Chapter 129: .time

The war is at the most critical moment. As long as the MC21 Star Harbor is captured, the throats of the federal forces can be completely suppressed, forcing them to surrender. But the emperor regiment also suffered heavy losses, but struggled hard.
Ji Changye retreated from the tragic front and returned to the mothership to recharge. His first legion was responsible for the next round of charge, and if things weren't right, he might have to use Ji's super-powered mech. If a super-powered mech enters a fierce battle, the energy it needs to consume is the output of a ten-level mine for three years. The cost is huge, but it is also worth it. Compared to huge mother ships like asteroids, they are often dominated by a war.
"General, ten-level energy mines have been transported over and can be reached in about twelve hours." The deputy captain rushed forward.
"Got it, prepare the mech units." Ji Changye nodded, and locked the door when he returned to his bedroom. Once on the battlefield, it is not uncommon for ten days and a half months to disagree. Soldiers of Grade A or B can rest in shifts, but special people above Grade S must persist, otherwise they will be held accountable for military responsibilities.
There aren't many special people with S-level constitution and mental strength, but there are also many. Just like Ji Changye, whoever has reached SSS in terms of physical constitution, mental strength, or ability, only he has one. Therefore, the burden of the entire empire was almost on his shoulders, and even the royal family had to bow to his knees and be more polite. There is no doubt that after the death of Father Ji, he will surely be able to obtain the position of Marshal of the First Army and become the next empire ruler in practical sense.
To an outsider, Ji Changye is an indomitable God of War, and he is also an example of selflessness. He never seems to know how to write the word "tired". But now, he took off his military uniform and lay down on the bed in a large font. His sharp and beautiful eyebrows, like carvings, were completely softened, revealing a rare sweltering attitude.
But his cowardice didn't originate from the fierce war, but was a desperation and an indulgence in which he could not help himself. He opened his mind, like every day in the past, staring at the boy from one angle to another. He projected a four-dimensional image directly above the mattress, so that as soon as he lay down, he could face the juvenile in the amber water.
The teenager's sleepy face was calm and calm, and just staring at him could help Ji Changye drive away all the fatigue, but there was also deep regret that followed. He could only try not to think about the fact that the boy was dead, pretending that he was only a light sleeper, pretending that maybe one day he could open his beautiful eyes.
Today's teenagers are more lively than yesterday, but the air bubbles on the eyelashes seem to be a little less ... When Ji Changye thought about it, the energy fluid in the crystal coffin was slightly fluctuated by the self-operation of the magnetic field, which made the blossoms bloom. The other side flower floats with the current.
The flowers that had been used by Ji Changye for at least Nian Min. Sense. Ministry. Finally spread out, revealing the looming beauty, the two pink dots and the grassy belly, which made him dark Your eyes can no longer hide any emotions. His body started to stiffen, his blood boiled slowly, his eyes stuck on the part of the young man who should not be violated by others for a long time.
Only half a minute later, General Ji, known as the coldest-blooded empire in the Empire, almost soiled his crotch. He quickly turned off the monitoring screen and ran into the bath. The room was cleaned, and after walking for an hour, he became the invincible God of War, but his eyes were bloodshot, as if very tired.
The next day, the war continued. In order to win MC21 Starport, the First Army paid an unimaginable price, but the results were worth it. One month later, the fierce battle ended, and once exploration, it is said that the undeveloped constellation containing only two tenth-level veins has found another three tenth-level veins, and the output is very rich, which was hidden by Ji Changye as his private property.
At the same time, in the distant home star, the boy in the crystal coffin slowly opened his eyes.
One half sat up and wiped off the drops of water on her face. The first thing that came to mind was the little scorpion behind the neck, and the second was the magic circle around the altar. His body is condensed with energy, immortal, but Scorpion is not. It is just born and has no ability to protect itself. Once the owner falls asleep and loses the energy supply, it will slowly starve to death. Even if it becomes a tattoo and fits on the owner's skin, the color will gradually fade until it disappears.
The little scorpion is equal to another life of his own. Where can I be willing to go down to the land with the method of living souls off the body and get a lot of yellow spring water and other shore flowers to support. Huang Quanshui contains the power of time, which allows time to flow backward, to advance, and to solidify it. Any person or thing can be soaked in it forever, but it will slowly evaporate and dissipate. In order to ban water vapor, a cricket set up a magic circle, so that Huangquan water would be less and less every day, until the scorpion starved to death. Every few years, the little scorpion will wake up spontaneously, drink yellow spring water and feed on the other side of the flower. Instead of starving, he will gain a lot of weight and have a brighter color.
