to Su Ye at this time.
If this is really the price to let Su Ye leave the underground prison with all the races in it, then it is really possible.
"Mr. Yefeng, it is full of the breath of ancient gods."
Amy Lu's voice sounded in Su Ye's ears, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice that could not be concealed.
"And it is still the breath of a at the level of the main god, which is very strong. Perhaps there is a drop of blood from the main in this jade pendant."
"The blood of the Lord God."
Su Ye's eyes lit up immediately, this is exactly what he has been looking for.
The Lord's blood may not have any effect on other people, but for Su Ye personally, it is a peerless hole card.
Because, if he wants to unblock the doll of Eddachi, the of collapse, he must have a drop of the blood of the Lord God.
This time, Allen really brought Su Ye a very big surprise.
Under Su Ye's gaze, Allen took the initiative to hand the item to Su Ye respectfully and said at the same time.
"Mr. Yefeng, this jade pendant is the induction key of this underground prison. There is only one in each underground prison. Its function is not only to find the exit from this underground prison, but also to communicate with the gods who once built this underground prison. Get in touch. And its other function is to sense the existence of other underground prisons.

"There is another legend, but I'm not sure if it's true or not. Every sensor key in the underground prison contains a drop of the blood of the Lord God. As long as there is a riot in the underground prison, then the sensor key is hidden in the sensor key. Among them, the blood of the Lord God will instantly burn, and then a huge explosion will occur, which can kill everyone in the entire underground prison."
"At the beginning, in order to get this sensor key, our brothers almost risked their lives. I hope you like this item, Mr. Yefeng."
After that, Allen handed over the induction key in his hand to Su Ye. After Su Ye took the induction key from Alan's hand, the scorching gazes of the patriarchs of the eighteen peak clans in the scene also calmed down. some.
Although they all wanted to get the sensor key, they really didn't have the guts to grab the sensor key now that it was in Su Ye's hands.
Su Ye stroked the sensor key, and a warm feeling reached his fingertips.
On the front of the induction key is an eye pattern, but when it comes to the back, it is a number.
Su Ye doesn't know what this number means, but he can directly check the details of this induction key through the system.
"[Sensing key]: A special item. Made by the God of Imprisonment. No matter where it is, the God of Imprisonment can use this sensing key to sense all the conditions in the underground prison. At the same time, just ask this sensing key to Inject any divine power into it, and you can sense the direction of the nearest underground prison.
Note: This sensor key is the sensor key of No. 214 underground prison.
Friendly reminder: There is still a drop of the blood of the God of Imprisonment in the induction key. The God of Imprisonment only needs one thought to make the blood of the God Lord God burn directly. The power of the explosion is almost equal to a full attack of the upper . "
After checking the details of the induction key, Su Ye put it into his super backpack.
He is not worried that this sensor key will be used by the God of Imprisonment, causing the explosion to hurt him, because now, more than two thousand years have passed since the God of Imprisonment existed, and he has experienced at least two times the ruling power of the God Realm. change.
If there were no accidents, the God of Imprisonment should have died.
Naturally, it is impossible for him to do anything with this induction key.
At the same time, in Su Ye's mind, he also has an additional target that he needs to search for in Tianlin, and that is the induction key. There is a induction key in every underground prison, and every induction key There is a drop of the Lord's blood in the key.
In other words, as long as you can get one more sensor key, you can use the doll of Eddachi, the of collapse, one more time to make it truly manifest.
If a main is used as the trump card, then many things will become very convenient for Su Ye.
Allen watched Su Ye put his sensor key back into the super backpack, his mouth opened, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he slowly closed his mouth and chose silence.
Even if Su Ye really took his induction key directly and didn't give any reply, Allen really had nothing to do.
After all, as long as he makes a slightly dangerous move, the human next to Su Ye will probably make his move instantly and kill him in seconds.
Allen now only hopes that he can give himself a perfect answer.
At this time, Su Ye did not disappoint Allen. After getting the induction key, he looked at Allen and said.
"You can rest assured. Next, I will build a cross-border teleportation array in the underground prison. All races in the underground prison can leave the cross-border teleportation array and enter a new world."
Su Ye looked at the smile on Alan's face and continued to speak later.
"But it's not the Lord of Heaven, but a country called the Lost Kingdom.
"Lost Kingdom?"
, Allen just wondered for a moment, and then his pupils burst into excitement. Allen had heard of the lost kingdom. It was a country that was more perfect than the main world, at least the ones he saw. It is described in the book.
The expression on Allen's face was completely in Su Ye's expectation, and he said slowly and indifferently.
"I'm the new king of the Lost Kingdom, but don't be so excited. The current Lost Kingdom was punished by the gods more than 3,000 years ago, so the current situation is not very good. All races have been transferred to the Lost Country, and I also want to use their power to bring the Lost Country back to its peak state."
"Mr. Ye Feng, it is our honor to be able to participate in the reconstruction of the lost kingdom."
Alan also seemed to have heard some things about the Lost Kingdom, so after Su Ye finished speaking, he did not show the slightest expression of loss, but said with an excited smile.
"I Alan, as the leader of the rebel army, I promise you that our rebel army will completely obey your orders, Mr. Yefeng. Every word of yours is absolutely a supreme order for us."
Allen quickly brought in his role and took the opportunity to show his loyalty to Su Ye.
Su Ye was also very satisfied with such a discerning person, nodded and said with a smile.
"Very good. Next, I will divide a territory in the lost kingdom for the races owned by your rebel army to live and develop."
Su Ye did not shy away from making a promise to the rebel army directly in front of the patriarchs of the eighteen peak clans.
Alan quickly said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Yefeng, then."
After finishing speaking, Allen deliberately glanced at the patriarchs of the Eighteen Peaks who were present. At this time, their faces were a little unhappy.
Because before this, Su Ye said that all the races in the underground prison would be handed over to the top eighteen clans to manage, but at this time, Su Ye divided a territory in the lost country and gave it to the rebel army. racial inhabitation.
Such an order, UU reading seems to be a bit contradictory, but at this time, no patriarch of the eighteen peak clans dares to raise objections.
Because the fault lies first with them. From the very beginning, they did not sincerely tell Su Ye the situation of the rebel army in the underground prison, which made Su Ye make a wrong judgment on the current situation of the underground prison.
This time, Su Ye took the initiative to assign a piece of woodland in the Lost Kingdom to the rebel army. Obviously, this was also an indirect punishment for the Eighteen Peaks.
In addition, Su Ye may also want to use the power of the rebel army to check and balance the eighteen peak clans.
This is the thinking of the rulers, and they, as the ruled, can only silently accept such a result.
"Next, I plan to go to other peak eighteen clans to see, you should go back and tell others the good news."
Su Ye followed and said to Alan.
(End of this chapter)
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