Chapter 102: Lu Ju

For a while, Emperor Chun Zhang was upright and honest, and for a while he was honest. Liu Wen realized that he was wrong, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that he was a weak and scary master, and he was frightened a little. But as soon as the General asked, he vaguely realized that no matter how fierce a person is, his eyes are always the same.
However, Chundi was different. His eyes were filled with filth when he was arrogant, and even if he looked beautiful, it was annoying. Suddenly, he was quiet for a moment, and the pupils were like a clean blue sky, clear and clear. At this time, he looked very timid, and a little helpless, and made him feel pitiful. To be honest, there were a few times when Liu Wen didn't want to blame even if he felt that something was wrong.
Meng Changye saw that the military division felt the same as himself, and quickly asked, "Did you see it?"
"General, I know that Emperor Chun is beautiful, and it's really painful to be well behaved. It's a bit old for you to be a veteran. But I want to warn you in advance that his appearance is likely to be pretend, the purpose is Confused us, and then took the opportunity to escape. "Liu Wen held a stick to poke-make a bonfire, a solemn look on his face. The general seems to have been confused.
"What if he didn't pretend?" Meng Changye didn't give up.
"Let's take a look if it's pretending. In short, he has no way to escape." Liu Wen threw the stick into the fire and burned it.
"Yes. His grandma, even if he pretends, as long as he is willing to pretend for a lifetime, Lao Tzu is willing to offer him. Don't you scholars have a saying called narrow, what is narrow?" Meng Changye scratched his head.
"The narrow emperor ordered the princes." Liu Wen added completeness for him.
"Yes, that's the sentence. Lao Tzu came to‘ Sai Tianzi to order the princes ’, and became Emperor in his name, and then Lao Tzu became the regent king behind him.

Liu Wen shook his head. "General, if you are catching a little prince who has just become ignorant and ignorant, it is also appropriate to do so. However, for three years after Emperor Chun has been in office, his reputation for brutality has already spread. I am afraid that the emperor would not win the hearts of the people. It would be safer to call the king on the spot if he added his robe. "
Meng Changye was silent. He understood the military officer's words to make sense, but the boss was unhappy. He had already separated Chundi from the dogs. What is the relationship between Chundi and the dogs? Why would the world be unjust if these crimes were to be carried on him?
There was a thick beard blocking it, and Liu Wen couldn't guess the general's mind for a moment, so he had to turn his head to look at the treasure map. Just at this moment, the porridge was cooked, and a soldier knocked on the iron pan to let everyone pass. Chang Shun came over in trembling, arching, "General, it's time to eat. Can you pull the cloth strips from the emperor's mouth?"
"Drag it. He is no longer an emperor, and you also changed the name, one emperor, and I heard itchy hands." Meng Changye narrowed his eyes.
"Yes. Then the slave called him master, do you think it is right?" Changshun said again.
"As long as you are not the emperor, you are free." Meng Changye took the porridge bowl handed over by the soldiers, and after a few sips saw the hunting unit return, and immediately went over to help deal with wild deer, pheasant, hare and other things.
Changshun got the word, so he carefully approached the side of the pot, whispered and asked for two bowls of porridge. At last, he opened the cloth strips in Chundi's mouth, and chopped them with a spoon to feed them.
Chundi eats thousands of silver for a meal. Only one boiled cabbage must be carefully brewed for several hours. How can it stand the congee made of sorghum, buckwheat and brown rice? He didn't eat in the morning, vomited all the time at noon, and didn't eat. At night, he was already hungry enough to press his chest against his back, but Yang Tiao's appetite and his fragile body couldn't accommodate coarse grains, and he vomited after eating two .
"What the is this? Why is it like sand, eating my throat and eating it? My throat is torn, walk around, and give me a bowl of Bijing porridge!" Put out your tongue.
Hu Weijun was stationed in the northwest all year round, drinking cold wind, eating yellow sand, wearing cold iron, and sleeping on a wooden board. In particular, for the sake of extravagance, Emperor Chun still detained their army for years, so that the brothers in the camp froze to death and starved to death. King Jingqin's forages were sifted for several years, and they did not dare to waste a grain of rice on weekdays, and naturally they were even less accustomed to what Chundi did.
This time, not only Liu Chuanshan was on fire, but also several other deputy generals, who were looking at the dog emperor and trying to learn from it, but saw the general striding forward, holding a dagger in his hand, looking very terrible. Everyone gave way, General Tao said this is to do it yourself!
Meng Changye really wanted to hang up the Emperor Chun for a meal, but when he came near, he couldn't get it when he saw his beautiful face. Damn it! Hitting him is equivalent to hitting the dog, do you have to suffer when the dog wakes up?