Youyi held it in the palm of your hand and kissed it a few times, and then came out familiarly. The crystal coffin, jumped off the altar, and went to the treasure room to find clean clothes to wear. In order to make him worry-free, the master will search for many treasures to be buried each time, antique jade wares pile up into mountains, and Jinyihuafu also has everything. He took off the soaked robes and rummaged through a pile of boxes. This one was unsatisfactory, the other was not pleasing to the eye, and his mouth narrowed involuntarily.
I don't know what the master thinks, knowing that he likes to wear simple and elegant robes, but prefers to prepare Chinese clothes for him. Either the colors are too colorful or the embroidery is too much. After the water vapor evaporated, he took a part of his body temperature and made him take a nap. Then he stopped picking and choosing, and randomly found a golden robe with hundreds of butterflies and flowers.
In the underground palace, as usual, but it seems not right, you walk around a few times, and found an exit that should not exist in a secret passage. The rocks around the exit turned into gray-black glass, which was smooth to the touch. If you are a simple ancient man, you can never guess what happened here, but he is from the last days and has a high IQ. How can you not understand?
The reason why these stones are transformed into glass is due to high temperature melting, and their performance is exactly the same as that left after the explosion. In other words, the ancient tombs were visited by foreigners, and they could not find a way out and blasted the vents with some kind of powerful weapon.
There was a stunned expression, and I couldn't help speculating how long I had slept this time. How did I sleep directly from ancient times to modern times? No, the degree of scientific development that can transform such a mighty weapon into something to carry with him is probably far beyond his original world.
Can I sleep to the future? Youyi immediately returned to the palace room and counted the items inside. But there were too many boxes, and they were all prepared by the master. He could not tell which ones were missing and which were not. With such powerful weapons and equipment, it should be easy to evacuate the palace? However, not only his flesh and body is intact, but also the gold and silver jewellery seems not to move much. What do those people want to do?
There were doubts in her heart, and one stomped her feet and tried to summon Lu Ju to ask, but fell into even greater panic. The Earth Palace and Hades are separated by only a thin layer of enchantment. Through this place, you can also feel the existence of many small worlds, but at the moment, even if he forces all his spiritual power into his eyes, he cannot detect a trace of spiritual power fluctuations. Hades have disappeared, and the world of Xiao Qian has also disappeared. This place has become an independent world, or a lost world is more appropriate.
There was a panic in Yu's heart, and he quickly turned out his belongings and packed it in his urn, and hurriedly walked out of the palace. The huge rock that used to be his eyes has weathered into a pile of debris. It is no wonder that the magic array will lose its usefulness, so that outsiders can find the entrance to the underground palace.
He re-picked a rock for a while and laid down a magical array again, but made a new discovery. Ordinary people only live in their own small world, and most of their perceptions of the world come from the media or different information channels. But after thousands of years, the spiritual and soul powers have been increasing. You have known the world with his own perception, so he soon realized that the energy structure in the air had undergone a fundamental change. Those floating souls Disappeared completely, replaced by vortex-like magnetic fields, strong and weak, with different sizes.
I tried to touch a magnetic field tentatively. As soon as my fingertip penetrated into the center of the vortex, it collapsed instantly, and the energy released was quickly absorbed by the surrounding magnetic field. No one else can see this kind of picture, so it is difficult to imagine the dazzling and eye-catching when the bright light spots burst into fireworks. But the more beautiful they are, the more shocked they are. It is not difficult for him to imagine what kind of doom the human soul would suffer if it were filled with this magnetic field in the surrounding air.
Perhaps they have all been swallowed by the vortex, so the land government will disappear. But what about reincarnation? Do these vortexes still breed new souls? Youyi does not know that his conjecture is infinitely close to the fact. The world he is in now is a world that uses various forces to the extreme, including natural soul power.
The magnetic field devours the soul, and the large magnetic field devours the small magnetic field. If all the surrounding magnetic fields are devoured by a giant magnetic field, will it cause a magnetic storm? There is a person who thinks along the way, even if his over-developed mind reaches a more distant future, it is enough to make him the smartest person.
But the beauty of the world is that even if you expect things to happen, there will always be unexpected accidents. As soon as you got out of Panlong Mountain, the landform changed, and you saw a dinosaur standing a few hundred meters ahead. Yes, it is indeed a dinosaur, which completely overturned his speculation about "waking up in the future".
