Chapter 111: .Medicine

The Song family has long been declining for many years. Only Song Qingcai, the father of "Song Youyi", has lived a wealthy life. Therefore, people often come to the house for relief. Song Songqing is a master who is not recognized by his six relatives. His unaccompanied sons do not support him, not to mention the side branch separated by blood from one thousand and eighty thousand miles. Just tell Jiading to use a broom to stab people. Over time, Song Qingcai's shameful reputation spread. Looking at the whole family, none of them had a good opinion of him. For this reason, after Song Liandong was slain by the king's staff, the clan did not want to go to mourn the sorrow, but fell down the rocks and came to divide up the family property.
It is also blame that Fang's crimes can't live by himself. He had long decided to kill "Song Youzheng", so he intentionally or unintentionally made people say that Master Song Er disappeared, and then sent someone to inflict harm. But without waiting for them to do anything, something happened to Song Lengdong, and then there was a replacement for the original owner.
Fang's fly camp, Gou Gou, thought he was the biggest winner, but unexpectedly lost all of a sudden, and ended up in nowhere. The tribe was poor for too long. They got the promise of Master Song Er, and immediately rushed to the door with a stick, and wiped out Fang's private treasury. Even the satin, jewelry, and clothes in her room were looted. Layer after layer, I was afraid that gold and silver were still buried underground. That posture is even more terrifying than the locust crossing.
Fang originally planned to secretly hide some private house money to prepare a dowry for his daughter. Who knew that there was no copper plate left? Therefore, she hated "Song Youzheng", intending to use her identity as an aunt to blackmail a large sum of money, or she would be sued by Shangguanfu. Although she is a cheap member, anyway, she has been righted by Song Qingcai, but she can also be regarded as "Song Youzheng" half mother.
What can she think of, how can you think of it? One of them did not take their property, the other had no blood relationship with them, why did they raise two mouths in vain, and they could not talk about it, but they caused a fishy one, did they not find it hard? In this way, Youxi studied Wei Guo's legal order, and finally found two more suitable articles, copied them and sent them to the patriarch, and secretly offered a reward of one hundred and two.
The patriarch was a savvy person, and soon understood what Master Song Er meant, and he brought a group of people to the drums, and brought Fang to the door. Fang was planning to lead his daughter to the inn where "Song Youzheng" was temporarily staying, so that the folks could see how this man was embarrassed and filial. He was arrested and locked soon after he reached halfway.
She had nothing to do with money, and no one to ask for help. She was the only one who could be slaughtered. She could n’t even understand why she was arrested, so she knelt down in the court pending trial. Song Dingxiang was also detained together. At this time, she was so scared that she was so scared that her spirits were scattered and she kept hiding behind her mother.
On the other hand, there was a large number of masters, Song Er, who drove a lot of money to clear the land. The adults of the Taiwan government had already drafted their verdicts before entering the public hall. Of course, this was originally Song Ye's master, which was a three-court trial, and the government and Taiwan were not afraid of being held by someone. There is no risk in making money, and it is the best of both worlds.
In the "powerful" voice of the station members, the adults of the Taiwanese government came slowly, and before the Fang cried out for injustice, they let the Song clan invite the master to read the adverbial. Fang's ears were heard, it was like Wulei booming. It turned out that these people actually accused her of "being born of low family status and not qualified to be his wife." Wei Guo does have such a decree, and it is strictly forbidden for ordinary family members to happen, but in the Shangjia family, there are no such scruples. It is only the owner ’s preference.
Previously, Song Qingcai had the right to have a powerful house. Even if the patriarch strongly opposed it, he was allowed to write Fang's name into the genealogy. Song Qing is dead now, and Song Lengdong is dead. As long as the tribe is willing to seize this lawsuit, it will be a verdict.
The adults of Futai soon acted in accordance with the law, removed the position of Fang's first wife, and changed the family tree. In other words, she is now just a cheap girl. As soon as Song Qing died, she became a slave without a master. She could sell or even kill at will. No matter whether it was jurisprudence or blood, she had nothing to do with Master Song Er. Song Dingxiang ’s identity has also changed from a niece to a niece, and she is also a niece with no dowry. It is very difficult to get married in the future.
