Chapter 148: Time (end)

Who is the most influential figure in the Empire? A year ago, the names of the four marshals and the emperor topped the list, but now they are under the word "Song Youyi". Every chip he throws is enough to change the world, and this change is not something everyone is happy to see.
This day is Lin Dehai's birthday. In order to celebrate and consolidate the status of the Lin family, he hosted a grand dinner at the Lin family's old house. The five families received invitations, but only a few hundred guests arrived on time at the start of the dinner.
Seeing the empty hall and the deserted scene, Lin Dehai's face was very ugly. Since you don't want to come, you refused in advance, why did you explicitly promise to come and release the pigeons at the last minute? This is the face of the Lin family, but also the face of the owner. I don't know what the homeowner will do.
Thinking of this, Lin Dehai looked at the teenager in the dining area. He was surrounded by people who were nicknamed by the people for their crazy revenge-the Army of the Dogs. It doesn't matter if others come or not, as long as they arrive. When I saw General Ji who always wanted to squeeze in and sit next to the owner, but was always knocked out, Lin Dehai was completely disheartened.
Clusters of fireworks bloom in the night sky, and the colorful light spots projected on the walls are particularly beautiful. Everyone walked up the courtyard and looked up to appreciate, not disturbed by the guests who missed the appointment. A cricket was surrounded by a group of people, trying to find the figure of the master, and saw a huge light ball burst into the sky, bursting and bursting with dense green light spots.
"This firework is the most magnificent!" A female guest admired with a smile, but was stunned the next second. I saw that the light spots were not Mars, but living creatures that flew. They first clustered together, then spread out, forming an arc of light in the air, which looked more beautiful than the aurora.
"No, that's a sand demon! Everyone go back to the house and close the doors and windows!" Ji Changye warned loudly.
"Impossible! How could the Sand Star appear on the Capital Star?" The guests couldn't believe it, but as the flecks emitting greenish light flew closer, they had to accept this desperate reality. Sand Devil is one of the smallest bugs, but it has the most powerful destructive power. Their surfaces are covered with exoskeleton, which is harder than superalloys. The solution inside them is highly toxic and can dissolve steel plates. What is more terrible is that they eat a lot and always appear in groups. .
They have a wide range of recipes. They eat almost everything from metals, plastics, plants, animals, humans, and stones. The corrosive gastric juice, which is stronger than aqua regia, can digest these things into sand particles and expel them. Come on.
Ji Changye once saw a planet eaten by the Sand Devil into a desert and then split into asteroids. They eat and breed, and can expand the population by four or five times in just two hours. It usually takes only six or seven to capture a planet Today, the harmfulness is at the forefront of the list of insects and beasts. No one wants to meet the Sand Demon Swarm in the tide of insects and beasts. Ants often kill elephants. They swarm and can swallow up a fleet in an instant.
Because the volume is too small, the shells and mechs can't deal with them at all, and only an ore named RH13 can be restrained. But this is also to quench thirst, because RH13 is extremely radioactive. Five grams of RH13 is enough to pollute several huge cities. The humans, plants and animals exposed to it will die and the land will be purified for two to three hundred years. In order to restore the original appearance.
In short, once a sand monster appears in an area, it is destined to become a city of death. Ji Changye is not difficult to imagine, in order to prevent the Sand Demon from continuing to spread, the military will definitely drop RH13 over the Lin family's old house, and everyone here will die.
The range of thousands of kilometers of Lin's old house belongs to Lin's heavy industry zone, which specializes in the production of artillery shells and mechas. No matter who these sand demons brought, their purpose is to destroy the Lin family, destroy the puppet, and destroy him Followers. No wonder the people of the five great families refused to attend the dinner. This should be their killing arrangement. Youyi's card was opened one by one, and they deepened their evil thoughts a little bit, and until now, he has nowhere to be buried, regardless of cost.
Ji Changye thought a lot, but only for a moment, saw a group of sand demon rushed to the beloved teenager, and rushed past immediately. The guests had screamed and ran back to the hall, closing the doors and windows, knowing that it was futile. With a little bit of concentrated saliva, sandworms can turn these buildings into piles of grit.
The rest of the soldiers returned to God, summoned their respective mechs, and prepared to flee the guests. However, the mech is a weapon after all, and the load factor is very limited. Even hundreds of guests cannot take it, let alone thousands of kilometers away. This time it is really difficult to escape.
In the chaos, a puppet shook Liu Xunwu's hand and ran towards the master, and at the same time he affixed himself a talisman. The turquoise green dots that originally came to him suddenly scattered like a tide, forming a circle of blank space around him, as if separated by an invisible wall. And his followers were not attacked by the Sand Devil because of the amulets carved on the ring. The people hiding inside showed an unbelievable expression, and their hearts longed for survival.
