Chapter 698: Shocking Palm

Looking at the sound and shadow of the Balo Flame Demon flying, Zhao Xu directly found the right time to flap his wings and flew diagonally into the battlefield.
"Wall of Force Technique!"
As the gem powder spilled out, a barrier that was invisible like a huge curtain was created in the air.
The wall of force enveloped the Balor flame demon without a trace, and let it hit it head and head. The impact of nearly four or five tons of weight collided with the wall that would not suffer any harm at all.
The intense pain caused the Balo flame demon to scream on the spot. It looked around with anger and waved the extremely tough +1 flame whip.
The long whip was covered with sharp thorns with barbs and hard balls, and the sound of bursting into the air was mixed with the drowning roar.
"Which reptile dared to attack me?"
While roaring, the body of the Balo Flame Demon continued to burn with a raging flame, as if it was a melting pot, causing the emissary who was caught by it to make a very painful cry.
The flame body, one of the supernatural abilities of Balo Balrog, will take 6-36 points of damage (6D6) every round once it is grappled.
Seeing that no one responded, the Balo Flame Demon was even more activating its own true knowledge effect. He instantly saw Zhao Xu coming from the attack and laughed on the spot, "It turned out to be an ordinary celestial creature mage?"
Looking at Zhao Xu's impact, this Balo Flame Demon finally spoke the words of cancellation, but his attitude was much more formal. It directly used Zhao Xu's spell-like ability-blasphemous language.
Within 12 meters centered on it, the sound of incomparably evil destruction is directly filled!
Death, weakness, dizziness, and paralysis, the four major negative effects come in abundance, as long as the Hit Dice is lower than the 20th level of the Barlow Flame Demon, the corresponding effects will be suffered.
As a level 10 player, Zhao Xu is just level 10 away, in a state of all in all!
Blasphemous language is an effect that cannot be exempted!
This is the more cruel clearing spell of the abyss demon.
As the spell energy penetrated into Zhao Xu's only more than twenty points of spell resistance, he continued to open up territory.
And Zhao Xu just raised his brows, he didn't even use the means to fight the sound waves, and continued to stab him with a sword, relying on his physical body to resist.
Accompanied by the power of death, Zhao Xu's buff four-ring "anti-death barrier" long ago continued to exert a strong effect, and forcibly stopped this instant death effect for him.
This is somewhat out of the mind of the Balo flame demon. Generally, non-evil creatures that are the targets of spells will avoid their sharp edges when encountering this spell. How did you think that there would be physical resistance?
Because this is more than one effect at all.
However, Zhao Xu raised his brow, "The power of the iron heart!"
The strongest way to solve the buff is in Zhao Xu's hands, directly breaking the three negative states of weakness, dizziness, and paralysis!
In the end, Zhao Xu pierced in with a sword!
A fierce attack broke out!
The charge broke out!
Lion's Charge! batter! Lead the charge!
After such a set of continuous moves, the Balo Flame Demon originally had a blood volume of close to 300HP, which was originally in a very safe area.
But after Zhao Xu stabbed with fierce sword after sword, the Balo Flame Demon could only wailing in pain while watching his life value be cut off!
Then the second sword was killed!
An extremely dazzling flash exploded in an instant, and a full 100 points of fatal damage instantly swept all creatures within 30 meters like a tornado.
What's even more exaggerated is that the two weapons held by this Balor Flame Demon directly exploded and shattered into powder.
It would be better to burn the jade and stone than to let Zhao Xu find it cheap.
It was also the first time that Zhao Xu saw Balo Flame Demon's ability to "burn the body and explode". This ability can be regarded as a means of dying together.
It's just that the amount of damage is still too low for Zhao Xu, and it doesn't affect him much.
Seeing this scene, the other Balo flame demon, who was still excitedly releasing "Dementia", made an extremely nervous hiss on the spot, and directly used the "Advanced Teleportation" ability to prepare to escape.
But Zhao Xu rarely caught this opportunity and immediately cast the "Dimensional Anchor" spell.
When this green light accurately hit the Barlow Flame demon who was about to complete most of the spell, the energy transmitted throughout his body suddenly disappeared, and a feeling of emptiness came in an instant, as if it had struggled to get into the hole and was ready to escape. , But was kicked back ruthlessly.
The Barro Flame Demon who failed the transmission looked at Zhao Xu with entangled eyes, and instantly roared out a series of purgatory words in anger.
It seems to be cursing Zhao Xu, with some strange syllables.
It's like a prayer, but like an announcement.
Zhao Xu instantly noticed that there was a slight hint of impropriety here, and hurriedly raised his hand to stretch out the knot to cast a spell, and cast a spell at the Balo Flame Demon.
"The hammer of axiom!"
The effect is the fastest, the damage response is sensitive, and at the same time, it can achieve a one-strength reduction of ten benefits. Zhao Xu's first reaction is this spell.
In an instant, these two power hammers were submerged into the body of the Ballow Flame Demon, let him dissolve a little bit on the spot, and then burst into countless small knuckle-high models. These pocket demons exploded on the spot. There was a fierce battle.
In a blink of an eye, the last one was left, and then it turned into a light smoke and disappeared.
What followed was the Balo Flame Demon that burned all the jade, like the "burning body explosion" effect of the Heaven Demon Disintegration Dafa, but this time Zhao Xu's distance was far enough to not be affected at all.
But after the flames dissipated, the sound of the demon's prayers still filled the gap, and it did not dissipate for a long time, as if it was still singing the sacrificial song in this space and time.