But at half an hour, the lawsuit was gone, and the adults of Taiwan and Taiwan beat the gavel and announced their withdrawal. Fang's and Song Dingxiang helped each other out of the Yamen, and the people who came to testify left in pairs. One of the middle-aged women had not dealt with Fang's, and took a sip on the ground, gloating gratefully, "Little bitch, just didn't bring her daughter back, are you going to the inn to find Master Song Er? Are you going now? You try one! "
"Why are you doing this to her?" Another woman stepped forward and sneered. "Before, she was the mother of the Song family, occupying the elder's name, and naturally she can rely on the second master. Now she is cheap, and the Futai adults give it back She wrote a sale-ownership, which had been sent to the second master. If she dared to make trouble, no one would dare to say a word.
"It's the same. Alas, when the scenery was infinite at first, she was afraid that she would have today." The two sang and went away distantly, and Shiliu Fang's stood shivering in stead.
Although Song Xiong was arrogant, he was not stupid, knowing that he and his mother had reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. The mother was originally cheap, and was sold and sold by people, not even remembering her hometown, let alone her relatives. In other words, they don't even have a place to stay now, they can only wander around the streets.
"Mother, what shall we do now?" Song Dingxiang asked in a trembling voice.
"What can I do? My sell-own contract is at Song Youzhen, you are his sister, there is no other way of life except to find him. You must not be willful, see him obediently yell brother, no matter how he scolds and scolds him, I have to endure it in silence and just marry someone in the future. I am just a slave now, and logically I am not qualified to help you with your marriage. Your second life depends on the thought of Song Youyi, can you understand? " .
Song Dingxiang looked humiliated. "I don't want to call his brother. He wasn't my brother originally. Madam, let's not go to him, just find a place to settle down."
"If you don't recognize him, he won't recognize you, but he is happy. I am now free and I don't even have a copper plate in my hand, let alone rent a courtyard, and I can't even afford the stables in the inn. If you follow me, you can only suffer and suffer, and you ca n’t find any good wife ’s family. However, these are minor problems. If I do n’t take the initiative to go back, Song Youzheng can sell or kill me on the charge of
escape from slavery.
My His life is now completely pinched in his palm and he can't help himself. "
Song Dinghua then realized the seriousness of the problem, cried, and reluctantly followed her mother to find her brother.
Youyi's original intention was to let Fang's and Song Dingxiang do not entangle themselves. Which patriarch was so considerate that he actually brought Fang's sale-ownership. Seeing Fang's leading his daughter to confess his guilty guilty, he tore up the selling-personal contract, saying, "I don't need anyone to wait and I don't lack your few selling-personal money. Why did you have a problem with Song, I now What's wrong with you. You lead Song Dingxiang away, and if you find a foothold, you will be given a message. I will give you one or two dollars a month. "
"How can a silver or two survive?" After enjoying years of prosperity and wealth, Fang's was unable to accept such a large gap for a while.
"Song Liaodong originally gave Song Youyi one or two pieces of silver in January, and often forgot about it because of his noble affairs. Song Youyi had no money to buy food. He even chewed the roots of the bark and grass. Didn't he survive?" Sip tea.
Fang was dumb, only then knew: Instead of being freed by Master Song Er, it was better to live comfortably by his side. He looks like a benevolence and righteousness, but in fact, he is an eye for an eye for a tooth, and he refuses to eat. What crimes he suffered in the past, now he has to let the enemies taste them one by one. I knew he was so deep in heart and so lucky that he would offend him to death? ?
Fang's remorse, but unable to return to heaven. People even tore up-their personal deeds were torn, and they said that they would give money every month, that is, they would go out, and others would only praise him for his generosity, and he would not say a word. All the good guys and bad guys let him do it, but Fang's and Song Lixiang had no choice. They couldn't, they had to take the twelve silvers he gave and went to the cheapest rent.
