Vol 12 Chapter 112: Shelley?

The ship is very large. The only players on the ship are Chen Bing, and the rest are all NPCs, and Chen Bing only asks to find out that these NPCs are all crew members, and it looks like Chen Bing covered the entire ship with 1 gold coin.
How could the NPCs of the Babylonian Empire do such a huge loss?
Chen Bing was surprised.
The NPCs of the homeland game have their own thoughts. When they do something, it is because they need to do it, instead of being simply set to do it like traditional games.
Then why does the npc on this ship go to sea without any guests?
Chen Bing asked several crew members on the ship, and soon knew that the ship was actually carrying cargo to the Shenhai Empire.
Every day there will be a ship, carrying a full ship of supplies, transported to the dock of the Shenhai Empire, unloading at the dock, and then the ship returns to the Babylonian Empire.
As for passengers, it is just incidental, even if there are no passengers, it will not affect the navigation of the ship.
Chen Bing looked for people and asked more carefully, and found that the transportation was all living supplies, food, alcohol, etc., which were not rare things.
This surprised Chen Bing. Although the Shenhai Empire is not very large, an empire can be self-sufficient.
There was nothing else to do when I was idle on the boat. It took a full twelve hours to get to the Shenhai Empire.
Chen Bing simply talked to each crew member on the ship and asked about the Shenhai Empire.
But the more Chen Bing asked, the more surprised.
There were as many as thirty or forty crew members. Chen Bing asked it over and over again. Except for a few who had not yet been able to reach, all the crew members had delivered deliveries to Shenhai Empire hundreds of times, but none of them. After entering the Shenhai Empire, he knew nothing about Shenhai Empire.
But Chen Bing did not get nothing. A young crew member told Chen Bing, or Toro, the middle-aged chef on the ship, knew something about the Shenhai Empire, because Toro once boasted after drinking that he followed his father into the Shenhai Empire when he was a child. .
It's just that Toro is short-tempered and difficult to get along with. The young crew warned Chen Bing that it is better to stay away from Toro and not to provoke him, otherwise he would be hungry on the boat.
Naturally, Chen Bing was not afraid of being hungry, but if he looked for it directly, Toro would probably not give him a good look.
After thinking about it, Chen Bing decided to wait until evening and then not order dinner, but when the dinner time was almost past, he went to the cabin where the kitchen was located and found Toro, saying that he did not bring enough money, and hoped that Toro could borrow him to use the kitchen. , He makes something for himself.
"No...Forget it, I see you are pitiful, so I can use it for you. But you have to be careful. If you break my kitchen utensils, you have to pay for it even if you don't have money!"
Toro subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Chen Bing put on a seven-star chef badge, the effect was remarkable, Toro hesitated and agreed.
"Thank you, I will use it carefully."
Chen Bing started cooking, and Toro watched by the side. If Chen Bing came in disorder, he would stop him immediately.
But he got more and more surprised as he opened up, smelling the more and more intense fragrance, he couldn't help discussing the issue of cooking with Chen Bing.
Chen Bing casually talked about it. The more Toro listened, the more he admired him, and soon he had nothing to do with Chen Bing.
"Toro, I heard from the crew on the ship that you have entered the Divine Sea Empire with your father?"
Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Chen Bing asked.
"Haha, that's bragging. Where did I enter the Shenhai Empire. However, it is not all bragging. It is my father who entered the Shenhai Empire. My father followed my grandfather into the Shenhai Empire once when he was a child."
Toro laughed and told Chen Bing the truth.
"That's not bad. I asked a lot of people on the boat, but no one had entered the Shenhai Empire. What is the Shenhai Empire like, did your father tell you?"
Chen Bing smiled, and then asked curiously.
"What is the Shenhai Empire like? Then I really don't know. Although my father had entered the Shenhai Empire, but in his words, he was just short of staff. Together with my grandpa, he helped send some goods into the Shenhai Empire warehouse. , Someone followed the whole process, so I couldn’t live without it. I came out after the delivery and I couldn’t look around. But..." Toro paused, and then said mysteriously, "My grandfather once said to my father , The reason why Shenhai Empire is Shenhai Empire is because there is a "God" in it!"
