Chapter 409: Love can't extricate

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Without fate, she also insisted not to come.
It turned out that she hadn't reached the point where she loved her son and couldn't extricate herself... It's good.
This will protect yourself from harm.

Nangong Beichen was last seized by the tutor of Tianduan Temple, and after being handed over to the tutor of Tianzhu Temple, he was taken by his own tutor and turned into the cultivation room. He was not promoted to a small realm and he was not allowed to come out.
Fortunately, Nangong North morning is already the late stage of the Eight Stars, and he remembers the little beauty in his heart, and works hard!
I accidentally broke through the Nine Stars!
The instructor smiled and couldn't close his mouth, so he let him free.
When Nangong Beichenxing rushed to the Tianshu Temple with his younger brothers again, he only saw Lin Feifei crying with his thighs, complaining that he missed him, and that Xiaomeiren had been locked into thinking cliffs.
Nangong Beichen would like to think about the cliff.
You must have a special pass to enter the cliff, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter.
Special pass, except for the main lord, the general mentor did not...
He thought that N methods would not work. In the end, he had to transfer the cultivation to the nearest intersection of Si Laya, staring at the cliff every day, as long as the little beauty was released for the first time, what he saw was he!
Such a great sincerity, I am sure that Xiaomeier will be able to sense it. When it is time to hold the beauty, it is just around the corner.

"Hey? Piglet, little leaf?"
The illusion is a daze, these two fights don’t know where to go...
The mind is also connected, like in the passage not far from the front.
The illusion looked around for a while and found another narrow hole that only allowed one person to crawl. She thought about it and chose to climb over.
The more you climb deeper into the inside, the leaf Lingbao should be nearby, because she can breath freely and is not affected.
"Little leaves, little pigs..." The illusion is calling.
There is a sly echo in the front hole.
The illusion turned and climbed for a while, suddenly suddenly and brightly, with a large cave, able to walk upright.
She saw her two Lingbao stunned and flew in front of her.
The two Lingbao heads are swaying with bright stars, which are extremely eye-catching in the darkness.
The illusion is also catching up. This time, I have a lot of chasing. The passage is very wide and I can run...
This chasing a play, the illusion does not know where to catch up.
The front is getting brighter and brighter, and the aura is getting stronger.
There are also some spiritual plants on both sides of the road, water plants, flowers in the water, etc., swaying in the water, the scenery is more and more beautiful...
Suddenly, there are two signs of Lingbao asking for help.
The illusion is rushing to the front and the heart is alert.
Her Lingbao has a problem, I don’t know what it is? Did someone find that she escaped a small black hole and came to arrest her?
Soon, she came to a beautiful cave with a beautiful night. The night pearls flashed brightly and sparkled in the water. In addition, there were many spiritual stones, paved, not paved. It’s all over the place, and it’s like it’s natural.
A string of bubbles, coming up from the bottom of the sea.
In the center of the bubble, an old man is hung.
The old man must be white, even the skin is a layer of hoarfrost, like a snowman, very conspicuous.
When I saw him in the illusion, I was stunned in my heart. Is it snow? !
Snow is always the elder of the Holy Court. It used to be a semi-holy level. It was seriously injured in the battle scenes of the and the two races more than ten years ago. The heart and lungs were taken away and became half a living dead. They can only rely on the Canglang Xuegong. Lingquan water recuperation...
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