Chapter 3035: take over

In the sky.
In addition to the super floating city, there are also a large number of players who have used flying equipment to fly around the super floating city.
Looking at the Super Floating City at close range made their hearts shake even more.
"A city suspended in the sky!"
"Fuck, why is this city so big?"
"I'm afraid it can be worth five or six Luoyun City."
"Why do the dense holes on it look like the barrel of a crystal cannon?"
The more carefully they looked, the more panicked their expressions became.
Just the combat power displayed on the surface of the super floating city can easily sweep any main city.
What everyone is more concerned about is the internal situation.
What is it like.
And who is the owner of this city?
What is his purpose here?
The huge size of the Super Floating City and its hard-resisting appearance made it impossible for any one of the players present to dare to do it for a while.
Inside the super floating city.
Main control room.
Rhodes and the others are looking at the situation outside through the projection crystal: "The Luojia Mountains have become like this, and most players already have flying equipment and props."
"The change is really big enough!" Long Zhan nodded.
In the three years after entering the lost kingdom, although Rhodes and the others often pay attention to some dynamic information in the main world, they mainly pay attention to some major events that have occurred.
As for Falling Cloud City.
Rhodes knew something, but that was more than a year ago.
"The sky is in the main world, but it has been developing." Su Ye said with a smile at this time.
Compared with Rhodes and the others, Su Ye often haunts the Lost Kingdom and the Lord of Heaven.
In the past three years, the Luojia Mountains have also visited several times, but few players know about it.
"Boss, will you come forward and chat with the players around the Super Floating City later, or go directly to Luoyun City?" Rhode turned to look at Su Ye and asked.
Although there are still many cross-border teleportation formations in the lost kingdom and the main world of heaven, the setting location of each is quite secret.
But it was the first time that Super Floating City entered the main world of Tianlin. Su Ye and the Yefeng team did not hesitate to choose the nearest cross-border teleportation formation to Luoyun City - located in the giant clan land.
He also regarded Luoyun City as the first stop to enter the main world of Tianlin.
After all, no matter how lonely Luoyun City is now, it is still the "hometown" of Yefeng Squad in Tianlin.
The glory of Luoyun City at the beginning was created by their own hands.
Psychologically, Luoyun City naturally has a very special status.
"Let's talk to them first!" Su Ye said, "This time the movement seems to be quite big, and the forums in the major regions of Tianlin are also discussing what we have come out of the lost country, now be positive. The response, announcing our arrival, let everyone be mentally prepared."
these three days.
Since the first post in the Tianlin Forum of Huaxia District about Su Ye and the others about to enter the main world of Tianlin from the lost kingdom, the major regions of Tianlin have been caught up in the response to Su Ye's previous glorious deeds.
Su Ye's heat was surging for a while.
It made the players who didn't know Su Ye very well, re-recognize how terrifying the existence of this player who was called the strongest player in Tianlin three years ago.
Among them, there are many forces in the Huaxia District who said that if Su Ye returned, they would unconditionally choose to join Su Ye's forces and work together to complete the unification of the Huaxia District.
Of course, how many of them really thought so, that really only they themselves knew.
"I see!" Rhode suddenly realized, and then said to Su Ye, "The main thing is to lighten up our muscles and let them realize how far our current strength has reached."
"Then let me talk to them next?"
"Boss, just stay in the super floating city."
Rhodes was a little impatient.
Although it is said that the existence of the super floating city is enough to prove how powerful the Lost Kingdom is now, Rhode is still willing to show it.
Dormant for three years.
Without showing both hands, it is a bit unreasonable to tell the truth.
Especially in online games, the strong are respected.
If you don't show your strength and let others know your horror, then their respect is only verbal.
Su Ye nodded: "Yes!"
There are more and more players around the Super Floating City. Some of them are in the Glorious Forest. They saw the appearance of the Super Floating City and came here for the first time.
"Why doesn't this giant city move?"
"What's in the giant city?"
"I feel like things are a little off."
"Hurry up and notify the president and let him go online. I am afraid that Luoyun City will usher in a huge change."
The noise of the players kept ringing around the Super Floating City.
In the public chat channel of Falling Cloud City.
The players were also inside, and announced the sudden appearance of the super floating city for the first time.
"Heavy news, a giant city that can hover in mid-air suddenly appeared in the Luojia Mountains. The area is the size of five or six Falling Clouds City, and it directly covers a small half of the sky of the Luojia Mountains."
"Come to the Luojia Mountains, something big has happened here!"
"We will soon have an important event in Luoyun City, please prepare for the task."
Some players still do not believe this information.
"Don't be kidding, today is not April Fool's Day, I don't want to be tricked by you guys."
"Yeah, yeah! This news looks too fake. It's just fake and can't be faked any more."
"Dogs don't believe it!"
"If there were such a big city suspended in mid-air, I could fly into outer space now."
There are more and more disbelievers.
After all, it's an exaggeration.
A city five or six times the size of Luoyun City could still be suspended in mid-air.
From a certain level, this matter is really no different from the Arabian Nights.
More importantly, there are rumors spreading almost every day in Tianlin, and many rumors are the same as the truth, which makes players who believe in it suffer a lot.
One of them was spread two years ago. It was said that King Rogge of Dayu City led the demon into the lost kingdom and killed all 50 million players including Ye Feng. Ye Feng himself announced Exit Heaven.
that time. This incident was rumored to be magical and well-founded, and many Su Ye fans believed it. For this reason, everyone even opened a special post in the Tianlin Forum in Huaxia District to mourn Su Ye's exit.