As he scolded him, he took the bowl in Changshun's hand, and rudely sipped a large mouthful of porridge into Chundi's mouth. When Emperor Chun saw him holding a dagger, when he was about to stab himself, he saw that he did nothing, not even a curse, but only to feed the porridge.
As I said before, Emperor Chun is a master who can't see the coffin and can't cry. No matter how many times he is taught, he will not be taught. Once he finds that your temper is weak, he will kick his nose on his face immediately. Faintly aware of how indulgent General Hu Wei was, he arrogantly spit it on the other side with a mouthful of porridge and shouted, "I said I don't eat pig food! I want to drink Bijing porridge!"
Meng Changye wiped the water from his face and looked at Liu Wen with a calm expression, "What is Bijing porridge?"
"Bijing porridge is a porridge made from bijing rice." Liu Wen Xu Xu said, "Bijing rice is native to Hebei Yutian, a tribute, slender and slightly green, and has a fragrant smell when cooking. There is poetry Zanyun: ' The color of the spring is blue and the color is green, and the fragrance of the cooked rice is red. The people know that Kunlun is in the sky, and the green essence is not the same as the bottom. 'You can see how delicious this porridge made of green jade rice is.'
Meng Changye nodded his head, and suddenly poured a bowl of porridge on Chundi's face, scolding, "Lao Tzu fought in the northwest, and when he was about to die of hunger, he and his companion's body had all been eaten. Your mother-in-law's luxury was enjoyed in Beijing. Fish people, is it very happy? You also want to drink Bijing porridge, I want you to drink enough! "Then waved and let the soldiers bring the buckets up and poured them one by one. You can't beat, you can't beat, and you are not taught, you can only use this method to deter.
At this time, the winter was approaching, and the weather was very cold. Although the water was boiled and brought with temperature, it formed ice dregs after a while, but it was more uncomfortable than pouring cold water directly. After only a few scoops of the emperor Chundi, the ghost cried and wobbled, crying for a moment before passing out. This is no wonder that he has grown him into a flower in a greenhouse in his sixteen years of life, and in the eyes of others, pouring a few scoops of water is only the slightest punishment. For him, he is not stubborn.
A group of generals were dumbfounded, and sighed, "It's faint? It's too good for him!" It's no wonder that the general didn't move his fist, and by the strength of the general, he must have passed a finger and killed him.
The crowd shook their heads and dispersed, except that Liu Wen came to the general and stared at the unconscious person with a burning gaze, "General, wait a moment to see which Emperor Chun wakes up."
"Emperor Chun is Emperor Chun, and the puppies are puppies. Don't confuse them." Meng Changye frowned.
"Dog? What nickname did you give him?" Liu Wen sneered, pointing at the man with a lot of flowers on the ground, soaking wet, "I really want to see what he looks like when you call it like that."
"Go away!" Meng Changye gave him a kick and pointed at Changshun at the end, "You come and change into clean clothes for him." Then I thought wrong, Chundi ’s body is also the body of a dog, let this The changed his clothes, didn't he see the puppies too? No!
"You go too, come here." He bombarded Changshun, took the boy to a secret place and cleaned it. He wanted to take it well-play with his delicate fingertips and small feet, see He became pale and realized that the weather was too cold and not suitable, and quickly found out his clean clothes and rushed him.
Holding people to the bonfire to warm them, I wanted to take them into my arms and circle my arms, but I was afraid that the waking dog emperor would be the emperor. Meng Changye had to put the people on the ground, covered a thin blanket, and picked up one. Only peeled rabbits are baked. Sitting on the other side, Liu Wen looked at the treasure map in his hand, and was obviously stumped. It is not easy for their team to break into today. The generals and soldiers in the army are all rough men. They haven't read a few days, and it is up to the military division to make suggestions. Fortunately, Liu Wen had enough brains, so he didn't bring everyone into the pit.
He looked for a long time without seeing why, and sighed, "General, you are actually very clever. You can learn from Wu Yi, why don't you love calligraphy? If you read more books, your subordinates will be relaxed. Many. If you look at this treasure map, only you can find the route, but your subordinates see a mess. "
"What book I read, I'm the most impatient with reading and writing, especially the writing brush, it breaks when I pinch it, and I get so full of ink, I can't wash it off for a few days!" There is also a problem with the route coming out. After this ravine, there will be no road ahead. If you follow the direction marked on the map, you will have to jump off the cliff and fall thin. "
"Then you slowly hang it with a rope, you have to follow the map, unless the picture is fake." At this point, Liu Wen glanced at Emperor Chun with a bad look.
