Chapter 705: source

  Be careful of the lord of the nine hells!
   This sentence instantly resounded in Zhao Xu's heart.
   No wonder, from the beginning, he kept hearing this admonition.
   It's no wonder that Antinoya went to the nine-layer Barto Hell in person, and had to be careful and brought the legendary "pale justice".
   It is clear that the whole is not as complicated as the abyss, the gods and the powerful abyss lord add up to no less than three digits, which is the most dense of Arthur.
In the entire nine-layer hell, with the exception of Asmodeus, the lord of hell, the other nine-layers, including their respective bosses, even if the ones who have been deposed are forgotten, the decision to be strong is only in double digits. It's just a little bit early.
   And the nine-layer is not even more than half of the gods choose to use it as the location of the kingdom of God, even if it is lawful and evil.
   Even the mages who studied the abyss complained. The lord also chose the place to take advantage. If he was lucky, if he reincarnated into the abyss, he would have grasped one of the layers.
   But then again, compared to the scattered sand of the abyss, the entire nine-layer can be said to be completely controlled by the palm of the Asmodeus.
   Even the appointment of the lord of the ninth plane is determined by him.
   Even if the role of "Lord of the Abyss" does appear in the future, it will be difficult to catch up with the lord of the Nine Hells if he controls the entire plane.
   One of the creation dragons, the incarnation of order, the master of the nine hells.
   When these are connected in series, the power of the lord of seems to be able to naturally make sense.
  In an instant, Zhao Xu's eyes fell into a state of confusion, circling the boundless vortex, and flying away with his sight and soul.
   Slowly, he seemed to have traveled back to the entire Arthurian world, still in a state of chaos.
   At that moment, everything around was misty. Although it had the outline of the entire world, the framework of the outer interface was also looming.
   But everything is clear and there is no life.
   also naturally did not die.
  Nothingness is the greatest will in this world.
   It is like a huge ship sailing towards destruction, floating on the magnificent sea, but the lights on the hull are all extinguished, maintaining a silent state, as if dying, until it crashes into an iceberg and completes its final mission.
  Here, no gods will give the will of the world to have light.
   There is no life and everything to multiply, making the world colorful.
   Zhao Xu suddenly widened his eyes.
   looked straight into the void, like if it is difficult to separate, the entangled chaotic fog
   Creation Dragon!
   Order and Chaos!
   They have a long tail in the posture of a feather serpent, while the other feather serpent has its tail held, and its tail is also held.
   formed a ring of fate.
  The ending ring.
   The initial ring.
   Immediately, the world changed color, the mountains and rivers broke apart, as if the mist suddenly dissipated, all the existence hidden in the darkness was revealed in the Langlang universe.
   Zhao Xu saw it.
   The feathered snake dragon, which represents order, uttered an angry roar. It was full of anger, staring at the other twin companion.
   The good and evil of heaven and earth are also clarified in this second, and at the same time they are divided.
   And order and chaos continued to fall toward the deepest barrier, and the entire Arthur Tianyu's scope gradually expanded.
The giant wheel of the    plane also took shape for the first time.
   The orderly feathered snake dragon hit the ground, and the power of the boundless plane instantly condensed, and then transformed into nine hells
The first layer of Aphrodite, the second layer of Diss, the third layer of Minaulos, the fourth layer of Flegius, the fifth layer of Stegia, the sixth layer of Malboge, the seventh layer of Mara Dominica, the eighth floor, Carnia, and the ninth floor, Nasus.
   The nine levels of Batol’s Hell are arranged up and down in a funnel shape, with the largest Avnas at the top and the smallest Nesus at the bottom.
   Zhao Xu saw a pure law and evil thoughts that existed on all levels. They were formed in the process of spraying blood. They were immersed in the dim and misty shadows of the sky and on the scorched earth-like ground.
   At the same time, the blood spattered and fell on the surface of hell. Gradually, the demons climbed out from the ground.