Ancient? Is time going backwards? Wrong, so ordering yellow spring water is only enough to support the little scorpion. How could it cause time back! Unless Huang Quanshui drowned the whole world. There was a feeling of lingering and chaotic in the wind, and immediately took out the incognito and stuck it on himself.
But dinosaurs rely on more than just sight, but also smell. The yellow spring water between wet hair is fatal to these energy-consuming cold-blooded animals. His blood-red eyes locked on the target almost instantaneously, then opened his mouth and pounced.
You Xun quickly shook out an amulet and then fled. Although his soul and spirit were strong, his body became weaker because of being immersed in water for thousands of years. A little rough fabric could rub the skin out of red marks, let alone launch an attack.
With a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, he quickly took out the yin and yang pens that blended into Dantian and drew runes on blank rune paper. The Fuyu that had been made was okay to deal with the little ghost and demon, but it was not enough to deal with this dinosaur. It is not an ordinary beast. The energy emitted from the body is comparable to the monster who has been cultivated for thousands of years. There is no way to completely control it if you have a cricket. Only time is delayed.
He had thought that he was dead, but in the 50th day of the road, there would always be a trace of vitality. Those mild or violent magnetic fields have created powerful creatures, but they have also enabled Fu Yu to exert thousands of times more power than in the past.
Fu Lu is actually a medium. It not only absorbs the spiritual and soul power of You, but also absorbs the spiritual power in the air, and releases all the power in the instant of catalysis. Now, although the spiritual power has disappeared, a violent magnetic field has been generated. These free atoms catalyze a collision to be equivalent to a square. The destructive power is amazing, and the soul power has reached a level after thousands of years. The degree of terror, not to mention Huang Quanshui smelt over and over again.
He just tentatively threw out a strong wind charm, and when it touched the skin of the dinosaur and burned into ashes, it turned into numerous wind blades and twisted it into pieces. The blood was pouring like a pouring rain, and the square 100 meters was stained red, and there was a cricket standing in the rain, with a stern expression, but the clever mind had quickly analyzed all the details and the key of the battle.
magnetic field! His amulet is no longer aura, but a magnetic field. The more it absorbs, the more amazing its effectiveness. In other words, if he wants to survive in this crisis-ridden world, he must increase the power of Fuyu's spirit. No, it should now be called the power of magnetism. But both are a kind of energy body which is released in the air, and there is not much difference in essence.
Some worries that the smell attracted more beasts, and hurried to the nearest stream to clean up. He drew a protective circle to prevent the beasts around him or in the stream from attacking himself. Then he took off his new clothes, scrubbed his skin and hair little by little, and slowly remembered the way to improve Fuyu's power.
Whether a rune is strong or weak is mainly determined by three factors: first, the grade of the rune paper; second, the combination of runes; and third, the amount of absorbed power. In the last two points, he has practiced to the extreme, but he can focus on improving the grade of rune paper. At first he went to the Xiangxiang store to buy ordinary yellow amulet paper. Later, after getting Huang Quanshui and Pei Anhua, he tried to make it by himself. Now, if there is no such two things, can I use other alternatives?
He took out a robe embroidered with various peony from his puppet, put it on his shoulders at will, and then poured out his own collection to take inventory. A few cans of the king of scorpion are the food of the little scorpion, a demon dagger, a few wooden maggots, a few bags of pollen on the other side, a few bottles of yellow spring water, a few demon cores, a stack of rune paper, a stack of runes, a bag of gold leaves, Two night pearls, such a point, barely protect themselves, let alone go out and run? God knows that there are no more beasts in this jungle than dinosaurs.
Youyu became more and more uneasy, and decided not to leave the palace for the time being, and made the more powerful Fuyu first. He returned to Tiankeng and found that the plants here were also mutated. The elixir that could not be found in any way grew into a pit and a valley, and he could take it back to make a lot of life-saving alchemy. For more than twenty days, he has been wandering around the tiankeng, exploring the environment during the day, and going back to sleep in the underground palace at night. When he meets a dinosaur, he kills, bleeds, and peels, and then throws a few demon cores into the blood pool. .
Occasionally, he found a hot spring in a deep pit caused by a ground fissure. The energy contained in the spring was no less than that of yellow spring water, which could be used to refine the top-level yellow rune paper. So he threw the blood-drenched demon core and the five-element elixir one by one, and peeled off the most powerful dinosaur skin that could be killed, and then made it into a thin rune paper with cicada wings. The color changed by immersion. Refining in spring water.
He killed more than a dozen dinosaurs in succession, refined countless yellow rune papers, and felt it would take three or five years to stop contentedly. However, he did not know that his horrific behavior had been recorded by a tiny flight monitor that was not much larger than the pollen particles.