Just at this moment, you woke up slowly, first feeling cold all over the body, and Fu felt empty, cold and hungry. He lifted the blanket and saw the master sitting next to him. He quickly rushed over, pulled his arm around his shoulders, and whispered into his arms while whispering, "It's so cold, so hungry!" He remembered falling asleep. At this time, it was late and the troops were stationed.
Meng Changzhi sat still in the night. He would relax after seeing him for a long while, and naturally clenched it. He pulled the blanket over and wrapped him tightly. He said softly, "Hungry first, drink a bowl of porridge, The barbecue is going to be good soon. "Then the words waved at a soldier.
The soldier immediately brought a bowl of porridge and looked angry. He really couldn't figure it out, and then he just hated the general who was disgusted with Emperor Chun. Although he has a beard covering his face, the gentleness in his eyes cannot be mistaken. Emperor Chun is even more hateful, but he proactively drilled into the general's arms without knowing shame. How can a person pour a few scoops of water into a cartilage? No, Chundi's bones weren't hard.
Not to mention the soldiers' gazes, the deputy generals who have been following the general for the longest time can't guess what the charter is. Having said that the treasure was successful, they slaughtered people, but it looked nothing like this. What made them even more surprised was that Chundi, who had just drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, was about to die and live, but now he gurgles and drinks happily. What was he doing before? Owe?
Meng Changye was afraid that he would drink too quickly to stain his collar, and he held his chin with one hand, and said in a warm voice, "Drink slowly, and finish drinking." Then he asked again, "Is this porridge delicious?"
Youxi shook her head, "Not so delicious, but not so bad. I have eaten something even more unpleasant than this." The words fell and stroked his throat, hesitantly, "Maybe it is my own problem. Obviously I feel that the grueling congee is very shave, probably because I slept too long. "
But who is using this body while sleeping? You Xi had a faint conjecture, and tried to use his mental strength to detect, but found that his mental strength had disappeared and nothing was left! He was horrified, but his face was never revealed. Fortunately, Ziwei's imperial energy and merit Jinguang were flowing in the limbs, which gave him a little sense of security.
Where did the mental power go? He pressed-rubbed his chest, thoughtfully.
Meng Changye and Liu Wen looked at each other, feeling the same. The emperor's appearance before splashing and rolling was not a fake, and the calm and indifferent attitude of the boy after waking up was not like pretending. The two people looked less and less the same.
"This porridge is boiled with coarse grains. You are not used to drinking. When you find the treasure, I will let you boil the bi-japonica porridge." Meng Changye is now selling it.
Hearing only a bang, a vice general dropped his prey into the fire. He was so shocked that his hands and feet shook slightly. Who was it that half died because the Emperor Chun wasted food? Why did you change your face in a flash? At present, the person who offered to boil the bijing congee to Chundi is definitely not his general! Could it be a lone soul and a ghost that occupied the general's body?
The others were all stunned, either suspecting that they had lost their way or that the general had been dropped. Only Liu Wen knew the inside and sighed. To the Emperor Chun, he could not wait to slap his flesh, but to this dog cub was full of tenderness, and the general was obviously deceived.
I ca n’t perceive the outside world when I ’m asleep, so I do n’t know that the master ’s attitude is very problematic. Instead, I just nodded naturally. It is used to build a city-state, to appease the people, to recruit soldiers and buy horses. There are thousands of people at home and strong soldiers outside to defend against insults.
Meng Changye was heartily spoken by him, "We", and it became more and more certain that the dog cub was a dog cub, and Chundi was Chundi. Look at the words of the dog cubs, all for their own consideration, the words have been naturally tied to themselves, this familiarity and tacit understanding can not be pretended. He was willing to believe him, of course, even if he was fooled, it didn't matter, and he was only required to pretend for a lifetime.
Liu Wen had eight to nine points of suspicion, but now he lost three or four points. Gein's words were by no means the idiot of Chundi's incompetence. I thought he had met Chundi at the Qionglin feast when he was a high school champion. The six-year-old child was born in the royal family. It was time to learn four books and five classics. "Ding Yi" asked how to pronounce it?
The poor emperor originally wanted him to recite the top three taboos, but fortunately, the servants showed up in front of him. Another year of sacrifice to heaven, he was already on the throne, and he stood on the stage holding a prayer, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks for a while, but did not speak for a long time. An went to ask for the words He didn't even know any of them, causing a world uproar.
How could there be such a bale like that? Maybe he didn't pretend. With this in mind, Liu Wen passed the treasure map in his hand and tempted, "Ji Youyi, is this map true or false? How do I think we are on the wrong route?"
"What's the matter, look after you eat." Meng Changye cut the roasted rabbit meat into slices, sprinkled with salt and wrapped with leaves, and stuffed it into the hands of a cricket.