Seeing that things were getting worse and worse, in the end, Tianlin officials came forward and took the initiative to announce that this incident was fake news and did not exist at all.
"Why don't you believe it!"
"Brothers who don't believe it, you can go to the Tianlin Forum. There are related posts in it. In addition to pictures, there are detailed video links in the posts."
"Is it true, you can come to the Luojia Mountains and take a look."
"In the Tianlin live broadcast room in Huaxia District, there are players broadcasting live in Luojia Mountains, hurry up and take a look."
At this time in the Luojia Mountains, the players who are looking at the super floating city in front of them are trying their best to prove the correctness of this matter.
The public chat channel of Luoyun City was silent for a moment, and the players who were originally questioning took the initiative to go out to collect information.
Not long after, someone finally started asking about the coordinates of the Super Floating City.
"I just saw it, and it seems to be true. A huge city is suspended in mid-air. It's really shocking! Brothers in front, can you give me a specific coordinate point? I'll rush over now."
"You don't need to give any coordinates, just come to the Luojia Mountains."
"Okay, I'll be there soon!"
"I'm going to have a look too!"
Players from Junluoyun City began to gather in Luojia Mountains from all directions.
Because the Luoyun City urban transportation teleportation array established by Su Ye at the beginning is still one of the cities with the best urban transportation in Tianlin, many teleportation sites have been set up just in the Luojia Mountains.
Players can directly reach the Luojia Mountains through any portal in Falling Cloud City.
So, less than two minutes.
There were more than 100,000 players gathered in the Luojia Mountains.
At this time, they were also staring wide-eyed, looking at the super floating city suspended above the Luojia Mountains in disbelief.
For them, this is simply a super city.
At this time, some players saw that the stone gate on the side of the super floating city suddenly trembled, and white light escaped from it.
"Move, move!"
Amidst the exclamations of the players, the stone gate slowly opened.
Immediately, a white light rushed out from the inside, starting from the stone gate and paving a road that was over a thousand meters long.
Just when everyone wondered what was going on.
A figure slowly walked out of the stone gate, stepping on the beam path step by step, and its appearance was gradually becoming clear in everyone's pupils.
The people who came out of the Super Floating City are known to almost all Luoyun City players present.
"Boss Rhodes!"
"Fuck, it turned out to be President Rhodes!"
"Wow! Big Brother Rhodes is finally here!"
"Hahaha, it's Big Brother Rhodes!"
Everyone was exclaiming.
The position of Rhodes in the hearts of Luoyun City players is very special, because at the beginning, Rhodes was not only the vice president of the assassination alliance, but also the main controller of the alliance to maintain order in Luoyun City.
The reason why the Military City has been able to remain prosperous at the beginning is due to the great credit of Rhodes behind it.
The players in Luoyun City are also very grateful, Rhodes has always paid for Luoyun City.
Rhodes glanced at the people in front of him. Although he hardly recognized a few familiar faces, he was also somewhat inexplicably kind in his heart.
After clearing his throat, Rhodes said.
"Hello everyone! I'm Rhodes!"
Just finished.
"Clap clap clap!"
There was warm applause and cheers from the players.
"Welcome Big Brother Rhodes to Luoyun City!"
"Boss Rhodes, is that huge city yours?"
"Our Falling Cloud City players are saved."
From Rhodes, everyone saw an unprecedented hope.
these three years.
Everyone was having a hard time.
In the city of Fallen Cloud City, because of King Rogge's policy, players have been bullied by monsters and demon gods at will.
In order to avoid them, players organized, even at any cost, to build a camp outside Luoyun City.
From then on, there is basically no difference in Luoyun City except for the irreplaceable resurrection function of a camp.
But who wants to live in a camp all the time?
Mainly because I can't go back home!
Seeing that the noisy scene was a bit uncontrollable, Rhode quickly reached out and pressed it down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then continued.
"How have you been through these three years? Although I am in the lost kingdom, I also know that King Rogge in Dayu City is really deceiving!"
Rhode knew about monsters and demons, and mastered all the main cities in the entire Huaxia region.
If he hadn't been waiting for the boss's order to act, Rhodes would have already come out of the lost kingdom to take revenge on those monsters and demons.
This time, since Su Ye announced to enter the Huaxia District, the first task to do is naturally to kill all the monsters and demons in the Huaxia District city, leaving none of them behind.
"And the reason why we are here today is mainly to solve problems for everyone." Rhode continued.
"The troubles here are both external and internal."
After Rhodes expressed his intentions, Kai officially revealed his force value.
"The giant city you are seeing now is the air fortress built by Yefeng Boss, which has been prepared for three years in the Lost Kingdom. "
"On the surface of the Super Floating City, the holes you see are all top-quality crystal cannons. One shot is worth the full blow of a low-level god."
"In addition, more importantly, this time, in order to show his determination, the boss directly brought out all the players who were originally brought into the lost kingdom."
"Here, I can guarantee. Three years ago, they were the top players in China, and three years later, they are still the top players in China."
"And the boss will use the power of the Super Floating City and the players to first complete the unification of the Huaxia District."
Speaking of this, Rhode's voice suddenly became high.
"I also know that in the past three years, even under the suppression of King Rogge, there are still many powerful forces in the Huaxia District. They are also seeking to unify the Huaxia District recently."
"I am personally very happy about this. It proves that even if we are gone, the brothers in the Huaxia District have never given up the goal of unifying the Huaxia District and participating in the national war."
"So happy!"
"What's even happier is that from now on, this burden will be borne by us. We will complete the reunification of the Huaxia region, and we will lead the brothers in the entire Huaxia region to participate in the three national wars!"
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