Chapter 2979: arrange

Time soon came to the second day.
Driven by Su Ye and other forces, almost half of the main cities in the entire Huaxia District were in a state of fervor.
The forces that are preparing to besiege Dayu City are constantly gathering players to buy some materials needed for the battle, and are also preparing some of their own means, such as siege equipment, artillery and the like.
They all know very well that if Dayu City is really taken down, then Su Ye will become the leading figure in the Huaxia District, and all players in the entire Huaxia District will also completely obey Su Ye in the national war. The command and order of , this also led to the fact that after the final victory of the national war, all resource items will be distributed by Su Ye.
And the leaders of these forces all know that Tianlin is a real world. After the end of the national war, the door of Tianlin connecting with reality will be opened.
At that time, everything that an individual has in Heavenly Arrival can also be taken out.
This is important.
Therefore, the siege of Dayu City is a rare opportunity for them to express themselves. As long as they get a lot of credit, they will definitely be rewarded by Su Ye.
Directly after that, Su Ye established a Great Yu City Siege Alliance composed of leaders from the major cities in the Huaxia region.
Through this alliance, Su Ye will mobilize every participating force in China.
At this time, in the Dayu City Siege Alliance, the leaders of the major main city forces are submitting to Su Ye the statistics of the current personnel in their main city who can participate in the future Dayu City siege.
The information mainly includes the player's level, combat power, occupation, and whether they are willing to enter the lost kingdom after the siege fails.
Su Ye will send these data to Romney, so that he can formulate a more detailed strategy for besieging Dayu City based on the current situation.
"There are a total of 2.23 million players in White Tiger City, expressing their willingness to participate in the siege of Dayu City. Among them, 1.21 million players said that if the siege of Dayu City fails, they are willing to follow us into the lost kingdom. Among the remaining personnel, there are about 500,000 people, saying that they are still considering it."
Whether they are willing to enter the Lost Country is obtained through the investigation of their respective forces. It only represents the player's current intentions, and does not mean that after the failure of the siege of Dayu City, he will really join the Lost Country or refuse the Lost Country.
But it is also of great reference value.
On Su Ye's side, he immediately received a long data sheet from White Tiger City.
"Trouble you!" Su Ye replied in the Dayu City Siege Alliance group, and then entered those orders through the system.
White Tiger City was the last main city to submit data.
So far, in the entire Huaxia District, there are 82 main cities that will participate in the siege of Dayu City. The cumulative number of participants has reached 180 million, of which about half are elite players in the Huaxia District.
The figures are likely to continue to rise.
Because Su Ye is currently using his own strength to exert pressure on other main city forces who have not notified the siege of Dayu City.
After that, Su Ye didn't deny it, and before besieging Dayu City, he would kill some major cities that did not agree to participate.
In the entire Huaxia District, except for Dayu City, in terms of Su Ye's power, any major city can be arbitrarily manipulated.
It's not that the other party refuses to go to the siege of Dayu City, and ordinary people will give up.
Everything is based on strength.
"Thank you for your hard work. Next, please mobilize your own players to cooperate with the affiliated forces of the princes in the main city to move resources."
Su Ye then continued to send messages in the group.
"These resources will be used in the construction of the Lost Kingdom in the future. Of course, if you have any resources that need to be transported into the Lost Kingdom, you can also bring them with you. If you don't want to join the Lost Kingdom at that time, you can bring back."
Just one day.
Amy Lu led the master-level architects to run back and forth in the major cities in Huaxia District to build a cross-border teleportation array that connects the lost country.
Everything went very smoothly. So far, all the main cities in the entire Huaxia District already have a cross-border teleportation array that can enter the lost country.
Now the princes of Huaxia District are constantly mobilizing their respective forces to transport their wealth and resources to the lost country through the cross-border teleportation array.
If non-stop shipping, it can be shipped in about six days.
If these resources can be fully utilized in the lost kingdom in the future, then the lost kingdom will be rebuilt.
The status of the overall wealth will also be greatly improved.
In addition, Su Ye is still seeking to build a cross-border teleportation array in other regions outside the Huaxia region, and has already discussed with the leaders of the major forces in more than a dozen regions.
They all made it clear that they are willing to build a cross-border teleportation array in their own region.
As long as it can be built successfully.
In the future, the Lost Kingdom will completely get rid of the constraints of resources from the Huaxia region, and can fully develop with the help of resources from other regions.
Su Ye's message received a reply from everyone in the Dayu City Siege Alliance.
"No problem, Mr. Yefeng!"
"I will mobilize the brothers in my guild now to help the prince's forces move those resources."
"Okay okay, leave this to me."
"I was right next to the cross-border teleportation array, watching the NPCs carry the living creatures. This time I really learned a lot. I never thought that the princes are so rich, and the contents of a box are worth more than Ten million gold coins is too rich."
"Mr. Yefeng, I seem to be able to see what kind of scene the lost kingdom will be once again glorious."
"I'm ready to bring all the resources I have in China to the Lost Country."
After Su Ye explained other things to everyone, he quit the Dayu City Siege Alliance chat group.
Leaving the Assassin League's residence, Su Ye went directly to the city hall.
Give Romney the data from the major cities who participated in the siege of Dayu City.
"Mr. Romney, the number of people who will be involved in the siege of Dayu City is currently 180 million." Su Ye said to Romney, "There will be room for improvement in the number of people in the future, and it will probably exceed two in the end. 100 million, possibly 300 million.

Su Ye said it easily and confidently.
After all, 200 to 300 million participants are only about one-third of the entire Huaxia region.
It is naturally impossible to mobilize so many people in reality, but in Huaxia District, it is an easy thing.