"Treasure hunting is important, and you can't delay while eating." There was a chop of meat, and he ate a few sips into his mouth, fearing to choke his throat. He took the map to check, but in his heart he shouted: It turned out that my name was Ji Youzhen in my life, and he even took the surname of the master.
Meng Changye saw his cheeks bulging, his lips shined, and from time to time he extended his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth, and laughed loudly, "I feel more like a dog when eating."
After being a dog for several years, Youyi quickly drew his head and scratched his ears to conceal his awkward expression. But the Lord loved to call it whatever he did, and he didn't object. He swallowed the rabbit and groaned, "You did go wrong. The real map is not the route above, but the cloud pattern below. No, it is more accurate It is said that the two should be combined into one to find the right place. "
"What did you say?" Liu Wen was frightened. This map is three feet long and is framed like a painting. The top is mountains, rivers, roads, and the bottom is a cloud pattern. It is dense, layered, and colorful, so it doesn't show any abnormalities. .
Liu Wen grabbed the map and looked at it, but made himself dizzy. The other lieutenant sneered, "Don't talk nonsense! The following messy things are maps? You show a route to show us! If you can't figure it out, believe it or not we kill you?"
"He is already a man of this seat. It is up to this seat to decide whether to die or live. Be careful when you speak." Meng Changye threw away the rabbit meat in his hand, his face full of suffocation.
Alas, even this dumb and cruel dog emperor has to go out of his mouth. General, your taste is too heavy, right? Everyone was shocked, but he did not dare to open his eyes when he saw his sharp eyes, and he had to stare at the dog emperor severely.
Although there was no pain or itch, Youzhan drilled into his arms in order to brush the favorability of his master, and bumped his forehead against his shoulders a few times. This pair looks like a puppies in the owner's arms, making Meng Changye's heart soft. He frowned heavily on a teenager's hair and said in a deep voice, "Don't be afraid, just say anything, I'll cover you."
Liu Wen finally conceded, and returned the picture, asking, "Ji Youyi, you give me pointers, I really can't see this picture."
"This is a three-dimensional image. It requires special techniques to break it." Seeing Liu Wen opened his mouth, he quickly waved his hand. "Don't ask me what a three-dimensional image is. With your knowledge, I won't understand even if you explain it. . "
This statement is truly arrogant, but it's unbelievable to match his indifferent expression. Liu Wen was horrified and felt that the person in front of me was mysterious and unpredictable. And from his words and deeds, it is not difficult to see that he is quite confident in his knowledge. If he is allowed to pretend to be foolish and foolish enough to ruin the country, it should be a shame and shame to him.
Thinking wildly, the boy has raised the painting and placed his index finger in front of the tip of his nose, and commanded, "Look away, look over my fingers at the cloud pattern on the back, focus on it, and take your time."
Liu Wen unknowingly became a cross-eyed eye, making him sneer, "Don't look at my fingers, said the more you look at the painting."
Meng Changye stared at the pear vortex on his cheek for a long time, his eyes were extremely bright. The other deputy generals saw that he had something to do with it, and with curiosity, he came over and stared at it. Oops, dizzy! However, for a few moments, several people were lying down, covering their eyes, and others had confirmed that this picture was fake, and everyone was fooled by the dog emperor!
When Liu Chuanshan drew out his sword and prepared to attack, Liu Wen exclaimed, "Look, I saw it! This picture actually surfaced! Why?" He stretched out his fingertips and was flat, but It looks really convex in the eyes, and looks like a mountain.
"This is Panlong Mountain." The master of the last life once ruled the world. Youyou naturally saw the complete mountain and river map and recognized the terrain almost at a glance. He superimposed the above picture on the lower picture, took an unburned stick, marked the correct route with the arrows one by one, and said, "Look again, does the route match the terrain?"
"Yes, yes, it's a match! God, who did this picture draw? It happened to be so amazing!" Liu Wen rubbed his sore eyes and said, "If it wasn't for your advice, you would call me right." With this picture, I can't think about anything for a lifetime! General, you also look! "
Meng Changye's face was glorious and glorious. After taking a look at the picture for a moment, she also discovered the clues, and then gave it to the subordinates. The remaining few people were big, rough, and the sky was dim, and the bonfire was swaying, but after seeing it for several hours, there was no result, but they did not dare to doubt the judgment of the general and the military division.
In the gap where they kept mourning and rubbing their eyes, Liu Wen said in an inaudible way, "Brother Ji, there seem to be two people living in your body, don't you feel it yourself?"
Sure enough! He looked at the master reflectively and saw that the other nodded slightly, and the stick in his hand fell. One Soul? What kind of wicked thing is a wicked thing? 2k novel reading network
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