   With confused eyes, angry eyes, and pilgrimage eyes, they all knelt down to the ninth layer of hell, Neiss, kneeling down to the birthplace of life, kneeling down to where the will and camp are.
   At the same time there was a roar from heaven and earth
   When you enter this place, you must give up hope!
   A vortex-like crimson void emerged from the cursed plain of Neissus. The power of the evil law and order was like a cage to block the world, and all the power of chaos disappeared.
The general outline of the    plane is like an oval, with jagged edges of the land. The absolutely flat surface makes it easy to see the surrounding detailed scenery.
  At the same time, because of the impact, the ground formed cross-height mountains, valleys and ditches. They were like grids across the arid rock formations, creating a net of heaven and earth, and at the bottom of these cracks, there was an infinite space created.
   The man who fell on the lawful feather serpent slowly crawled out of the pit that had torn his flesh and blood, and stood up again at the place where he stopped falling—Bator Hell.
The end of the deep pit left by the impact has become the eternal surface symbol of Neissus-the famous snake disk, the canyon hovering down, and the surface is a whirlpool crack.
   Every drop of blood splashed here at the same time has become a deep fiend with full life. They are fanatical and loyal, constantly roaring in this snake plate canyon, praising the greatness of creation.
   Asmotiers stood up, still dripping with blood from the impact on the Open Plane.
   Those wounds never healed again, like the eternal curse of the years, they have been with him for a long time.
   The former lawful creation dragon dies.
   A horned humanoid with red skin and an elegant and proud look-Asmodeus wakes up.
   His cold gaze penetrated through the void and looked directly at Zhao Xu.
   Slowly, the other party’s image began to change
   A powerful demon with shiny black skin and hair, and a full four meters high.
The handsome face is full of danger, his red eyes exudes evil light, a pair of sharp small horns grow on his forehead, and he wears a gorgeous robe studded with black diamonds and rubies. A ruby ​​scepter symbolizing the supreme power of hell.
   The other party raised the scepter and gave him a grin.
   In an instant, Zhao Xu was in a trance, woke up from the depths of his sleep, and returned from the void of history.
   He looked at the old man in front of him with blank eyes, the bottom of the abyss, the incarnation of the bottomless realm.
   This is the scene of the separation.
   Finally, the old man knelt down towards Zhao Xu.
   There is still a dazed Zhao Xu in his eyes, carrying his hands on his back, and walking silently in this void.
   He seemed to feel the trance of the abyss at this moment.
   He felt the resonance of the will of the abyss, calling to him, trying to reintegrate with him.
   But what about his?
   Zhao Xu saw the scene of the rebirth of Asmodeus.
   did not see his own.
   seems to be reunited into a mystery that cannot be solved.
   "Then what do I need to do next?" Zhao Xu asked helplessly.
   Facing this situation, he was deeply confused and at a loss.
  Countless powers of the abyss, cheering and rushing around him constantly, as if to completely transform his body into the essence of the abyss.
   He heard the resonance, felt the resonance, and even more sensed the common call of this world.
   Zhao Xu also saw his character card’s camp, the line between the positioning and the chaotic camp, unstoppable towards the end of the chaos.
   Ruuo incarnate into chaos.
  He is the chaos in this world, the greatest common divisor.
  In an instant, Zhao Xu exhaled deeply and turned his head to look at the old man kneeling on the ground.
   At this time, he seems to have a profound and ancient atmosphere in his words and deeds, which naturally radiate without imitating.
   "Go ahead, what do I need to do?"
   The old man bent his head more and more underground, "Master, the only thing you need to do is to open the "Abyss Scroll" you left behind."
   "This supreme artifact that was created by you to write all the secrets of the abyss is your means of return."
   "As long as you open it, you will have all the power invincible in this world in an instant. This is both a foreshadowing and a key part of your destiny."
   Zhao Xu couldn't help shaking his head.
   "But the abyss scroll, didn't anyone else read it at first?"