It is beyond doubt that an abyssal demon sequence belongs to the high-level Balo flame demon to pray for, and there is no doubt that it is also the existence of those lord-level!
And the nearby celestial creature army also noticed the fluctuations here, and slowly, more and more angels and holy envoys also approached here to observe what kind of anomaly appeared.
The next moment.
The place where the Nabalo Flame Demon had disappeared suddenly burst into a giant palm that had been green-green, and it galloped directly towards Zhao Xu.
At the same time, Huang Zhongda Lu's trembling sound came from the void, "Is that the believer you just killed me?"
Zhao Xu, who had long realized that he was a little heady, directly instinctively launched the "any door".
As soon as the torrents of time and space gathered together, Zhao Xu swept across a distance of nearly hundreds of meters in an instant, perfectly avoiding the instigation of the giant green slap at him!
But the cliff behind him was not so lucky. Apart from the fact that the nearby divine envoys were slaughtered by the power of dissociation in their palms and turned into ashes, the tough wall was hollowed out, as if by Just like pulling it down forcibly.
Which way is this Abyss Lord?
Zhao Xu couldn't help thinking inwardly, but one thing was certain, it was definitely not Grazt and Demo Gogan who had dealt with him before.
Otherwise, it would not be that Volley used a giant palm that covered the sky to kill him, but the incarnation would come and block the plane without saying a word.
Zhao Xu was somewhat frightened inside.
At this time, beside him, a brand new dark green giant palm appeared again, coming with the momentum to open up the world, and the light green giant palm in the distance rushed simultaneously.
Obviously, he cannot be culled on the spot, these giant palms will become more and more!
At this moment, Zhao Xu did not pretend to be compelling, and did not hold the idea of ​​fighting an abyss lord in the air.
To teleport the big move in place, I just want to open a distance of 500 kilometers first.
At this moment, he directly teleported towards the depths of the crack tunnel at the bottom of the great abyss.
Immediately transfer energy to gather Zhao Xu's whole body, making his figure disappear in an instant, and the two huge sky-shattering palms pounce directly on the face, and they collide together, directly setting off a majestic air current like a vast ocean, giving a large group of Celestial Legion to Disperse most of it.
At this time Void just left a cold sneer.
"Do you think you can escape like this?"
As for Zhao Xu, after a while the plane took off and then descended, causing discomfort in the eardrum, he reappeared in the path of a tunnel crack.
It's also because he probably remembered the map of the Great Abyss with a range of thousands of kilometers, otherwise a teleportation would go wrong, and it would go directly into the rock and it would be difficult to get out.
However, in the next second, the chill from Zhao Xu's back surged, as if a fine needle of a cow's hair was stuck in. ,
"Quick burst!"
"Any door!"
Zhao Xu didn't even turn his head back, he directly relied on his instinct to throw out the "swift burst", and then relied on the "marking movement" exchanged at this critical moment to successfully perform this displacement spell.
No more, no less, just another 500 meters for him, Zhao Xu, who was originally hiding on the edge of the gap, also moved directly into the air.
But when he looked at the area where he was just now, he found that it had become nothingness.
All the hard walls and thick soil, the narrow paths that have experienced weather and frost, and the horizontal stone bridges that have witnessed the years have become dusty at this moment.
Was smashed by a dark green destruction giant palm!
At this moment, Zhao Xu realized that this giant palm was like performing a mirror-shadow technique, directly changing into two, two into four, and four into eight. The breath directly laid the formation of the sky and the earth, and it surrounded Zhao Xu in groups!
Zhao Xu cursed secretly on the spot, this abyss lord is watching Journey to the West too much?
He also wanted to stage a chase and escape battle between Monkey Monkey and Tathagata on Wuzhishan?
After feeling that the item demon familiar on his body used "healing minor wounds" and removed the negative "dizziness" effect for himself.
Zhao Xu was fierce again, his gaze came out of the few small gaps that had been hidden by the giant palm.
No one has ever walked the end of this fourth great abyss.
As for the "gate of another world" spell, at least the exact position must be known to be able to open it at a specific location, so it is impossible to think of going to the edge and opening the door at the edge.
Including teleportation, teleportation itself has a certain distance limit.
The advanced teleportation technique that has no distance limit can't be fooled. It also requires accurate location description.
Zhao Xu also became fierce at this moment, facing the dark and hard-to-see direction of the Great Abyss, directly activated the "Teleport Technique"!
Five thousand kilometers full!
The giant palms that completed the encirclement formation in an instant collided again.
But Zhao Xu had already completed the spell, rushing out thousands of kilometers instantly.
This is already the scale of the original earth's radius.
And Zhao Xu, who had just re-appeared on the ground, glanced at the direction when he came, before he even had time to breathe, he cast his "Teleport Technique" again and moved towards the next node.
So repeat!
Five thousand kilometers per round, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is 50,000 kilometers for one minute of continuous transmission.
One hour is 3 million kilometers!
This is already a distance of 10 seconds for the light to travel. In the original universe, it took only eight minutes for the sun to reach the earth.
But Zhao Xu found out that behind him, the dark green giant palms that lingered, appeared more and more.
In the end, after continuously using the potential points and continuously teleporting for several hours, Zhao Xu gave up directly, turned around, and asked when facing the reappearing giant palm.
"Go ahead, who are you?"
At this moment, the row of hundreds of giant palms finally stopped. They kept the same posture and bowed slightly to Zhao Xu.
"You really exceeded my expectations, you actually have a mage with this kind of battery life."
"I should ask you, who are you?"
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