The Song clan got great benefits. Naturally, they had to repay the peaches. After the family property was cleaned up, they left Renxintang to Youyi, so that he could revive the doorkeeper. Youyi smiled face to face, but turned his back and shook his head secretly. These two people in the Song family are all human beings, knowing that Renxintang's reputation is already stinking on the street, and no matter how it is operated, it can't be brought back to life, so they take it out to be a human being, and it is also good to block their mouths.
It is better to find a store for a living instead of sitting in the mountains. I thought about reducing the money bag by half.
The storefront of Renxintang was bought by the Song family long ago. It is located on Shennong Street in Cangzhou City. From the street to the end of the street, it is full of various medical museums and drugstores. If anyone gets sick, just come here and keep it. Someone can rule. Ren Xin Tang was originally the most famous pharmacy, but because of its sales of counterfeit drugs and deceiving customers, Song Lengdong completely ruined its good reputation accumulated over the years. Now, if the people of Cangzhou government are ill, they will never come to Renxintang to catch medicine, for fear they will die after returning.
On the contrary, the newly opened Zhou's Medical Museum, after a few storefronts, is booming. Every day, many people wait in line for Doctor Zhou to give him a pulse. If there is no emergency, even those who have power must obey the rules of first come, first come, first go to the counter to get the number, then wait for the number, one by one is not allowed to cut in line.
This feeling of equality for everyone is very much in line with the feelings of the people of Shengdou who are hostile to the rich and powerful, and has also given Zhou Zhou Medical Museum a reputation of love and selflessness. Gradually, everybody loved to go to Zhou's Medical Museum when they were sick.
Anyway, there are some regular customers in other medical museums, but Ren Xintang, who has been painfully appraised by Doctor Zhou, does not have a single guest. Some of them are also the shopkeepers and the running halls. They also do nothing and sleepy all day.
Businessman, who doesn't have a little sense of competition? Seeing that something bad was happening at the other medical museum, they were ready to join forces to trip the Zhou's medical museum, and secretly gathered once to make everyone rich and powerful.
He did not rely on Renxintang to support himself. After spending money, he could sell night pearls. Spending for several years was not a problem. Therefore, he did n’t want to touch the muddy water at this time, he just found an excuse to evade it, and then saw Tianer. Run to the gate of the King's Palace and walk around. Wang's guards were not vegetarian, and soon realized that the man was suspicious. When he saw him, he came forward and drove away. If he didn't leave, he would pull his sword and face each other. His attitude was very bad. There is no way to do it, so I had to rest and meet the King of Wang, and turned back to Renxintang to take care of the store.
On that day, there was a noise and a cry in the street. Some of them were panicking, and hurried to the door to watch, but it turned out that a country man was dying by a mad cow and had died. Carry to the city to find a famous doctor for treatment. They begged door-to-door and begged. They were all turned away. A few doctors in the hall told them frankly and don't waste their efforts, so go back and prepare for the funeral.
The family members refused to promise, and they insisted on knocking on the door of one medical house after another. When they saw you in front of them, a passerby said loudly, "Don't go to Renxintang! Renxintang's host is not What good people, the medicines they sell are fakes, and even if they are not sick, they can treat you with a third of the disease. Now the man in your family is still alive, and he is in Renxintang, there is no way out! "
"Yes, yes, go directly to the Zhou's Medical Museum. Doctor Zhou is in the hands of Wei Guoguo, and there is no cure for her in the world. Don't look at a big hole in your man's chest, it will be sewn by Doctor Zhou the next day. After ten days and a half months, I can land. "
As soon as the family members heard about it, they skipped Renxintang and rushed to the Zhou Medical Museum.
You have touched the wrist of the injured person, but they were squeezed open, and they were glaring at each other by their neighbors, but shrugged helplessly. It ’s not rare for him to come, and he does n’t need to catch up.