Ji Changye soon discovered that the situation was not as bad as imagined, the King was unharmed, and he was surrounded by an invisible enchantment. He couldn't help but think of the amulet the king had given him.
"Listen to me and stand at the station respectively." Youyi naturally recognized the sand demons, and knew that the military headquarters would release RH13 soon, and everyone would be unable to escape by then. Based on special people with different attributes, he quickly arranged an explosion array, summoned his super-powered mech, and sat cross-legged in front of his eyes.
"Another ghost!" Shouted the guest hiding in amazement.
"What does the Lord Song want to do? Can he kill these sand monsters?" Don't say that the guests don't believe it, even those soldiers who have fought against the beast wave for hundreds of years can't believe it. Once the tide of beasts and beasts erupts, the military will always take the lead in launching a few RH13 when they are not close, so as to prevent the sand magic from mixing in and causing unpredictable casualties. Sand demons can only drive away and restrain, and it is difficult to kill in the absence of RH13. Therefore, senior officials of the military department reluctantly call them "unbeatable Xiaoqiang".
But now, the master of the Song family has set out such battles, and it seems that he is really ready to completely destroy the sand demons. Should he say that he is whimsical or bold? The thin boys sat cross-legged, and the mecha behind them also took the same posture. They began to pinch their fingers, and then point to Cheng Lian, and then they pointed like swords.
"Why doesn't the ghost have the same actions as the owner of Song without driving? Is there anyone else in its cockpit?" A guest muttered.
"It is impossible to have a human, the mech space button cannot contain a living person. The strange ghost has evolved, and the Song master can control it with only one idea. It is no longer a machine, but the Song master. □□ This is too Terrible! The strength of the strange ghost is definitely better than the emperor! "A soldier was determined.
The more he saw the power of Song's homeowner, the higher the guests' desire to survive, gradually recovering from the panic.
On the lawn outside the window, the formation method has been completed. Because the ghost's energy cabin is filled with the demon cores of five or six hundred years, it is much better than the ten-level energy mines, and the power of the explosion array is immediately triggered. To the limit. The blinding white light burst out and shone an ugly sand devil into nothingness. They exploded in the howling sound, and turned into dust in the buzzing sound, eventually leaving no residue.
The insects and beasts tended to the light, knowing the danger ahead, they still flung into the light group, and kept on flowing. Half an hour later, Ji Changye and Liu Xunwu were exhausted from the mental paralysis sitting on the ground, while You Xi slowly took the last method to gather the light group.
"Dead? The Sand Devil is all dead?" The guests were still in a state of confinement. Several officers seemed to think about it and immediately sent the message of "Danger Release" to the military department, so that they would not pretend to know it and still drop RH13. Why did Sand Devil appear at Lin Dehai's birthday dinner? Why did the five big family guests who were supposed to attend suddenly make an appointment? There are too many conspiracy tricks to find out.
In order to prevent the situation from being overwhelmed by the upper layers, and left nothing to be desired, several people sent the captured fighting video to the Internet, thanking Song ’s owner for his life-saving grace, and then asked the defense department what to eat. Didn't find out in time, would n’t hundreds of millions of people die without Song ’s owner? Is the capital of a country swallowed into sand like that? What face does the Empire take to face the next Interplanetary Summit, it is better to surrender directly to the Federation.
All in all, this insect attack is a major misconduct of the defense department and must be investigated thoroughly!
This indignant article has caused a great response on the Internet, and the gesture of the Holy Spirit overlapped with the ghost in the white light by the Song family owner is also admirable. It turns out that the analysis of the main brain is indeed correct. He can transform the super-mechanics in batches. Whoever wins his favor is like a step in the sky!
"I don't know if you noticed that these sand demons were shattered by the magnetic field, which means that the power of Song's master is indeed related to the magnetic field. His super-powered mech is very small, only five meters high, obviously from the primary mech. It has been transformed, but its strength is stronger than that of the emperor. At least when facing the sand demons, the emperor can only escape, not fight. "
"Magnetic power? I seem to have seen a similar introduction somewhere before, but I can't remember it for a while."
"In" A Hundred Kinds of Absurd Conjectures. "This is an interesting introduction by Dr. Su Qianhua to a hundred things that can never exist, and guess what effect they would have if they appeared in reality. Magnetic field power is the last This kind of conjecture was praised by Dr. Su Qianhua as 'theological power'. "
"The power of the gods? It ’s blasting! The person who used to scold Song ’s waste is now swollen with a pig's head? Everyone says he is lucky and has inherited the strange ghost, but I do n’t think so. If he In the morning, if it is a god-powered person, it does n’t matter if there is a strange ghost, because the magnetic field can destroy everything, and of course, destroy the super-powered mech. A pile of steel that can be scrapped by moving a finger should be ignored by the Song owner eye."