After all, death will be resurrected.
"So much!?" Romney looked shocked.
One hundred and eighty million.
That's a huge number that Romney has never heard of.
Unexpectedly, Su Ye was able to mobilize so many people in one day, and the number will increase in the future.
This is terrifying.
Romney still knew how big the Great Yu City was. He thought about it in his mind, the picture of 180 million people besieging the Great Yu City.
It was probably an endless sea of ​​people, like a wave, constantly slapping the Great Yu City.
Then, Romney looked down at the personnel data provided by Su Ye, but his brows furrowed.
"The strength of these people is too weak!"
In Romney's view, the level and combat power of the elite players in the Huaxia area are really not on the table.
So many people are so weak.
This made the siege of Dayu City a bit confusing. After all, this time, it was the devil Jack and the millions of terrifying monsters in Dayu City.
It is still a bit difficult to win this war with the help of crowd tactics.
However, these 180 million participants have brought a lot of confidence to Romney.
Quantitative change produces qualitative change.
There may be some unexpected effects.
Facing Romney's evaluation, Su Ye smiled bitterly.
The strength of these people is quite good now, and this action is too sudden. If they are given another half a year to a year to develop, then Dayu City will face a group of hundreds of players in the future.
Not to mention 180 million.
Even if Su Ye had eight million people, he could easily take down the Great Yu City.
But now, there really isn't that much time left.
Must act as soon as possible.
Even if the ducks are put on the shelves, there is no way.
"Mr. Yefeng, how is the teleportation formation around Dayu City going?" Romney asked.
If you want to quickly get around Dayu City in a short period of time, you need a very large number of teleportation arrays.
After Romney told Su Ye about this, Su Ye acted immediately.
"There are 1,000 teleportation formations in total, of which 990 are one-time teleportation formations that are ready, and the remaining ten cross-border teleportation formations connecting the lost kingdom should be almost completed by now."
Su Ye replied, "Amy Road is in charge of this matter. He will notify me when he is done."
There are 990 one-time portals, each of which can transport 1 million players, but the number seems to be a lot. In fact, the resources required by all the teleportation arrays are not equal to a cross-border teleportation array.
And these one-time portals will be used as a tool to quickly gather players from major cities in China in the future.
Nine hundred and ninety seats.
If you act faster, you can gather all the players who participated in the siege of Dayu City this time within half an hour.
Another ten cross-border teleportation formations.
It was used by Su Ye to stay behind.
As long as the war fails, Su Ye will ask all players to leave the battlefield as soon as possible and go to the lost country.
It's worth mentioning here.
In order to ensure the smooth operation, Su Ye specially asked Amy Lu to connect it with the cross-border teleportation array when making those one-time portals.
That is to say, when players are retreating, they can enter any one-time portal through the system, directly transfer into the cross-border teleportation array, and then arrive at the lost country.
"That's good!" Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Now I just play King Rogge in Dayu City, the embankment, and I won't send someone out to destroy it."
"Don't worry, give him ten courage, King Rogge doesn't dare to send someone out to destroy the teleportation formation." Su Ye said confidently.
"At present, the princes have mobilized hundreds of gods to guard those teleportation formations outside Dayu City. If the monsters come out, they will be destroyed in minutes."
"If the Demon God Jack comes out in person, then the seal goddess on our side will also come out."
What Su Ye cared about was whether or not Dayu City could be besieged, not whether the teleportation formation outside Dayu City was safe.
Because, in general, Su Ye's trump card is really stronger than King Rogge's.
The only helpless thing is that the system prohibits the gods on its side from participating in the siege of Dayu City, and when guarding Dayu City, it allows the power of the gods to join.
"That's all easy." Romney said with a slightly relieved smile, "Next, we only need to formulate a detailed combat strategy."
"Mr. Romney, please!" Su Ye nodded.
"It's fine!"
After chatting for a while, Su Ye went to see Prince Tucker again.
Halfway through the chat, Su Ye suddenly received a contact from the God of Calamity.
"Mr. Yefeng, I have arrived in Luoyun City, where are you now?"
The news that suddenly appeared from the sound transmission stone made Su Ye's face smile immediately. For the past two days, he has been waiting for the of natural disasters.
Waiting for the spring of resurrection in his hands.
"I'm at the City Hall of Luoyun City." Su Ye replied immediately.
God of Calamity: "Okay, I'll be there soon!"
"Prince Tucker, I may not be able to accompany you next time." Putting away the sound transmission stone, Su Ye got up and said to Prince Tucker with a smile.
"What's wrong?" Prince Tucker looked puzzled.
Su Ye's behavior just now was a bit abnormal.
"The of natural disasters is here!" Su Ye said with a smile: "And the resurrection spring I got in Heaven Mountain is in his hands."
"Next, I'm going to the lost country."
Prince Tucker has not spoken yet.
A ray of light suddenly flickered in the courtyard of Luoyun City City Hall, closely following the appearance of the of natural disasters, condensing clearly in the light.
The of natural disasters immediately locked Su Ye's position through his perception ability, and then shouted.
"Mr. Yefeng!"
"He's already here!" Su Ye got up and walked outside.
Prince Tucker immediately followed.
Soon saw the of natural disasters.
The trump card of the of natural disasters, Prince Tucker still knows some, is a of disaster land, but now it seems that it has been subdued by Mr. Ye Feng.
"Have you brought the resurrection spring?" Su Ye looked up at the of natural disasters and asked.
"Take it with you all the time, Mr. Yefeng!" The of natural disasters nodded immediately, but he didn't dare to relax at this time, because in his perception, there were more than a dozen gods around him, watching him.
I can't tell if it's friend or foe!
(End of this chapter)
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