The noisy crowd swarmed-to Zhou's Medical Museum. Doctor Zhou is a good-looking woman in her twenties. Not only is her medical skills good, but her heart is very soft. Whenever the patient has a breath, she has to save it. At this point, she was already waiting outside the gate wearing a pure white mask. Before the wounded and her family members approached, she waved again and again, "Here, move fast!"
A group of people rushed in, and more people gathered outside to wait and see the results. I tiptoed for a while, then shook my head and walked back to the shop. The man's heart had been penetrated, causing a large out-of-blood. No doctor in this world could save him.
Sure enough, after half an hour, Dr. Zhou announced that the wounded had died, and the tragic cries kept coming from the medical hall, and passers-by also sighed. The doctors of other medical halls ran out to make fun of the news, and their faces were full of gloating expressions. Obviously, this is the pit they dug for Doctor Zhou. From today, Doctor Zhou's signature for treating all diseases is finally smashed. This is the first time she has died.
The family of the deceased refused to lift the corpse and knelt down in front of the Zhou's Medical Museum to ask for an explanation. Seeing that Doctor Zhou's reputation was about to be ruined, but the King of Kings, who had never been in the background, sent the army to arrest the perpetrators, and then hand-written a "Benevolence" pennant banner to the medical museum to build momentum for Doctor Zhou.
The King of Kings is a ruler in the actual sense of the Liangjiang region. Even if he refers to the deer as a horse, the others can only agree with it. An immense medical and medical accident that had previously disappeared was invisible, and a few black hands were arrested behind the scenes. Now it is unknown whether it is life or death.
There is a cricket lying at the window, looking at the Zhou's Medical Museum with a pennant banner, shaking his head and sighing: Doing business really has to find a strong backer.
Just at this moment, a familiar figure appeared, which shocked his heart. Master, is it master? Jin Chancan's sunshine was dazzling, and the crowds of people were blocking the sight, but a back view looked very similar when he looked at it, and then he had to look closely but disappeared.
He ran out quickly, but saw a lot of people around him, noisily saying, "No, someone fainted here! Go and call the doctor!"
Then a sharp voice shouted, "Fastly spread, Doctor Zhou said, the fainted person can't be surrounded, let the air flow!"
Youyu pushed away the crowd, pushed to the front, saw the face of the fainted person, and could not stop breathing for a moment. The man was wearing the most ordinary coarse clothes, but it was difficult to hide his wealth. His eyes were closed, his brows were locked, and his right hand was covering his chest, showing that he was suffering a great deal of pain. His skin was extremely pale, and he became increasingly bloodless after being illuminated by the sun, as if it would fade into a cloud of smoke and disappear at any time.
It really is the master, and he is sick! Some sorrowful heartache, such as hang, want to rescue without thinking, but was pushed away by the feminine man waiting on the side, scolded, "Are you going to die? If you hurt the master, the miscellaneous family wants you to pay your life!" At the same time, several The well-dressed, but extremely horrific, brawny man drew a sword out of his waist and stared fiercely.
There are eunuchs on duty and guards to accompany them to protect them. Is it possible that this situation is a micro-service? Is the master the prince with heart disease? Youyi quickly concluded, busy, "I'm a doctor, I can save him, let him."
"Mao hasn't grown up and dare to call himself a doctor!" The feminine man didn't believe it, and yelled, "Just let you go and hurry up, don't get in the way here! My doctor only allows Dr. Zhou to see a doctor, and no one can come near! "This is for the other doctors who are stupid-stupid-to-move. From the moment he opened his mouth, and from the time the guard pulled out the steel knife, he knew that the identity of the master must not be concealed, and I did not know how many superficial things tried to cling to the power. How good is the King ’s salvation benefactor? There is no real knowledge, no medical skill higher than Doctor Zhou, it is tantamount to rushing to death!
Youyi wanted to say something more, but was pushed away by the young woman who hurriedly hurried, "Hurry away, don't delay saving people!" Then I started to do chest press-press and then breathed artificially.
All eyes narrowed, and she grabbed the woman, she cried, "Men and women don't accept marriage, let me do it, just press your chest."