"I don't want that much anymore, I just want to give the owner Song my knees!"
"Kneel and lick!"
When the netizens were in an uproar, a cricket ran to the master and hugged him tightly. The two indulged in kisses, waiting for the talents to reluctantly separate. In the most dangerous moments, they can only think of each other, and cherish every minute and every second now.
Lu Gaoli, Liu Yiwu, Ji Changye, and others are all empire heavyweight existences, and they all have real power in their hands. They wanted to investigate the pest attack in depth, and there were angry protests and eager attention from the empire, and they wanted to stop doing nothing.
The mastermind who planned this event had originally opened champagne to celebrate, but it was unexpected that someone in the world could easily kill a group of sand monsters. Even if Lin Dexuan possesses the ability of imprisonment, he can only trap a small group, and the outcome is still difficult to reverse. Sand devil eats and lays eggs, and the eggs hatch again after a few minutes. They can swallow all the family's foundations in half an hour. This is definitely an undeterminable death! Afterwards, they put the blame on the federal government, and the federal government did participate in it. It is not difficult to produce evidence to win the trust of the people.
The plan is indeed very detailed, but they have not heard of an old saying-one force to drop ten sessions. In the presence of absolute power, all conspiracy and scheming are futile.
As soon as Champagne was raised, before the time to clink, the big brothers successively received text messages of "plan failure". Song ’s host reposted a wonderful battle video, with a sentence attached—come, come and kill me! I like the way you don't like me and can't kill me!
"Oh!" Father Ji spurted blood. In this way, Song Youzheng is still dead, and he has not recruited. What is more terrible is that Liu Xuwu and others have not been injured. They will certainly hold the incident and fight for the best interests.
"Hurry up and erase the evidence, and then let out the federal agents!" Zhao's owner hurriedly ordered.
These big names are in chaos, and the more they want to hide, the more they make mistakes. They did too much this time and actually ranked the danger level first, enough to destroy the empire's hundreds of millions of people and bring them into the capital star, which is simply unpardonable. If a sand demon escapes by chance and secretly reproduces, the capital star will become a barren desert!
Evidence was quickly found that the house owners had to push out the scapegoats they had prepared in advance. Although the prison was avoided, their prestige was greatly diminished. Liu Xunwu proposed the military zoning system at an appropriate time. The original four major legions were divided into twenty-six to thirty-four military constituencies, and the power was dispersed in the hands of more people. At the same time, the monopoly of the four marshals was broken. This is in the interests of the royal family It is also in the interest of Congress and the House of Representatives, and more in the interest of ordinary soldiers. Their path of promotion has been broadened a lot. In the future, they will only focus on their position in military merit, not their descent and origin.
Breaking the power means more freedom, more democracy, and more stability. From then on, the cruelty of sacrificing hundreds of millions of people because of a little personal gain will be greatly reduced. This is social progress. As soon as the bill was proposed, Congress passed it as quickly as possible, and the emperor signed it quickly. The former four major legions were divided into thirty-four army divisions, and even the descendants of the four major families voted in favor of more opportunities.
Poor Father Ji originally only wanted to destroy an objectionable thing, but he lost the First Army. Now, it has been divided into three military divisions, with Ji Changye, Lin Dehai, and Lin Dexuan as generals, while Song Youyi's followers mostly got one of the 34 seats and became the final winner. Until this time, his initial plan was not completed. It broke the existing political structure and replaced the old balance with a new balance. He stepped into the mud and did not damage the interests of the master.
When all the dust settled, Ji Changye lamented that the King King was extraordinary in his means, and opened a stand while seeing Lu Mingzhu's article clarifying the relationship with himself. This woman is really typical of seeing the wind to make her rudder able to bend and stretch. No wonder the great prince was exiled because of treason, and she was fine.
"Without explanation, I have never been with you! Whoever I love knows who the entire galaxy is." He returned a message.
"Sorry, I don't know." Liu Yiwu sent a sneer expression.
"Sorry, I don't want to know either." His Royal Highness the Second Prince intervened.
"I'm so sorry for you. You don't deserve to be the master of the house. I advise you to retreat when you find it difficult!" Zhao Feiyun, who has all kinds of customs, hummed twice.
"Want to pursue Master? You are not qualified!" Dominique Lundell posted a post directly, and there was a row of people waiting for General Baiji. Fan Zhao burst into tears with laughter, and he was afraid to queue up.
Seeing nearly a hundred-story high-rise, each floor belongs to a prestigious big man, netizens were stunned, "Let ’s look at it, the rabid army bite again!"