A planetary collision event completely changed the magnetic field of the parent star, and also caused the surrounding creatures to evolve to different degrees. Due to proper environmental protection, the mutant beasts on the mother star fully follow the survival rules of the fittest. They may not pose a threat to special people, but it is not difficult to kill several A-level and even S-level abilities. What's more, you are aiming at all "big monsters who have been cultivated for more than a thousand years", which are in the eyes of interstellar humans.
A-level and S-level beasts.
What is the concept of a man who has slaughtered a beast almost 100 miles away? It is difficult to compete with Ji Changye. Although you are weak, you have escaped from the laborious battle and found a unique way to protect yourself. This self-protection method became even more brutal under the blessing of a violent magnetic field, but he knew nothing about it and was preparing to find a master who might have been reincarnated as a primitive tribal leader.
On this day, he packed important items into the trance, walked out of the palace with his head held high, and just started the magic array that was thousands of times stronger than before. He hid the secret passage and saw a smoky spacecraft falling in the sky. That's right, it is indeed a spaceship, and it has been determined that you have come to the ancient times and the Three Views have exploded again.
There was a loud bang, and the spacecraft broke a mountain not far away, scraping a few kilometers in the virgin forest before it stopped. Youyi posted a stealth charm to herself, and ran out to see it. She saw metal parts sprinkled on the ground, and there were many dead bodies lying in the embarrassing cabin. Some were beyond recognition and some had limbs. Incomplete, and there are no bones left.
After searching for a long time, you did not find a living person, so you had to sit down and rest. Probably because he slept too long, he was so delicately raised that he couldn't stand the frustration. He walked back and forth for a few laps and became tired and sweaty. However, he never paused in his mind, thinking about all his doubts after waking up, and interviewing to open the "watch" unloaded from a relatively well-preserved corpse.
He found that everyone on the ship wore a watch, with different styles and colors, but the same function keys. In other words, the "watch" in this world is equivalent to the general existence of a mobile phone. What you have to do now is to unlock the password and figure out what the background setting is.
The violent impact seems to destroy the internal structure of the "watch". It does not need to enter a password or fingerprint. It automatically turns on. The displayed text is not known to anyone, but the voice prompt is still Chinese. It is fortunate. You ca n’t read the prompt, you can only click casually, and accidentally bring up a few photos and a form.
The photo is a photo of a middle-aged couple and a little boy. The more time goes backwards, the fewer photos are taken. In the end, it becomes a single photo of an obese teenager. The shadow of the little boy can be seen from the eyebrows. The photo of the middle-aged couple is affixed on the form. The following text is incomprehensible, but it is magically mixed with two Arabic numerals, 233 and 227.
Youyi clicked again, and then called up a large monologue recorded by the "watch" owner. He was a sixteen-year-old boy, his parents were emperor, belonged to the First Army, died three years ago, and left a modest pension. Because the teenager has no ability and is the weakest F grade, he is humiliated on campus. After listening for more than an hour, he complained for more than an hour without leaving any useful information, but it was enough for him to analyze his situation.
This is not the ancient era he envisioned, but the interstellar era. Human settlements have moved to outer space, so Panlong Mountain will be deserted. To return to a civilized society, he must take a spacecraft to the universe, and this air crash is his chance. He could completely disguise himself as a survivor, quietly waiting for the rescue team to arrive. With this in mind, you immediately put on the boy's "watch", put on the clothes of the boy, and made his body into a slap puppet doll by secret methods, stuffed it into a pocket, and finally cut it off without hesitation. Long hair.
The parents are dead, the family is simple, there is no better substitute than the teenager. As for the appearance, it can be inferred to lose weight. Anyone on the rescue team does not know the teenager, let alone what he looks like, even if they are thin. To detect genes, you can also use the puppets made by the original owner to confuse them.
He pushed his spirit into his eyes, and looked intently at the scene of the disaster. If he saw that many souls were swallowed up by the surrounding magnetic vortex, there were also a few more powerful, who persisted for a long time, but could not survive for at least half an hour. Since human beings still have souls, there is room for them to perform magic spells, witchcraft, and magic spells, but the premise is that his enemy's soul is weaker than him.
Thinking of the peculiar person and special person mentioned by the teenager in the audio diary, Youzha began to feel uneasy, and maybe he was not strong enough and had to be careful. And the universe is so vast, when will you find the master? This time I'm afraid the future is bright. 2k novel reading network
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