"Will you ..." The woman was waiting to be questioned, but she saw the teenager leaning down, blowing into Wang Ye's mouth, his movement was quite professional. The woman set up a first-aid classroom to teach people how to save themselves for free. In this scenario, she only thought that the other party had learned, but she did not doubt it.
The two cooperated with each other and quickly rescued the King of King who had stopped breathing. During the last artificial respiration, the uncle noticed that the master's eyelashes were fluttering, as if he was about to wake up. He couldn't help but stick his tongue in, swept around his upper jaw, lower jaw, gum, etc., and hooked the tip of his tongue.
The slippery and warm touch made King Wang nostalgic, actively entangled with it, but stopped at the moment when he opened his eyes. He seems to be kissing someone, and the subject is actually a teenager of fifteen or sixty. What is going on? He immediately pushed people away and turned to look at the Zhang Gui, who was next to him.
The kiss between the two was very short, so Zhang Gui didn't notice it. Seeing Wang Ye awake, he quickly narrated the matter, and finally gave the order, "Take the master in, be careful."
Aunt turned a blind eye to the stretcher set aside, reached into the corner of the master's foot, and hugged him. Although King Wang was thin, he was extremely tall, and was held in his arms by a fragile and handsome boy. Zhang Gui wanted to stop talking, but he was afraid that moving around would hurt Wang Ye's vitality, so he had to endure.
Youyi managed to find the master. Where would he give him to someone else, and walked towards Renxintang without thinking? At this moment, Zhang Gui and Doctor Zhou could not help but frowned, and even the king of kings was unhappy.
"Where do you want to take your king?"
"Take it to Renxintang."
"Let the king down! Regardless of your intentional or unintentional move before, the king will never blame it, but if you want to use the grace of life to attach the king, then you are totally wrong! If you do n’t, like Dr. Zhou To save the king, no one needs to intervene. "King Wang slowly recovered his strength and easily broke the young man's arms.
A cricket was hit hard and was waiting to be explained, but several guards who were caught up held a steel knife around his neck. The young woman, the great doctor Zhou Miaoyin, quickly chased after her, and said coldly, "You are Song Rendong's brother Song Youzhen? It's quite reasonable to say," It's not a family that doesn't enter a house ", your utilitarian The heart is heavier than Song Lonicera. "
"That's it! Zajia has never seen someone as shameless as you, knowing that the prince is valuable, he rushed up and climbed up, and he didn't urinate and look at himself! How old are you this year, fourteen is still Fifteen? Is the back of the medical book familiar? Have you seen a few people sick? You can touch a Jin Gui's body like this? Wang Zaojia will have to teach you a good lesson today, lest you set foot on Song Lengdong's old path! "Zhang Gui Pointing at the juvenile nose and insulting.
Someone is not good at arguing with others, but also sees the Master's face indifferent, and reveals a contemptible color, more and more difficult to speak, tears linger.
Ben, who was still as strong as an iron, glanced at the teenager's flushed eyes, and somehow could not bear it. He waved, "It's just a trivial matter, let him go." The words turned, and he was assisted by Zhou Miaoyin. Zhou's Medical Museum walked.
Unwilling, I waited until the steel knife on the neck was removed and shouted, "Master, only you can save me in your illness! If you want to, just come to Renxintang to find me!"
In response to him, the laughter of passersby was watching, and the tall back gradually drifted away, indifferent. The runner in the Zhou's Medical Museum satirically said, "Song dispensers, at your age, you can recognize all the medicines, and you dare to let out such crazy words. You want to grab Zhou's patient and wait another ten years. Eight years. "At the end, you slap your forehead and correct it." You're wrong. Ten years is enough. It may be fifty or hundreds of years. You ca n’t even have a haircut from the doctor last week! If you can see it with your own eyes! How she rescued the patient, she would know what is called "medicine mastery." Her ability is not that mortals and other mortals can see through! "He said, pointing around, and scolding all the doctors who were watching.
Some words that were flushed with anger and cheeks, but could not think of refutation, could only provoke dryly, "Let's see!"
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