"There is a in the Shenhai Empire? What god?"
Chen Bing asked in surprise.
"Then I don't know. In fact, I think it's just my grandfather who didn't know where he heard from."
Toro took a sip, shrugged, and shook his head.
From Toro, Chen Bing only heard such a rumor related to the Shenhai Empire, but did not get any valuable information.
Early the next morning, the ship arrived at the Shenhai Empire.
Chen Bing got off the ship, taking advantage of the surrounding crew not paying attention, jumped directly into the sea, and then swam towards the west coast of the Shenhai Empire.
After getting out of the view of the Shenhai Empire port npc, Chen Bing called out the Dark Ruins Bird and ran west along the coast.
The Shenhai Empire is a huge island, and the entire empire is surrounded by tall stone walls.
However, there is still a way to sneak into the Shenhai Empire. Not to mention Chen Bing, even those pioneers who have been to the Shenhai Empire, many people have crossed the high walls and sneaked into the Shenhai Empire.
It is said that it is not difficult to hide in the wild, but the difficulty is that it is easy to be found in places where people are infested, and then arrested and deported.
Space shuttle!
To be cautious, Chen Bing first contacted Angela to scan it with a satellite and confirmed that there was no NPC patrolling behind the city wall. Only then did Chen Bing let the Dark Ruins Bird use the space shuttle skill to directly pass through the city wall.
"It's so desolate, just like the data displayed by satellite radar, no monsters can be seen!"
Chen Bing glanced around, wondering if it was the location. The island ground behind the city wall was very desolate, with only some weeds growing on the hard stone ground, but nothing else.
Confirming safety, Chen Bing did not stay, and ran directly to the town where the group of people were.
Along the way, Chen Bing was surprised to find that the monsters in the field of the Shenhai Empire are really pitiful. The efficiency of leveling here will be very low, and the level of the monsters is very low. The highest level Chen Bing has encountered so far is only 40. Class.
"That's it!"
When it was almost noon, Chen Bing looked at the building that appeared in front of him from a distance, and jumped from the back of the Dark Ruins Bird.
After collecting the Dark Ruins Bird, Chen Bing entered a stealth state and ran forward.
He didn't look for the mechanical fly, the mechanical fly was just attached to a person, and there was no point in finding the past.
Chen Bing went straight to the only npc location in the town.
Intuition told him that the only npc in this town might be hiding the secrets of the town.
"Someone is guarding, this is like a cell?"
But when he came near where the npc was, Chen Bing looked at the building where the npc was, and then he was shocked.
The building looks like a prison cell, and two people are guarding it outside the door of the building.
After thinking about it, Chen Bing took out an upgraded version of the mechanical fly, let it activate the camouflage protection, and quietly flew towards the building.
There are some tall iron windows on the side of the building, and mechanical flies can easily fly in.
The vision of mechanical flies appeared in front of Chen Bing's eyes. The interior of the building was indeed a cell with iron pillar gates, but at first glance, each cell was completely empty.
No, there is a person locked in the corner!
Chen Bing immediately let the mechanical flies fly over~EbookFREE.me~ The mechanical flies have not yet fully approached. Chen Bing stared at the gradually clear figure in his field of vision, his eyes widened, a little unbelievable.
"Snow, Shelley?"
But as the distance got closer, Chen Bing couldn't believe it or not.
In the room at the end of the cell, the person locked in it was Princess Shelley!
The radar showed that the only npc in the town was Shelley who had been missing for a while!
Shelley was still wearing the clothes she had lost when she disappeared, and her body was clean. It seemed that she had been locked up since she disappeared.
Who are these players, and how can Shelley have them in their hands?
Chen Bing was really unbelievable, but seeing Shelley here also made him relieved.
Save Shelley, and he will know what's going on!
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