Some crickets wrote and deleted, and after writing for a long time, they issued three words, "I know."
As long as the King knows it, Ji Changxiao smiles softly, and deliberately encircles all his lovers, provoking, "The only person who will spend a lifetime with you is the only one who refuses to fight."
"Time, place." Liu Yiwu returned in seconds.
"Time, place." The second prince and others immediately lined up.
"Military training ground, you guys go together." Ji Changye put on a jersey vest and low-waisted camouflage pants, took a photo of muscular, sexual, and incomparable photos, and sent it to the King.
There was a little excitement in her heart, and she said in a mute voice, "Would you fight with me first?"
Ji Changye was a little surprised for a while, then Lang laughed, and couldn't wait to board the suspended car and start a bed battle with the King. At the same time, Father Ji, who has n’t updated a station for hundreds of years, silently sent an animated expression of a kneeling nail board, mourning, "I agree with your marriage. I apologize for what you did, please treat the night well, He loves you very much. "
No one responded to him. As one of the retired homeowners, his words had long lost weight, and the future is the world of young people.
Two thousand years later, many handsome young people are sitting on a bench outside the corridor at the headquarters of Xingwang Entertainment Company.
The young man at the end seemed a little nervous, and opened his mind to read the script for a while, and muttered to his head while mumbling. His agent comforted him, "Relax, it's good to perform in nature. The legendary owner of Song is originally a simple and pure person, just like you."
"How can I compare with him? I heard that the higher the level of power and mental strength, the longer the life span and the younger the appearance. General Ji has lived to the age of 800, but he has always looked like a teenager. Live to the age of nine hundred. What level do you say he is? I really can't figure out his mentality, simple and intelligent, and seemingly approachable, but in fact it is high, sometimes evil and good, oh my God What are the settings? I'm getting confused. "
"You just need to think of yourself as a who strays into the wanton games of the world. The Lord Song is hailed as a demigod, and his mentality lies between the onlooker and the dominator. You can think about it in this direction. "The agent obviously did a lot of homework.
"Is the" Resurrection of the King "his real experience? He is really a that awakened from ancient times? Where is he now? After searching for many years, the royal family did not find the original planet recorded in the book, let alone find him. The tomb. He disappeared with General Ji's crystal coffin. Maybe now he was asleep like General Ji found, waiting for someone to wake him up. God, I really want to learn archeology, I want to find Song The owner then hugged his golden thigh. "The teenager looked forward.
"It should be true, after all, it was a manuscript found from the Fan family. The handwriting belongs to General Fan Zhao. He is a close friend of General Ji and the owner of the Song family." The agent was also agitated, but soon calmed down. "You are still old Let ’s be honest. As long as you get any of the characters in the first season, you will definitely be popular in the whole galaxy. If you perform well, you can fight for the second and third seasons. The original is so wonderful, as long as the director can make the original One tenth doesn't worry about the box office. "
"Yeah, yeah, the original is so wonderful! Now that a lot of humanities have come out, I have also written an article. You see." The teenager called up a manuscript.
"General Ji was led elsewhere, and I could never come back in a short time. I walked step by step to the crystal coffin, staring at my king, my deity. I want to kiss and wake him ..." The agent only read I can't stand it in a few words. I rub off the goosebumps of my arm and yell, "I substitute your face into the role of overbearing attack. I feel awkward. Good, don't spoil Song's homeowner anymore, he is not waiting for mortals. of."
During the talk, a tall man walked quickly into the conference room, and his handsome appearance completely inherited the ancestor General Ji. Had it not been for General Ji's death, the two would have stood as twins. The agent covered his mouth and introduced, "He is the eldest son of Ji Jiayi, and his name is also Ji Chang Ye. He heard that he looks too much like General Ji and inherited his name. He was exposed to RH13 when he was a kid, and he was unable to awaken his abilities. Very poor, so I chose to do business. Don't look at him laughing all day, as if gentle, but not a provocative character. He is now the producer of the "Resurrection of the King", if you offend no one can offend. he."
"Okay, I see. Sister Jia, don't worry, I'm very good." The teenager said straightly, his agent looked back along his line of sight, but saw a young man in a silver-gray suit Walk in slowly, with a blooming flower from the other side of the chest, black and bright eyes full of confusion and curiosity, like a lost child, but like a in the world by mistake. Even standing in the lobby of Xingwang Entertainment Company, where many beautiful people gather, no one can beat his glory, and the huge poster of the first interstellar beauty Yulier hanging above him was actually compared to the dust.
"It's over, it's over, the first male lead has no more of you!" The agent wailed, but the feeling of Ji always walked out quickly, marking a fascination in his eyes. 2k novel reading network
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