   "That's true." The old man knelt down lower, as if he was about to press his forehead tightly on the ground, not daring to raise it at all.
"Because the line of fate has changed, in the unlikely event that the master cannot be touched by it anyway, all the lines of the world are spied on by Asmodeus, who has awakened first, and then beheaded one by one. "
"So when the abyss scholar appeared, I let him in and browsed the'Abyss Scroll'. Finally, after he left this plane, he went out and wrote the'Darkness' which incarnates countless divine tools. volume'."
   Zhao Xu suddenly woke up.
   Did he touch that mysterious oil painting?
   "Don't you mean that when I come to the abyss, as long as I touch the portal, I will be teleported here accurately?"
   The old man smiled bitterly, "That's what I said, but one step earlier, Master, you will be killed by the Lord of Hell."
   "Annihilate you at the end of the entire world, and even from that moment on, he will wipe out everything related to you, including your territory and all the people you know."
   "So all this requires a plan to hide from the sky."
   "The Dark Scroll is a key part of this plan. As long as it has its breath, the countless divided Dark Scrolls in the entire abyss will be disorganized, like countless substitutes."
"Even if the lord of the nine levels of can detect it at that moment, it won't help, because he doesn't know where you are the master. Not to mention that he breaks into the abyss without authorization and will be suppressed by the plane. Power can’t be transformed into ten thousand, capture one by one."
   "And the most critical part of this is that you have to be exposed to a ‘dark scroll’. Fortunately, master, you did it."
   Hearing this, Zhao Xuto sighed completely.
  Who could have thought that all of this would actually come down to an oil painting?
   No, it should be said that it is an artifact.
   Aham’s Dark Scroll!
   Unexpectedly, this volume of demonology not only contains information about purgatory creatures and the abyss, and can provide its users with mysterious powers, there is such a profound "game" behind it that is waiting for him to return.
   Zhao Xu couldn't help but recall what Antinoya described to him on the spot--
   Aham’s Dark Scroll consists of hundreds of individual chapters.
  The chapters of those inferior artifacts are not unique—the chapters appear in almost all planes in the form of books, scrolls, and copies.
   This series of artifacts, from the moment they appeared, carried incomparable secrets.
   It is really the blessing of the abyss that makes it a artifact.
   An artifact that reveals the secrets of the abyss can live forever in the abyss. How could it be possible without the permission of the will of the abyss?
   It is ridiculous that those demons who want to take them back and destroy them are essentially helping the Lord of Hell.
   It's just that he immediately thought of something wrong.
   "But, the original Ernest, hasn't he been here before?"
   Zhao Xu instinctively thought that Ernest was most likely himself.
  According to his guess, at some future moment, he traveled through time and space and returned to the former Arthurian age, and then met May there, and brought her under his family, becoming the first believer.
   Later, because of an encounter, Antinoya, who was still a strong little girl, held it in her palm and accepted it as a direct disciple, and even sacrificed the entire magic empire for her safety.
   And he left the current and returned to the historical Arthur. In this process, he must have encountered something again, and then there will be the extremely powerful scene when it came.
   It is not Zhao Xu's exaggeration, but he feels that the current world cannot cultivate Ernest who can destroy everything in the ancient times.
   This is also the "version" that Zhao Xu has inferred, and it is also the version he thinks is closest to the truth.
   But, in this case, that Ernest, I am afraid that he has already come into contact with the "Abyss Scroll"?
   At that time, shouldn't he ascend to the top immediately and become the lord of the abyss?
   In an instant, Zhao Xu regained his vigilance.
   Although the power of the surrounding abyss, when he absorbed it, he could hear the cheers coming from his ears.
   These news just now are based on the old man’s unilateral dictation.
   From beginning to end, what he knew was what the other party showed him.
   is the same as when he flipped through a stone tablet and got the amazing story above through interpretation.
   are all isolated case proofs, lacking corresponding supporting proofs, and no complete evidence chain.
  Even, at this level, it is still unclear whether the true abyss is the bottomless realm.
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